Urban Medical Martial Immortal Zun

Chapter 2556 Retire or Disable (Second)

The rockery of thousands of catties was lifted up by Lin Tian with one hand.

Molong and the others were dumbfounded by the terrifying and shocking situation.

Huang Ma, Pan Hui and the others froze there in a daze, their minds roaring, their faces messy and confused.

All they had left was the sound of swallowing saliva.

Mo Long exclaimed and fell silent for a moment, as if he didn't know how to organize his words.

On the contrary, Zhou Xiaoyun recovered from the shock. She hurried forward and shouted to Lin Tian: "My child, put it down! You are born with supernatural power, but you are still growing, so you can't overdo it! Put it down first!" "

Seeing Zhou Xiaoyun's excited and worried expression, Lin Tian's heart warmed inexplicably, and he put down the rockery with a smile.

"Thank you Aunt Mo, I'm fine! I'm used to it!"

Lin Tian clapped his hands and said with a light smile.

But Zhou Xiaoyun still pulled Lin Tian to sit down and poured him a cup of tea.

Mo Long and the others nearby finally came to their senses.

"Boy, your strength..."

Mo Long sat down again, staring fixedly at Lin Tian, ​​his face full of horror: "Have you ever practiced martial arts? With your strength, it would be a waste if you don't practice!"

Practicing martial arts?

What I cultivate is the way of comprehension!

Lin Tian was taken aback for a moment, thought to himself, then smiled and said: "I don't have the talent to practice martial arts!"

"It's a pity! But with your strength, why don't you worry about being a dancer?"

With a tinge of fiery eyes in Mo Long's eyes, he praised Lin Tian: "After a while, I'll go there with Uncle Mo and go to Xijiang Town! When the time comes, talk to the dancers directly!"

Lin Tian's eyes lit up, he cupped his fists and said, "Thank you, Uncle Mo!"

It would be best if you can get in touch with dancers here.

At that time, you can go directly to Wuyi Island.

"You are welcome! You may need more help from Huang Ma and Pan Hui in the future! They are the hope of our Beilang Village!"

Mo Long gave a wry smile, shook his head, pointed to Huang Ma and the others who were stunned beside him and said, "No wonder the little brother sneaked here with full confidence, it turned out that he was really hiding something!"

Huang Ma, Pan Hui and the others also came to their senses at this time.

They came forward with a look of embarrassment in addition to shock on their faces.

Especially jute, the imposing and burly man, his hands and feet are twitching at this moment.

He scratched his head, hesitated for a while, and then said a little embarrassedly: "Little brother Linbei... no... it's Boss Lin, and you will be our boss from now on! Before, I was the arrogant Huang Ma Yelang, who had eyes but didn't know Taishan. Before you It's a joke..."

The others could only laugh dryly.

It's so embarrassing to say!

"As I said just now, my specialty is strength!"

Lin Tian said with a smile.

Huang Ma and several people looked at each other. ,

Finally, he continued: "Then we are going to hang out with Boss Lin from now on?"

"Yes, yes, yes...Boss Lin, you will be our boss from now on!"

"With your strength, even a Xuan-level martial artist may not be your match!"

"It's amazing! Boss Lin, remember to take care of us in the future!"


At this time, Pan Hui and others spoke one after another, and they were the bosses to Lin Tian.

Lin Tian could only talk about his hands, but smiled bitterly.

When Mo Long saw this, he immediately said to Lin Tian: "Brother Lin, I really need you to take care of them in the future! Don't look at you, you are very strong, and when you go to the dancer salvage company, it will be delicious! The old man I don’t have any skills in my life, but I happen to know Gao Huai’an, the foreman of the Xijiang salvage point of the Dancer Salvage Company, so it shouldn’t be a problem to accept you two!”


Lin Tian didn't bother to explain much at this time, so he spit out a word and agreed.

Huang Ma and the others were all gearing up, their faces full of anticipation.

"Now let's go!"

Mo Long took a few mouthfuls of the cigarette pouch in his hand, and stood up excitedly with his old face.

"Old man, be careful! Chen Tao from Rong Village and Wang Li from Qixing Village are lawless and capable of anything!"

Zhou Xiaoyun's expression was serious and worried, and he told Mo Long, "Hurry up and do it, don't let them know the situation and make you hungry!"

"Those bastards, how dare they! I don't believe that old fellow Pang Hua really let them do whatever they want!"

Mo Long's old face darkened, and he said in a cold voice: "You can rest assured at home, we hurry to Liuyun Mountain, Xijiang Town, to salvage something!"

Afterwards, Mo Long left with Huang Ma and others.

Lin Tian followed behind.

this time.

The jute was directly carrying the things covered with black cloth that Pan Hui and Pan Sheng had brought back with Mo Long by himself.

over there.

Should be a new part for repairing the fishing machine.

Lin Tian had seen the fishing machine before when he was on Burst Island, so he wasn't very interested.

Take advantage of the night.

A group of people secretly came to Xijiang Port.

There are already several people waiting there.

They have almost disassembled the fishing machine, but the main engine of the fishing machine is an empty shell, and the parts inside are scattered all over the place.

Seeing Mo Long approaching, several people hurried up to say hello.

"It's no problem to buy a new movement! Uncle Mo, it means that the dancer's company has signed a cooperation contract, and they let Rong Village and Qixing Village fight! As for Meishan Village, they can't be controlled!"

The middle-aged man who was in charge of repairing the fishing machine complained a few words to Mo Long.

Then a group of people started to install the new movement, and everyone started to move the dismantled fishing machine to the waiting car.

Beside them, there were tractors and pickup trucks, but in the end the few people actually moved into a bullock cart!

The sea ridge can be said to be deep into the sea world, far away from the bustling world of the modern city.

But the sea transportation here is well developed, and it is not difficult to transport many modern tools.

Lin Tian was not surprised to see cars and the like here.

But a few people put the dismantled fishing machine on the bullock cart, and he couldn't help but wondered: "If you don't use a good truck, why do you use the bullock cart?"

"Little brother, it's very strange, not from our place? To tell you the truth, is this to avoid discovery by other villages? Our Xijiang Port is a cooperation between several villages, but this fishing machine belongs to our Beilang Village. We want to cooperate with the dancer's company, and they will stop it! So... Lian Ye quietly passed by, signed the contract, and then played!"

The man in charge of machine maintenance said with a smile: "Motor vehicles are too noisy, the bullock carts can hide them!"

Hearing this, Lin Tian could only smile speechlessly.

But for a while.

After everything was loaded and unloaded, Lin Tian followed Mo Long and others along the rugged road, listening to the soft creaking sound of the bullock cart, and walked towards the east of the ridge in the sea area.

After walking for several miles, Mo Long and the others breathed a sigh of relief as they didn't see anyone else.

But not far away, at the fork in the road ahead, more than a dozen figures appeared.

"Uncle Mo, what are you going to do at night? It's not good to sneak away the fishing machine!"

As they walked in, there were more than a dozen young men with strong aura standing there. They were all martial arts practitioners, and they had basically reached the cultivation level of Huang-level warriors.

"Chen Tao, Wang Li!"

Mo Long glanced over the group of people, finally saw the two people in front clearly, and shouted: "What are you doing? This fishing machine originally belonged to our Beilang Village! Now you want to block Uncle Mo's way?"

In the Western Xinjiang Peninsula, Mo Long could see that he had some prestige.

After his words fell, many young people on the opposite side took a few steps back in fright. ,

The two leaders, Chen Tao and Wang Li, shook their heads.

That Chen Tao looked a little thin, a little pale, with an overindulgent appearance, but his body was very strong. He sneered at Mo Long, "Uncle Mo, let's have a good talk! We don't want to make trouble right now. Why don't you all go back? The road here is feasible!"

Mo Long's eyes turned cold, and he said coldly, "Chen Tao, are you scaring Uncle Mo?"

"Ha ha……"

The burly Wang Li who was standing next to him laughed out loud, with a cruel sternness on his lips: "Uncle Mo, so... you, either retire or become disabled!"

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