Many fishing ports on Changsheng Island are three-dimensional.

Because the coasts of many islands are very high, in order to increase efficiency, a large fishing machine is built on the top layer, and a small fishing machine can also be built below.

This requires the construction of the pothole below!

Jiang Xindie's parents, Jiang Honghou and Ye Ting, are working under the pothole in front of them!

They exist like this.

It is said to be a coolie, but in fact it is no different from a slave!


They can have enough food to eat, and they will not be threatened with life, beaten or scolded. The main thing is to work honestly and follow the arrangements to save their lives.

For most of the coolies here, having enough to eat, a place to live, and no threat to their lives is their greatest comfort!

As for leaving here?

Forget it!

There are many, many coolies on Changsheng Island, and over the years, many people have also wanted to escape.

But the end result is very miserable, either being caught back, or being shot dead on the spot, the most desperate thing is that he obviously escaped, but died at sea in the end!

Not to mention ordinary people.

Even a powerful martial arts master cannot cross the vast ocean!

Not to mention ordinary people like Jiang Honghou and Ye Ting!

Lin Tian probed the two with his spiritual sense, and he could see a little bit of Jiang Xindie's appearance from their faces.

It is definitely Jiang Xindie's parents!

Their age is also less than fifty years old at most, but at first glance, they look like they are in their sixties.

This is how much pain and fatigue they have to bear to make them age so much!

"I'll go find them myself!"

Lin Tian looked at Chu Liangxin and motioned.

If Chu Liangxin also goes there.

I'm afraid it's not right.

The relationship between uncle and aunt itself is fake.

If Chu Liangxin knew, she might be really sad!

Even psychologically very lost!

Chu Liangxin nodded: "Okay!"

The man in charge knew that the people who could follow Chu Liangxin were not ordinary people.

Therefore, he didn't dare to ask, and invited Lin Tian to the entrance, and he fought aside.

The pothole is very deep, more than 20 meters long, which is equivalent to the depth of a six or seven-story building.

Go down the winding stairs.

Because the coastal wall here has large holes for ventilation and lighting, it is very bright.

Not to mention that there are lights below.

There are at least twenty or thirty coolies in this pit.

Only Jiang Honghou and Ye Ting are cooperating with each other.

And when they are together, they can take care of each other and will not be bullied by others.

The arrival of Lin Tian caused many people who were working to stop their hands, and cast suspicious glances at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian who came was very strange to them, and they had never seen it before.

The new steward?

Some people have doubts.

But no matter who.

It's none of their business.

Of course, if there is a chance to be jumped to work in a place with a better environment, they are naturally eager.

Unfortunately, this is likely to be negligible.

So many people immediately immersed themselves in their work.

The work here is also divided into work points, because there are monitoring on the four sides, and statistics are carried out every day.

If the score is better, the more you do, and the number of items you move exceeds the standard, there will be a big reward.

At least life doesn't have to be too hard!

"Jiang Honghou, Ye Ting?"

Lin Tian looked at the husband and wife who were buried in their work again, and asked softly.

The two of them were shocked, and they turned around in astonishment.

"This young are looking for us? Is...what's the matter?"

Jiang Honghou pulled Ye Ting behind him, wiped his hands on his body at the same time, and said nervously: "We...we all work hard, don't transfer us away!"

I'm used to it here.

They didn't want to leave to do coolies elsewhere.

The main reason is that the place to go is more difficult!

in particular.

His wife is here.

At that time, maybe the two will be separated.

If they separate, what will happen to his wife Ye Ting?

He has heard of it.

There are quite a few potholes here, many of them are men, and there is also a single woman.

What happened in the end?

The steward of the port doesn't care whether you live or die!

There is still his care here, especially the men in the pit, who are relatively honest and have no thoughts about that, otherwise he may not be able to protect his wife.

Lin Tian said: "It's not that I want to be transferred, you come up with me for a while, I have something to talk to you!"

After he finished speaking, he turned and walked up.

There was a step above the stairs, and he didn't want the other coolies here to hear it.

The two followed and stood on the steps at the corner of the stairs.

"What do you want us to do?"

Jiang Honghou's face was disturbed.

"After what I said, it's good for you to be careful, don't get excited, and don't make a sound!"

Lin Tian looked solemn: "My name is Lin Tian, ​​Xindie's friend! I came here when I found out about your whereabouts, and I'm ready to pick you up! You are my uncle and aunt. Uncle Jiang, you and my father are in charge Brother... wait until the meeting, if someone asks, you just say so!"

The husband, wife and daughter were stunned on the spot.

The next instant.

The eyes of the two elders widened, their faces full of disbelief.

There was excitement and surprise in his eyes.

" are really Xindie's good friend? Where is she now, how is she doing? Child, how did you come here? It's too dangerous here..."

Both Jiang Honghou and Ye Ting said anxiously.

"Don't worry about the rest! Just make sure you know my father!"

Lin Tian shook his head: "Come up with me and find a room for you to stay in. I will take you away in a few days and return to Nanshan City!"


The husband and wife still couldn't believe it, and their voices trembled.

"Let's go!"

Lin Tian turned and walked up.

Out of the pothole.

The two blocked the light of the words with their hands, they gradually got used to the outside, and then noticed the man in charge, his face was in charge.

"Master in charge..."

This man has supreme authority here, their lives and deaths are in the hands of this man.

"I'll take the two of you away!"

Lin Tian looked indifferent.

Not knowing Lin Tian's identity, the man in charge looked at Chu Liangxin: "Miss Chu..."

"According to what I said just now, quickly find two people to replace you!"

Chu Liangxin replied coldly.

Then she didn't say anything, and walked away. Lin Tian winked at Jiang Honghou and Ye Ting, and left in a hurry.

Return to the main island of longevity.

Chu Liangxin ordered someone to find a room for the two of them to settle down.

This is finally a matter of Lin Tian's heart.

"Thank you!"

Lin Tian said to Chu Liangxin: "Your father, I will solve it!"

"Hee hee! Your business is my business, no thanks!"

Chu Liangxin was very happy, and she felt very satisfied that she could help Lin Tian.

But thinking of her father, her face darkened.

"I'll take you to meet someone!"

Lin Tian got up and took her out of the house.


The two came to the guest room on the other side of the island.

Now Chu Hao, Zhang Ying and the others are quietly cultivating in their residences.

Lin Tian also made sure that they didn't notice them, so the two came out together.

After knocking on the door, the door opened, and Xie Qingyang came out from inside: "Young Master Lin, you are here!"

" are the senior medicine demon Xie Qingyang?"

Chu Liangxin's beautiful eyes widened, and she exclaimed loudly.

There was a burst of light in her eyes, and she saw hope for a while.

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