"What do you want me to do?"

Lin Tian got up suddenly, his face was as gloomy as water, and his words were as cold as a thousand-year glacier.

Seeing this, Zhou Li and the other three looked at each other, not knowing how Fang Yuanshan, a low-level gangster, offended a martial arts master.

Moreover, depending on the situation, the offense was serious.

What the three of them didn't know was that at this moment in Lin Tian's heart, an extremely powerful obsession suddenly rose up.

All kinds of memories of being bullied at Yongjia Hotel, like a rushing spring, reappeared in Lin Tian's mind as clearly as it could not be contained.


Lin Tian slapped Fang Yuanshan's face with a clear and resounding slap.

"What do you think I want?"


"How did you treat me at Yongjia Hotel back then?"


"When you asked me to shine your shoes, didn't you think about what I would do?"


"When you pushed me downstairs, didn't you think what would happen to me?"


After beating Fang Yuanshan like a pig's head, Lin Tiancai stopped.

Lin Tian looked coldly at Fang Yuanshan who was lying limp on the ground, and said with a sneer, "Tell me, who ordered you? Otherwise, I have nearly a hundred ways to make your life worse than death!"

"I... Let me tell you! It was Lu Wei, who asked me to do this. He said that he robbed your woman and made your life worse than death. He is inferior to you in studies, appearance, and popularity with women. It’s out of resentment, that’s why he wants you to disappear!”

Fang Yuanshan was really scared. The cowardly boy he bullied in the past has become extremely ruthless now, his eyes are cold and murderous. He knows that if one of them is not good today, he may die on the street. Generally speaking everything.

Lu Wei? It turned out to be him!

The memory in my mind became clear, this person was Fu Shao who stole his first love from his predecessor, and he had bullied him a lot in the past.

For a woman, you actually want my life?

very good! There are still two days before school starts, and then I will slowly return the bullying I received in the past!

Lin Tian secretly became ruthless, and began to look forward to the day when school started.

Thinking secretly, the obsession in his heart finally disappeared slowly. Then, Lin Tian sat down again, looked at Shen Ji and said, "I need you to do two things for me!"

"Young Master Lin, please tell me that Shen will go through fire and water for anything!"

Being able to work for a martial arts master, at this time Shen Ji was excited, and quickly replied respectfully.

"First, help me deal with this person, I don't want to see him again!"

With that said, Lin Tian pointed to Fang Yuanshan beside him.

"Don't, don't... I've already told the mastermind behind the scenes... Don't kill me, I'm willing to do anything for you, Young Master Lin, don't kill me..."

Fang Yuanshan was terrified at this moment, and shouted loudly.

He knew what would happen if he fell into the hands of the head of the Changling Hall.

"So what? I just don't want to see you!"

Following Lin Tian's words, Shen Ji, who was anxious to make amends, ordered Dao Scar and others who were waiting outside to carry Fang Yuanshan out. As for how to deal with it in the end, only God knows!

"What about the second one!"

Lin Tian frowned, and after a little thought, he said, "Help me collect some medicinal materials that are more than 50 years old. No matter what the variety, as long as the age is enough, there are also jade, jade, and ancient artifacts. As long as there are enough years! Of course, I won’t let you go to waste, and I will give you benefits at that time! You can give these things to Xiaomeng at that time! You can use the 20 million in this card to help me collect things Bar!"

With that said, Lin Tian threw the card to Shen Ji.

"Where is it, these things don't cost a lot of money! Young Master Lin can't compare to spending money"

Shen Ji hastily declined.

"Take it if you tell me, I, Lin Beiliu, don't want to lose money to anyone!"

Lin Tian spoke coldly.

"Yes Yes!"

Shen Ji hurriedly laughed, and took the bank card. He knew that a grand master of the generation would not be short of money, and then said: "Young Master Lin, don't worry, these things will definitely be collected enough!"

"Okay! I have something to discuss with Mr. Zhou, you go out first!"

Lin Tian waved his hand and said to Shen Ji.

Shen Ji gave a respectful salute and hurried out.

"Master Lin, this incident is due to the old man's lack of control over his opponents, I am really ashamed!"

With an apology on Zhou Li's face, he spoke nervously, and at the same time took out a key in his hand and handed it to Lin Tian: "This is the key to the old man's villa on the middle island of Mission Hills Lake in Bincheng. From now on, the island villa will belong to the master. Now, it is a gift of apology! I hope the master will not despise it!"

Mission Hills Island Villa?

Lin Tian was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Zhou Li to be so generous. The last time it was a villa in a leisure park, today he directly gave away a villa worth close to 100 million yuan as a gift.

The Guanlanshan villa area is even more upscale than the Minghupan community. In the entire Guangnan Province, it is also a top-level villa area, the kind that is difficult to buy even if you have money.

Not only that, Mission Hills villas are divided into three grades: Mission Hills Road Villas, Mission Hills Lake Villas, and Mission Hills Peak Villas.

Now what Zhou Li sent was the Mission Hills Villa, or the villa on the island in the lake, which shows that this villa is very valuable.

However, this time Lin Tian was only slightly stunned, and then took the key with a smile.

He knew that if he hadn't accepted this gift, Zhou Li would definitely not be able to sleep well tonight.

Furthermore, since he appeared here, he decided to do Zhou Li a favor. Compared with this so-called Guanlan Mountain Villa, Lin Tian made a conscious move, and this gift was insignificant.

Seeing Lin Tian accepting the key, Zhou Li was overjoyed. It was definitely worth it to be able to make friends with a martial arts master and give him a villa.

Lin Tian's face was calm, he put away the key, and said: "Mr. Zhou sent such a valuable gift. If I don't do anything, it's a bit unreasonable. How about it, when you are free these two days, I will help you see Look at your symptoms!"

"Thank you Master!"

Zhou Li was pleasantly surprised. He knew that a martial arts master might really be able to remove the hidden dangers in him.

Immediately, Zhou Xiaomeng and Lin Tian were asked to exchange contact information, and finally, Zhou Xiaomeng was asked to take Lin Tian to the Zhongdao Villa in Mission Hills Lake.

Lin Tian looked at the time, and it was too late to go back to Minghupan Community, and if he came back early or late, he would be scolded by those two girls, so he decided to go to Mission Hills Lake first.

Zhou Xiaomeng's car was a Maserati, which was exquisite and luxurious. After Lin Tian sat in it, Zhou Xiaomeng galloped away to Guanlan Mountain.

Guanlan Mountain Community is located at the junction of urban and suburban areas. It is a large villa area with mountains, lakes and forests.

Soon, Zhou Xiaomeng drove to the edge of the vast and spectacular Mission Hills Lake.

Lin Tianxia got in the car and looked at the parking space on the island by the lake and the bridge across the lake extending to the middle of the lake. He couldn't help but marvel. Living in such an environment can only be enjoyed by the rich.

Standing by the lake, you can faintly see the island in the middle of the lake, and under the shade of green trees, you can faintly see the two-story villas.

To Lin Tian's surprise and joy, there was a trace of spiritual energy floating on the lake, and the breeze blowing made him feel comfortable all over for a moment.

"This used to be Grandpa's exclusive residence!"

Seemingly noticing the astonishment on Lin Tian's face, Zhou Xiaomeng explained coldly, with no expression on his face, and wondered if he was worried about giving away this villa for his grandfather.

Good place!

Lin Tian sighed, and walked towards the small bridge connecting the island in the lake.

"Lin Tian?"

Before taking a few steps, a gentle voice came, a bit uncertain.

Lin Tian turned his head and saw two middle-aged men and women standing not far away, looking towards him.

"you are?"

Looking suspiciously at the plump, charming and beautiful woman in front of him, Lin Tian found something vaguely familiar, but he couldn't remember it.

"Lin Tian, ​​is it really you?"

The woman cried out in surprise, and walked up quickly: "I'm Aunt Liu! Your mother's good friend, Liu Yingying! Remember?"

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