Looking at the dark green spiritual fire in his palm, Lin Tian's worries eased a little.

The main body of the fire essence is definitely stronger than imagined.

It's not that easy to deal with it!

If there is no spiritual fire, a group of them may not be able to take down the fire essence if they fight together!

After all, it can be seen from the avatar that the fire spirit is immortal, cannot be killed, cannot be subdued!

Fortunately, there is a spiritual fire!

Moreover, the power of the spiritual fire in front of him has greatly increased, and Lin Tian has a little confidence!

"Nine clones! Where is the main body of the fire essence?"

Wuma Yanran asked hastily.

Lin Tian frowned, and looked around, seeing the void, nine islands located on all sides, and intertwined tree roots and branches extending out.

It's too big here!

Does anyone know where the fire essence itself is?

"When the last clone is collected, I think I should know where the main body is!"

Lin Tian rubbed his chin, then shook his head.

Then he started to do it.

The last Void Fruit is here, and I'm already familiar with it!

Therefore, it is not too difficult for Lin Tian to refine it.

Less than ten minutes.

He successfully refined the Void Fruit to the size of a palm, and successfully stored it in the Qiankun Bracelet.

And from the void fruit, another fiery red bead jumped out.

It's just that before the bead had time to escape, it was already swallowed by the spiritual fire in Lin Tian's hand!


At the moment when the bead was swallowed, strange cries suddenly came from all around.

Immediately afterwards, the nine islands in this area made loud rumbling noises.

Shortly after.

Lin Tian and others saw that from the nine islands, a fiery red light, as big as a red sun, flew towards the center of the nine islands.

Nine flames quickly gathered together, and then slowly merged.

But with the fusion, the fire that was originally the size of a washbasin gradually grew, and became the size of a mountain in a blink of an eye.

The flames surged throughout the body, turning into a huge fireball, wriggling and rolling over, sparks burst and made a loud crackling noise.

On this mountain fireball, the breath keeps rising, making people palpitate.

Even such an existence as Wuma Tieyu couldn't help being frightened at this moment.

"Father, this...is this the main body of the fire essence?"

Wuma Yanran's beautiful eyes widened and she exclaimed.

The Seventh Elder and the other elders also became excited at this time.

Wuma Tieyu took a deep breath, nodded and said: "This is probably the fire spirit itself! It's just...it's very powerful! Can it be subdued?"

The eyes of the crowd could not help but fall on Lin Tian.

Lin Tian's expression has long since become dignified.

Sensing everyone's gaze, he could only smile wryly: "I'm not sure if I can handle this big guy!"

He just finished speaking.

The still wriggling fireball suddenly turned into a giant fiery eye, suspended in mid-air.

Above the giant eyes, the flames soared into the sky, exuding monstrous anger.

Such an appearance is enough to make people shudder!

Not to mention the monstrous aura surging on it.

"This is the real monster!"

Lin Tian said with a sigh.

Wuma Tieyu and others couldn't help but backed up a few steps.

Now they understand that this is the real fire spirit itself!

The previous Huo Jing avatar, no matter in terms of habitat or body shape, is nothing like a big witch!

Especially the huge eyes of Huo Jing's body are full of indifference and devouring posture, which makes people even more chilling.


Mo Xiaomo looked at the giant eye that appeared, and seemed a little unhappy, and let out a dragon roar at the giant eye.

And when she roared, the giant eyes really receded for a while, and the flames on her body were berserk, making a loud bang.

But soon Huo Jing's giant eyes widened, and flames spewed out from within, roaring towards Mo Xiaomo.

See here.

Mo Xiaomo was even more furious, the dragon flame in his mouth turned into a fire dragon, and blasted him out.


Two flames, one black and one red, collided fiercely in midair.

The flames shattered, scattered all around like soaring waves.

The two flames clashed, almost evenly matched!

But Lin Tian knows.

If Mo Xiaomo keeps entangled with this fire essence giant eye, he will suffer a loss sooner or later.

But at the same time.

Following Mo Xiaomo's attack, he could also see how powerful the Huo Jing's giant eyes were!

"Let's shoot together, let's try!"

Lin Tian said to Mo Xiaomo: "But be careful, if it really doesn't work, we will retreat!"

The fruit of the void in front of him was obtained.

If the fire spirit really can't deal with it, it can only retreat!

But if he can take down the main body of the fire essence, he still has to find Kongkong Muxin!

I promised Zuo Jingxiong before.

What's more, Kongkong Muxin itself is a god-level treasure, and it is also extremely important to Lin Tian!

If you can get it, great!


Lin Tian sacrificed the spiritual fire and Mo Xiaomo swept towards Huo Jing's giant eyes.

The dark green flame has now become the size of a brazier, and he is like holding the sun and the moon in his hands to hold the sky.

But soon.

The Yinmu Spirit Fire gradually became bigger, and there were green flames like raindrops lingering around.

On Lin Tian's body, there is even a layer of dark green flames permeating him, like armor, covering him, and even Mo Xiaomo is covered by the peripheral light.

Under the protection of Yinmu Linghuo, both Lin Tian and Mo Xiaomo felt that they had a certain degree of protection.

They have also seen the terrifying defense of the Wood Spirit Fire before.

It should be difficult to break through the defense of Yinmu Linghuo with the huge eyes of the fire essence in front of him!

Lin Tian is very confident about this, so now he also has enough confidence to fight against this fire essence giant eye!

However, with the burst of spiritual fire, he and Mo Xiaomo hadn't waited for him to come to him.

The huge eyes of the fire spirit suddenly rattled in horror.

Then he shrank suddenly, turning into a flash of fire, and was about to escape.

But Lin Tian had already taken precautions, the spiritual fire in his hand was faster, covering the surrounding area!

Around the Huo Jing's giant eyes, a fire net was woven by the spiritual fire in an instant.

What's more, this fire spirit's giant eyes seem to be extremely afraid of Yinmu Linghuo.

Sensing the breath of the spiritual fire, he was already trembling with fright.


Seeing that there was nowhere to escape, flames surged in the crimson eyes of Huo Jing's giant eyes, and with a loud bang, the eyes burst open.

Kacha Kacha...

this moment.

The nine islands in this area of ​​the dome world made a crisp sound of shattering.

Wuma Tieyu and others were originally on the ninth island.

They all lowered their heads and found that the ground was cracking every inch of the way, and the whole island seemed to be falling apart!

"what happened!"

Wei Wuyuan exclaimed loudly.

Wuma Tieyu's complexion changed drastically, and he shouted: "We all retreat to the roots of the tree! Stay away from the island!"

This sudden situation is so weird that I don't know what's going on.


After they retreated, the nine islands were blown up one after another, setting off smoke and rocks all over the sky, as well as countless vegetation, filling the void!

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