After Shi Xiaobei was settled, Lin Tian left.

If this girl is not allowed to go back with Tao Anjie, with her temperament, she will definitely be restless.

Lin Tian didn't have the time and energy to pay attention to the dragon-tiger fight on the other side of the Tiangushan arena.

The allocation of resources, including Fire Island, is still in accordance with the previous meaning.

His words have already been released, presumably Quan Jia, Man Potian and others should not dare to disobey them.

Out of the burst island.

It was already dark.

On the east side of the island, there is a huge port.

Many fishing boats, pleasure boats, ships, etc. docked or went to sea in an orderly manner.

However, Lin Tian didn't intend to take a boat, so he directly swept eastward in the dark night with his feet on the void.

The sea at night.

Huge waves billowed and surged into the sky.

Lin Tian headed east, and from time to time, he could see sea ships with dazzling lights and shining lights, moving forward in the sea.


Compared to the vast sea, those sea ships are like fireflies, small and helpless.

Lin Tian was like a black shadow, speeding past the sea.

With a map in hand, it was easy for him to find the direction.

This time, go directly to the dancer in Wuwang City and let the dancer lead the way to Wuyi Island.

The dancer has now surrendered to Shen Tulong, seeing the order of Tianhe, he dare not lead the way!

If so.

It also saved Lin Tian to solve it by hand.

In short, many troubles were avoided.

But within an hour of flying out.

Lin Tian was shocked by the scene in front of him.

in sight.

There is a huge mountain range, stretching towards the east in the vast sea, with no end in sight.


It is a mountain range in the sea!

Like a lonely long bridge, it is located in the sea, but the sea water on both sides merges unimpeded!

"How can there be such a mountain in the sea?"

Lin Tian stopped in mid-air, with shock on his face, and sighed in his heart.

At the same time he took out the map.

Found the mountain range.

The map is nothing but a crooked black line.

There are four words marked next to the black line - Sea Ridge!

"It should be a mountain range in the sea, but it is completely isolated from the land!"

Lin Tian put away the map and couldn't help being amazed.

The ridge in front of me was so long that there was no end in sight, and the width was only about one kilometer narrow, and only ten or twenty kilometers wide!

Most places are still only a few kilometers away, looking like a long and vigorous dragon.

The ridges are not high, and the highest one is no more than 1,000 meters. The others are basically hills and peaks ranging from tens of meters to hundreds of meters.

What surprised Lin Tian the most was that most of the seawater below the ridge has a ridge sea cave several kilometers long.

That is.

At the bottom of the ridge, just like a bridge, there is a bridge hole.

The sea water of the vast sea merged smoothly from below.

The blocking of the ridge did not make the sea water suffer too much resistance.

under the ridge.

Every few kilometers, there will be a huge mountain stone pillar similar to a bridge pier.

Those pillars, each one like Optimus Prime, can occupy at least a football field.

They soared into the sky from the bottom of the endless seabed, supporting the stretching ridges.

With a huge spiritual sense, Lin Tian could easily detect the situation below the ridge in front of him clearly.

"The power of heaven and earth is really uncanny!"

Lin Tianling stepped on the ground, looking at the endless ridge, he couldn't help sighing.

It was night now.

on the ridge.

You can faintly see the lights of the stars.

There are even large neon lights not far away.

There are ports, and there are towns!

On this ridge, in addition to many fishing villages scattered all over, there are one or two towns far and near, besides that are the large and small ports with brightly lit hospitals!

in front of you.

The foot of Lin Tian is the end of this side of the ridge, and there is a certain distance from the range of Burst Island, but it is not too far.

There is a small port here, surrounded by three or four small fishing villages, lit with lights, which are particularly conspicuous in the dark night of the vast sea.

After hesitating for a while, Lin Tian finally stepped from mid-air to the ground. ,

He got down not far from the port, and then he was about to go.

Driven by curiosity, he decided to walk along the ridge and take a look at the ridge.

What's more, on the map, it is marked that this mountain ridge is connected to the boundary of Wuwang City.

The dancer he was going to was there.

But not far away, Lin Tian found a small boat docked from the dark coast on the other side of the ridge port.

There are no lights on this boat, and there are a few figures on it, looking furtive.

Lin Tian stopped in the dark on the side of the road and looked around in doubt.

Under the investigation of spiritual consciousness.

He saw three people coming down from the bed.

The leader was an old man with a cigarette bag in his hand, about the age of fifty.

He is not very old, but he has white hair, a stooped body, and wrinkles all over his face, like dry bark bulges, with sharp edges and corners.

"Hurry up... don't let the bastards in Qixing Village and Rongcun know! This time, the fishing machine must be repaired and transported safely! Those guys in Qixing Village and Rongcun... really don't have any foresight! In Xizhuo Port, everything will be safe?"

The old man smoking a pipe, while walking, hurriedly urged, and sighed at the same time: "The times are different! Let's not talk about the middle spine and the east spine. The ports in other places in our west spine have long been given to Wuwang City Those big families have grown up and started to operate, and everyone is slowly growing and becoming rich! What's more, who in Xijiang Town manages this port by themselves? They are all contracted to big companies and groups! Seven Star Village and Rong Village are a bunch of idiots! "

Listening to the old man's exclamation, it was the two young people behind, who were extremely burly and tall.

The two of them were carrying something covered with black linen. They both seemed to be struggling, and the thing should be very heavy.

"Uncle Mo, how about we secretly repair it and take it to Xijiao Town?"

One of the young men said to the old man with a worried face.

"What else? When Xizhuo Port was first built, we produced the most from Beilang Village, and the fishing machine was wholly owned by us from Beilang Village, and it belonged to us!"

With a hint of anger on his face, the old man with a pipe sneered and said, "Since they don't want to make a fortune, let's go to the big port in Xizhu Town by ourselves. The dancers are contracted there! We are only responsible for fishing machines and manpower, and we can get more money." There are so many benefits! What's more, if you can get the support of dancers in the future, why don't you worry about growing?"

What the two young people said made sense.

Lin Tian stood where he was, his spiritual consciousness enveloped the three of them, and he heard their words.

Moreover, these three people are not simple, they are all at the early stage of Huang-level cultivation, although they are only stronger than ordinary people, but ordinary villagers are all warriors, so it can be seen that this place is a practice of martial arts!

Especially hearing the dancer, Lin Tian couldn't help but feel his heart move.

After thinking about it, he decided to wait where he was.

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