Urban Medical Martial Immortal Zun

Chapter 3347 The Second Line

Lin Tian stood still, wiped the sweat that was not there at all on his forehead, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The lines on the two foundation-building platforms in the dantian are shining with light, which is more than several times brighter than before.

It's just that the light on the lines is still bright and sometimes dark, very unstable.

It means that the absorbed energy is still not enough!

"The three mirror images on the third floor should be enough for the Taoist platform to change?"

Seeing the upward spiral staircase appearing in the second floor space, Lin Tian whispered to himself, and stepped up.

And at the same time.

Outside Tianyuan Pagoda, everyone in the square suddenly fell into silence.

Many people stared wide-eyed.


The two mirror images just now were clearly chasing Lin Tian fiercely, seeing that Lin Tian was about to lose, every time he was in jeopardy.

But in front of you.

The two mirror images suddenly fell apart.

No one can see whether it was defeated by Lin Tian or disintegrated by itself, it's too weird!

It's not very scientific to say that he was defeated by Lin Tian!

It is obviously being beaten by the mirror image, okay?

But the result.

The mirror is gone.

Lin Tian walked towards the stairs on the third floor.

"Pat, what's going on here?"

"Why are the two mirror images gone? During the whole process, there was no real attack by this guy at all, right?"

"Is this all over?"

"What's going on, what's going on?"

"Is this guy a dog food luck?"

"It's definitely dog ​​food luck! I passed by by luck..."


Many people were in an uproar, and all kinds of doubts continued.

Even the three old Yan who were sitting in Tianyuan Pagoda showed astonishment in their eyes.

They also couldn't see what was going on.

After all, Lin Tian was pressed and beaten by mirror images one after another, and the result was completely beyond their expectations.

Meng Yun and the others were also in the dark, looking at each other with doubts on their faces.

But Duman didn't think too much, and excitedly said to Bao Deyun, "You lost! Don't go back on what you said just now, okay?"

Bao Deyun's face was extremely ugly, and his brows were deeply frowned.

He is the most confused.

It is obvious that Lin Tian is about to lose, so he must not be familiar with it.

can now.

The result is completely different!

Actually entered the third floor?

Bao Deyun exhaled, and said with a dark face: "Of course I won't break my promise!"

He is extremely distressed to spend one-third of the two months' resources!

but now.

He was even more puzzled, how did Lin Tian get into the third floor!

Therefore, when Lin Tian appeared on the Tianyuan curtain on the third floor, Bao Deyun's eyes were almost staring at him.

He wanted to see how Lin Tian would cope this time!

"Sister Yun, no matter what, student Lin Tian has entered the third floor! No matter whether he can pass the third floor, this is already very powerful!"

Duman turned his head, looked at Meng Yun and the others frowning, and couldn't help but smile.

"That's not bad!"

Meng Yun stared blankly, then nodded slightly.

Originally, I thought that Lin Tian was just here to give it a try, and it didn't matter how far he could go.

But it was unexpected to be able to enter the third floor now!

At the top of Tianyuan Tower.

In the small pavilion on the roof, there was an old man with mottled white hair sitting cross-legged in a small place.

After Lin Tian entered the third floor.

He opened his eyes.

"What's the matter with this little guy inside? His attack, for the mirror image, should be tickling, how did it pass?"

The old man's spiritual consciousness shrouded the light curtain belonging to Lin Tian on the Tianyuan Pagoda, muttering softly, his face full of puzzlement.

At this time, Lin Tian entered the third floor, and he began to pay more serious attention.

After all, this is the first time he has seen it!

the third floor.

The three mirror images appeared, and they immediately culled and killed Lin Tian.

And Lin Tian is naturally repeating the old trick.

Of course, this time he didn't fall too obviously at a disadvantage, but gradually got used to it as he shot.

Facing the attack of the three mirror images, although he was still dodging, he began to become more comfortable.

The people outside looked even more puzzled.

"Could it be that this guy has gradually adapted to the attack of the mirror image?"

Many people can't help but look at each other, guessing in their hearts.

Elder Yan and the others were also puzzled, and had similar thoughts.

"Sister Yun, this guy won't be hiding his secrets, right? Maybe he can pass on the third floor!"

Duman widened his eyes and said excitedly.

But before Meng Yun could speak,

Bao Deyun on the side sneered, "How long can he last with this way of dodging?"

"But I have a doubt..."

Speaking of this, Bao Deyun respectfully clasped his fists at the old Yan next to him, and said: "Old Yan, will the energy of the mirror image in the Tianyuan Pagoda be exhausted? I have never tried this before, and no one Want to drag down the mirror in the past!"

Old Yan frowned, thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "There is no exhaustion! This old man can guarantee that even if I go in, the mirror image will not be completely destroyed. If the mirror image is consumed, it will be ten and a half days. Yue, the mirror image will not disappear, and it will be the old man who will die of exhaustion! Because the energy support of the Tianyuan Tower comes from the supernatural power Tianyuan, and the energy is endless!"

hear this.

The people around who heard it all frowned and were even more puzzled.

Since the energy is endless, there is no possibility of the mirror image being exhausted!

But how did this guy beat the mirror image?

This confuses many people even more.

And at this time.

Inside the third floor. ,

Lin Tian is getting more and more comfortable.

No one knew how excited he was at this moment.

Because with the emergence of more majestic energy on the three mirrors,

The two foundation building platforms in the dantian also shone brighter.

Especially those two lines on the Dao platform are already shining brightly.



A mirror shattered and dissolved.

On the two foundation-building platforms in the body, the three-life pattern and the Yin-Yang pattern suddenly burst into light.

Then it became completely clear.

After a few breaths.

The two lines suddenly converge.

It slowly circulated on the platform.

The cultivation base has not changed.

But this moment.

Lin Tian vaguely felt that his cultivation had become more concentrated, and his strength had been faintly improved.

But before Lin Tian thought too much.

The foundation building platform has changed again.

After the two lines at the bottom of the platform are stable.

Further up, the same pattern appeared vaguely.

The Three Lives Dao Platform and the Yin Yang Dao Platform all have a second pattern!

It's just that the lines are very blurry, only a trace of light lingers around, showing a rough outline!

"A texture again? Could it be that all the textures on this platform will appear to change? How many do you need?"

Lin Tian frowned, thinking in his heart.

But his hands are more non-stop.

While dodging, his fists continued to attack the mirror image.

This time he didn't just attack lightly.

Instead, he began to increase his strength.

Of course, he didn't shatter the mirror image with a punch, but at least acted like he was starting to fight back.

Otherwise, it would be too fake to continue like the second floor!

soon. ,

As the majestic energy was continuously absorbed by the two Taoist platforms in the dantian, the remaining two mirror images also crumbled and disappeared!

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