Urban Medical Martial Immortal Zun

Chapter 2806 It's okay to give advice

I heard it was the Mohists.

Lin Youran showed an extremely nervous expression on his face.

Leaving aside, the old man of the Lin family often reminded her that in Yanjing, there are many hidden powerful families.

The Lin family is like ants in front of these families!

Mohism is one of them!

In front of such a behemoth, the Lin family simply couldn't see enough!

For the Mohists.

Lin Youran didn't quite understand.

But Lin Youran is very familiar with the industrial output value of the companies owned by the Mo family.

After all, she also became a veteran in Yanjing's commercial battlefield.

He has a deep understanding of all aspects of Mohist business.

Compared with the Mo family, the Lin family is not qualified to be compared in the slightest!

If the Mo family really wanted to suppress the Lin family's pharmaceutical company, they wouldn't have the slightest ability to resist!

Lin Youran took a deep breath, calmed down a little, and said to Wen Xiang, "Has the Mo family come forward?"

"That's not true! It was Guo Hua, the director of the Mojia Tianyao Group, who found me!"

Wen Xiang smiled wryly, and said: "The conditions proposed by Guo Hua did not require us to return to the industrial layout, but the conditions...may be a bit harsh! He said that he can provide us with the prescriptions we need, and then let us and Their Mo family competes fairly, but the profits they get must be three to seven points, three to us, and seven to them! At the same time, they retain the ownership of the pharmaceutical products! If they don’t agree, it’s not the Mo family’s fault!”

"You Ran, what should we do about this?"

After listening to this.

Lin Youran's face became extremely ugly.

The conditions proposed by Guo Hua must also be the meaning of the Mohists.

But it's too much!

This condition is equivalent to that Lin Heng Pharmaceutical will work for their Tianyao Group of the Mo family!

"If you refuse, what will happen!"

Lin Youran was silent for a while, then said to Wen Xiang.

At this moment, she wants to know what consequences she will bear if she is suppressed by the Mo family!

"Same as the previous conflict with the Lu family, overseas business channels may be blocked!"

Wen Xiang looked serious, and said: "As for the words of the Mohists, besides this, there may be more serious consequences! I'm afraid that it will be difficult for Lin Heng Pharmaceutical to maintain itself!"

Lin Youran fell silent at this moment.

If the Mo family is completely offended, the other party may really suppress it to death!

By the time.

Not only Lin Heng Pharmaceutical, but maybe the entire Lin family will have a dispute with the Mo family, then it will be troublesome!

Is it time to back down?

The market in the martial arts world can't even win, let alone others!

Lin Youran hesitated.

"The Mo family is so domineering? Just show them some color!"

Lin Tian frowned at this moment, and said to Wen Xiang.

"Lin Tian, ​​the Mo family is not simple! I know that your cultivation base is very powerful, but the background of the Mo family is beyond what you can imagine!"

Wen Xiang shook his head and said.

"Lin Tian, ​​sister-in-law will solve this matter!"

Lin Youran smiled slightly at Lin Tian, ​​and then said to Wen Xiang: "Leave this in advance, I will talk to Guo Hua in person at that time! Or talk to their chairman, Mo Jia! I will go to the scientific research department with Lin Tian first... ..."


Wen Xiang left, Lin Tian and Lin Youran continued to walk towards the scientific research department.

Lin Tian followed and asked at the same time, "Sister-in-law, how are you going to solve it?"

"This matter can't be solved by fighting and killing! Then Mo family, your grandfather said that we can't afford to mess with it!"

Lin Youran said helplessly, "This matter still has to be resolved through the competition in the market!"

Lin Tian nodded slightly, and didn't say much about it.


The research department is here.

There are many medicine refining and testing instruments here, and all kinds of equipment related to medicine are fully complete.

in this department.

Divided into office area and test area.

The experimental area is followed by a glass wall, and many young men and women in white coats can be seen gathered there. Most of them are top talents who graduated from various Chinese and Western medical institutions of higher learning.

Many people are busy operating various instruments.

From there, the fragrance of medicine can slowly diffuse out.

In the test area, there was a middle-aged man walking around, giving pointers and communicating with other people from time to time. Seeing the expressions of many people, he was both respectful and awe-inspiring.

"That's Li Song, the head of our scientific research department! Little medicine sage, the level is absolutely first-class, no worse than the few great doctors in China!"

Lin Youran pointed to the middle-aged man, and introduced to Lin Tian: "Let's go to the office area first, and wait for him to come! You can communicate with him more when you come here! If you can research any medicine prescription, we Linheng Pharmaceutical Competitiveness will go to a higher level!"

"no problem!"

Lin Tian smiled slightly, nodded and replied.

Lin Heng Pharmaceutical is also the property of the Lin family after all, if they can help, it will be just a piece of cake!

Not long into the office.

Then Li Song also followed.

"Boss Lin!"

Li Song came in, greeted Lin Youran, sat down opposite, then pointed to Lin Tian and said, "Your junior at home?"

"This is my nephew, Lin Tian! From now on, he will be the general counsel of our drug research department!"

Lin Youran pointed to Lin Tian beside him, and introduced to Li Song: "Lin Tian, ​​this is Minister Li Song and Li. He is the disciple of Mo Mengting, a senior medicine sage, so it goes without saying! You can learn a lot from him in the future. !"

"Hello! Minister Li, I will give you more advice in the future!"

Lin Tian smiled and nodded to Li Song, saying.

This is a family company, and my sister-in-law is also running it. Lin Tian didn't feel that his status was lowered, and he treated Li Song with a very polite attitude.

"There is no need for advice!"

The face of Li Song on the opposite side turned a little unhappy, he waved his hand to Lin Tian impatiently, and then said to Lin Youran: "Mr. Lin, please make it clear first! Tell me, your nephew will be the head of our scientific research department in the future." Consultant? You are not mistaken! If you let him come to learn a thing or two from me, Li, it will be fine! But the general counsel... this is a bit of a joke!"

these words.

Lin Tian didn't have too many surprises.

It would be strange if Li Song didn't have the slightest doubt about him!

Lin Youran's expression froze slightly, and he quickly explained: "Minister Li, although my nephew is still a student of the Chinese Medicine College, he is definitely not bad at the level of a medical student! He also cured a cousin of mine for many years. Strange disease! His knowledge of herbal medicine is not bad...so this matter is not a joke!"

heard the words.

Li Song nodded: "Since Mr. Lin accepts his fate, then I have no objection! However, Li can make all the decisions of the scientific research department, right?"

"Naturally, Lin Tian is only offering opinions and references as a consultant! He will come over when he is free in the future, and he can communicate more with the scientific research department!"

Lin Youran didn't know if he didn't see Li Song's displeasure, or if he spoke in a pleasant manner.

"There's no need for communication! Pointing is no problem!"

Li Song shook his head slightly and said coldly.

Lin Tian looked at Li Song's expression, and after listening to this, he understood what the other party meant, but he didn't care, and still had a faint smile on his face.

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