Urban Medical Martial Immortal Zun

Chapter 2740 Purchasing (third)

Seven chilled?

Icebergs everywhere?

Lin Tian was surprised.

Then he couldn't help but looked around, and found that there were many ice edges on the coast.

It seems to be formed by the condensation of sea water.

But nautical miles.

The water was still surging, and the waves were surging.


Accompanied by roads of ice.

far away.

You can see the vast snow fields and icy lake ice edges, and farther away are huge icebergs towering above the sea.

around here.

It's all ice and snow!

It's just that it just came out of the sea.

Because of his strong cultivation base, he didn't notice the cold around him for a while.

The seven frozen lands in front of me are at least below zero degrees.

Is this the sea to the north of the earth?

Lin Tian's consciousness spread around, but except for the snow-covered sky ridge stretching out, he didn't see the slightest human habitation.

And the so-called Seven Ice Town that the girl in front of her is talking about may be far away from here.

"Then where exactly are these seven ice towns located?"

Lin Tian scratched his head, asked the girl, pointed at the other several people at the same time, and said, "Why are you in such a mess?"

"You don't know? This is the Dongyang sea area! If you sail westward along the ridge, you can reach the inland! Oh, by the way, what is the name of Nanqi in the north, and the Tianyuan Sea Valley in the south? It seems that they are all sailing Forbidden land! As for us...the ship crashed into an iceberg and almost lost our lives!"

The girl glanced at Lin Tian in surprise, then explained again, and said, "My name is Ye Ying, and these are my assistants! There is also Mr. Zhang, who escorted us here! And you, what is your name, you are also shipwrecked gone?"

To the south is the Tianyuan Sea Valley!

After that, isn't it Gula?

Zhou Muying and Tao Yuantong were taken to the Gula Sea by a mysterious woman before!

Can you go inland along the ridge?

Just know where it is!

Lin Tian thought about it secretly, then looked at Ye Ying and said, "My name is Lin Tian! It's also... the ship was shipwrecked, and I survived by luck! How many icebergs are there in this sea area? I didn't notice them when I came here!"

Regarding this Ye Ying, what Lin Tian said could only be half true and half false.

He can't tell the other party that he escaped from an extraterritorial space, right?

Except for the old man Zhang Lao, they were all ordinary people.

It's useless to say it!

"In the sea area here, except for some tall icebergs, the others are almost all in the sea, which is not easy to find, so it is easy to sink a ship! We all just encountered it!"

Ye Ying looked at Lin Tian again, and said with a smile: "Seeing that you are alone, and you are not familiar with this place, why not go with us? When you arrive at Qibing Town, I can help you find out the boat you left! I almost forgot ,Where are you from?"


She straightened her clothes.

He checked the briefcase with him again, and he was relieved that everything was there.

Then she greeted Lin Tian and led a few people towards the road above the sky ridge on the coast.

Someone walks with you.

Lin Tian didn't refuse either.

Nodding his head, he followed Ye Ying, Zhang Lao and others to the top of Chaotian Ridge.

At the same time, he said while walking: "I am also from the inland! I want to return to Lost Boat City!"

Originally, Lin Tian wanted to step on the sword and return to the inland directly.

But he decided to go to Qibing Town to see, and at the same time see how far away Tianyuan Haigu is from here.

Take a look along the way, if you have a chance in the future, you can go to Gula!

As for the Nanzhao Palace and other sects on the Nanzhao side, he thought of going there.

But tossing back and forth, I felt that even Nanzhao Palace couldn't get anything too good, so I gave up for the time being.

There will be plenty of opportunities in the future!

Ye Ying, who was walking in front, stopped suddenly.

She looked back in astonishment, and said in surprise: "You are also from Lost Boat City? What a coincidence! Okay! Lin Tian, ​​you can go back with us! Otherwise, how can you be alone in this vast sea?" Looking for a boat to go back? Besides, it’s not safe to be alone! Don’t come here again, accidents are easy to happen!”

I don't know if it's because Lin Tian is from Lost Boat City, and Ye Ying became more enthusiastic because he felt like meeting fellow villagers outside.

And her concern is very natural!

Just like caring for a long-lost friend!

Lin Tian could feel it.

Immediately he smiled and said, "Then let's go together! Thank you!"

Tomorrow is the National Day holiday.

Anyway, it takes seven days to accept the leave, so it's not bad for a day or two of delay.

What's more, military training will only be carried out after taking leave, which has always been a tradition stipulated by the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Compared with the seven-day university, the military training basically takes place one month after the National Day.

On the side of the Lost Boat City Moyunling special team, he has also adopted a set of tactics, which is enough for Li You and others to improve their strength a lot, and can also compete with Gu Wanyin!

Think about it.

Lin Tian was not in a hurry anymore, and continued to Ye Ying with a smile: "Look at you, are you here on a business trip?"

"Miss Ye is the president of our Lost Boat Activision Group, and she came with us in person for a huge production to come down!"

Next to him, one of Ye Ying's assistants smiled and said to Lin Tian: "Seeing that you are not very old, are you going to university in Mizhou? Going to sea at this time, is the National Day holiday early? You should have heard of Activision Group!"

This guy.

What I didn't say, can help me round it up!

Lin Tian curled his lips secretly, but still nodded and said: "Activision Group, I have heard it many times in Lost Boat City! I have also watched many movies and TV series produced by you..."

"Then you must have watched Fengyun in Haicheng! This is one of the most classic TV series of our company..."

The assistant's eyes lit up and said to Lin Tian.

"Uh uh...just saw it!"

Lin Tian blinked and nodded.

Saw a ghost!

But you can only follow the other party's words.

on the side.

Ye Ying glanced at Lin Tian, ​​and instead of asking any further questions, she said, "We're here to purchase some giant ice sculptures for the location of the shooting!"

"Go this way... go west for more than ten kilometers and you will arrive at Qibing Town!"

At this time, walking on the Tianji, Ye Ying pointed to the west.

"Ice sculptures can also be made inland, so why not come all the way!"

Lin Tian was a little puzzled and couldn't help but say.

Ye Ying smiled slightly and explained to Lin Tian: "Other places can also be purchased! It's just that Qibing Town is different! The ice sculpture craft and ice and snow production here have undergone special treatment! The ice sculptures here are transported back, even if they are placed in the In summer, it can keep for half a month without melting! And if the time and temperature are not in summer, it can be stored for a whole year! So buy it from here, as long as it can be stored well in summer, you can use it One or two years!"

"That's why I came all the way here to buy ice sculptures! But I almost lost my life!"

Is it so mysterious!

What kind of ice sculptures can still be preserved for half a month in the hot weather!

But it's amazing!

Lin Tian couldn't help being surprised.

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