Lin Tian's consciousness can only cover a distance of more than two hundred meters at most.

But this level is enough!

His current spirit fire is not too strong, it is very unrealistic to refine the entire void fruit at once!

What's more.

According to Mo Xiaomo, as he refines it with his spiritual consciousness and spiritual fire, the void fruit will gradually become smaller.

So as the refinement continues, it will get faster and faster later!

But Lin Tian knew.

During this period, it is not so easy to deal with the Huo Jing avatar!

Even if there is no danger, it is very troublesome.

And at the moment when Lin Tian's consciousness covered the surface of the void fruit, there was a bang, and there was a fire that turned into a floating lake, which began to block Lin Tian's consciousness.

The recoil of the flame barrier is very powerful.

At this moment, Lin Tian could feel the extremely violent impact from his consciousness.

"It's the breath of the fire essence!"

Lin Tian was shocked.

At the same time, the spiritual fire in his hand has turned into strands of green light, covering a range of more than one hundred meters.

bang bang...

for a while.

On the surface of the void fruit part, there was a dense crackling sound, just like the roar of firecrackers.

Immediately afterwards, bursts of sparks soared into the sky, like fireworks blooming.


Inside the Void Fruit, a rather shrill and strange cry suddenly sounded.

"This is the voice of the fire spirit!"

Wuma Tieyu and others below couldn't help but exclaimed.

Sure enough, it's here!

Lin Tian was also surprised at this time.

But at this time he was relieved.

It should be Huo Jing who blocked his consciousness just now. ,

It's just that I don't know if it's the main body of Huojing or the clone.

But judging from the blocking power in front of him, it's probably just a clone.

Otherwise, this barrier cannot be broken so easily.

Breaking through the barrier of the fire essence, the consciousness and spirit fire rushed to the surface of the void fruit smoothly.

The majestic vitality and spiritual energy, under Lin Tian's spiritual consciousness and spiritual fire, turned into monstrous storms, rumbling explosions, like waves soaring into the sky, rolling up gusts of wind.

can be at the same time.

There are many bumps on the surface of the void fruit that look like mountain peaks, but at this moment, they collapsed and shattered, turning into powder.

The area covered by Lin Tian's consciousness and spiritual fire soon collapsed.

What makes Lin Tian even more miraculous is that the originally huge void fruit is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although it is slow, it is real.

It seems that it won't take long before it will become the size Lin Tian wants.

"It seems that what you said is not just speculation and rumors!"

Lin Tian couldn't help but said to Mo Xiaomo, looking quite excited.

Mo Xiaomo also cheered up, and said happily: "Most of the things in my memory should not be learned from nothing! Haha... We can take away the void fruits here!"

I have taken the heart of fruit before, and the effect of the heart of fruit is not much use.

But the mutated void fruit in front of him can still be taken. ,

At that time, did you directly step onto the ninth step?

Think here.

Mo Xiaomo couldn't help but look forward to it!

Now she hopes that Lin Tian will quickly refine the Void Fruit to make it smaller, so that she can swallow it directly.

The refinement in front of him is not a real refinement for his own, but to make the fruit of the void smaller.

Even in the process of refining, it will not devour too much void fruit energy.

And even if it can be swallowed, it is a tiny drop in the bucket.

But during this period. ,

The power of the fire spirit avatar is constantly rushing towards the spirit fire at this moment.

Lin Tian could clearly sense that the spiritual fire was gradually growing stronger again.

See here.

His eyes became brighter, and his heart was quite excited.

The growth of the spirit fire means that his strength has also improved!

As the time goes.

The void fruit keeps shrinking.

His consciousness can also cover more void fruits.

And the speed at which the void fruit shrinks is getting faster and faster!

Naturally, Lin Tian's refining speed is also faster!

Wuma Tieyu and others who were standing below watching were also quite excited. ,

The void fruit can be refined, and there is fire essence in the void fruit, which means that the fire essence is also being weakened.

"Father, it seems that we have a great chance to get the fire essence!"

Wuma Yanran clasped her hands tightly, looking very excited.

The Seventh Elder and the others also blushed with anticipation.

Shortly after.

The Void Fruit on the top of the head has already turned into the size of a washbasin.

And it keeps shrinking.

When it was only the size of a palm, a fiery red light burst out from the void fruit with a whoosh.

But as soon as the light appeared, it was swallowed by the spiritual fire in Lin Tian's hand.

"This is the Fire Essence clone~!"

Lin Tian turned his head and looked at Wuma Tieyu: "Its main body should be in this area! But I have to find out where it is! But there is one thing to note, the fire spirit clone that escaped just now is not this one! That is... this fire essence has at least two clones! Fortunately, there is a spiritual fire, which can restrain it to death!"

Lin Tian is also quite afraid of this fire spirit avatar.

If it weren't for the spiritual fire, he wouldn't dare to say that he could handle it.

Even if he is not afraid of the opponent, if he really wants to compete, he will not be able to waste it.

"What, at least two avatars? So what should we do now?"

Wuma Yanran was startled, and said anxiously.

The Seventh Elder and others also became tense again.

Wuma Tieyu was relatively calm, and said: "Little brother, why don't you refine the other void fruits here first? I think that the fire essence has other clones, and most likely it is in other void fruits!"

"I think so too!"

Lin Tian nodded, and then put the smaller void fruit that was spinning around in front of him into the Qiankun bracelet.

"Let's go, next one!"

Mo Xiaomo was so excited that he took Lin Tian directly to another island.

She is already looking forward to how far her realm can be raised after devouring a mutated void fruit.

However, there are huge tree roots connecting the islands here, and no one knows what dangers will lie above the void.

So Mo Xiaomo was also very cautious, flying directly against the roots of the tree.

Wuma Tieyu and the others quickly followed behind.

Between the islands, it doesn't look too far away.

But even if Mo Xiaomo was flying forward at lightning speed, it took a whole stick of incense to fly to the next island. Maybe that's the case with the so-called Wangshan running dead horse!

After setting foot on another island, everyone found that this island was bigger than the previous one.

This place has turned into a virgin forest, deep and lush, filled with white miasma and mist.

Above the head, there is still a void fruit floating.

Even looking up, you can see emerald green water droplets falling on the fruit of the void.

After checking around, there was no danger, Lin Tian and Mo Xiaomo shot up into the sky again, swept towards the void fruit, and continued refining.

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