The dense white fireworks rose between Zhuge Miaoyi's fingers.

There was a slight crackling sound as the fireworks swayed.

There was a sound like muffled thunder.

look carefully.

It can be found that within the white fireworks, there are streaks of lightning flashing and interlacing.

At close range, Lin Tian could feel a dangerous aura permeating the air.

Seeing this scene.

Lin Tian was stunned.

It was really unexpected.

The biggest secret turned out to be this thing!

"Cousin-in-law, are you surprised?"

Zhuge Miaoyi was very satisfied with Lin Tian's reaction, and said with a smile: "This is my biggest secret! And I... speaking of it, I am a supernatural person! You should have heard of this, right? As seen in the TV movie, I have supernatural powers! And my supernatural power is Leihuo! A relatively special and powerful supernatural power, among millions of people, those who have awakened supernatural powers can have Leihuo, less than one in ten thousand!"


Still carrying Thunderfire!

Lin Tian was surprised again.

Lin Tian is no stranger to supernatural beings.

However, this Zhuge Miaoyi turned out to be a supernatural being!

Too unexpected.

He probed just now, but he couldn't sense the slightest fluctuation at all.

The reason is probably the thunder fire!

It is so weird, no wonder Zhuge Miaoyi said that there is no one in a million, it is extremely unique!


Lin Tian took a deep breath, nodded and said in admiration: "I know the supernatural beings too! Before...he was treated!"

Of course he has never healed supernatural beings, but he has healed quite a few powerful people like Dongfang Yuna.

These words can be regarded as an explanation for Zhuge Miaoyi.

What's more, what is his identity?

The deputy leader of the Huaxia National Ability Team!

"Wow, my cousin-in-law also knows about supernatural beings, so there's no need to explain so much! Anyway, I'm very, very good! In the future, whoever dares to bully you, my cousin-in-law, I won't make him doubt his life!"

Zhuge Miaoyi raised her chin arrogantly and said excitedly.

Hearing this, Lin Tian smiled slightly and did not refute.

He finally wondered, "Why didn't you tell your family about such a big matter?"

"As for the supernatural beings, maybe my cousin doesn't know much about them? It's not that I don't say anything, but I can. It's best not to say anything, otherwise, it might harm my family instead!!"

Zhuge Miaoyi's expression suddenly became serious, and she said to Lin Tian: "So...cousin-in-law, you are not allowed to tell anyone! Even my cousin! Others know that I am powerful, but they don't know that I have supernatural powers! "

"Okay, I won't say it! But why?"

Lin Tian was a little puzzled and asked in doubt.

China domestic.

In quite a few families, there are younger generations who have become supernatural beings.

In the Lin family alone, Lin Qingcheng entered the supernatural group.

As for Lin Qingcheng's ability, many people in Yanjing knew about it!

Why does Zhuge Miaoyi seem a little afraid of being discovered?

"Didn't you notice that there are a few supernatural beings in China?"

Zhuge Miaoyi asked Lin Tian back.

But she reacted immediately, shook her head and said: "Brother-in-law, you may not understand this aspect! Let me tell you, in China, except for the supernatural geniuses who appeared in the supernatural group and some families, and the Tianlong Martial Arts School In addition, there are some hidden forces! On weekdays, except for the prevalence of warriors, where can you see them?"

"Is this still less? Although compared to warriors, it is indeed a little less. But what do you want to say?"

Lin Tian suddenly became more curious.

"Compared to foreign countries, especially the United States, our domestic supernatural powers are simply...insignificant! Too few, too few!"

Zhuge Miaoyi's expression became serious, and he said in a deep voice: "In the whole world, the largest supernatural force is SHIELD in America! That is also the place that countless supernatural beings yearn for! Being able to enter SHIELD means that In the future, one step will reach the sky!"

"Thus...many of those who have the qualifications of supernatural powers in China, and those who have the conditions, almost all went abroad and joined the S.H.I.E.L.D. branch!"

"Of course, this is what the American S.H.I.E.L.D. is happy to see, which means that it has invisibly weakened the overall strength of our domestic forces in China!"

"And I am so careful because it has something to do with S.H.I.E.L.D.! Because now my identity is said to be half an American citizen! There is a regulation over there, that is, American citizens. , must join S.H.I.E.L.D.!"

"If you don't want to join, that's okay, they will use special means to permanently seal your abilities! Now I'm back in China, but if I know I'm in China, they will definitely catch up and catch me! S.H.I.E.L.D.... very powerful! "

There is such a saying?


It seems that this supernatural force is absolutely terrifying!

It should be the same existence as the Cross Heavenly Court!

There are even international arrests!

Lin Tian was secretly surprised, and immediately nodded and said, "Then you'd better pay attention to your own safety first!"

"As long as you don't talk nonsense, you're generally safe in China! Just be careful!"

Zhuge Miaoyi squinted her eyes and said with a smile, "Cousin-in-law, you have to keep a secret for me! This is a secret between the two of us!"

Hearing this, Lin Tian nodded solemnly.

Zhuge Miaoyi is so careful, even his closest relatives don't say anything, so he can understand.


Lin Tian was a little surprised that he even mentioned it to him. He immediately smiled and asked, "You trust me so much? Be careful, I will directly disclose it to the people in S.H.I.E.L.D. and get benefits from them!"

"Hey... I, Zhuge Miaoyi, have a good eye for seeing people! Besides, I believe my cousin can't see people wrong!"

Zhuge Miaoyi shook his head, smiled and said firmly.

two people.

Chatting one after another.

The car also left the city center very quickly.

Head southwest.

Near the southwestern suburbs, the car walked along a bridge in the bay and entered an independent island in the bay area.

The island is a peninsula, overlooking the entire downtown area of ​​Lost Boat City!

"Red Island?"

When the car came to the bridgehead of the peninsula, Lin Tian was surprised when he saw the two big characters on the huge billboard on the roadside.

Red Island, he never came.

But the Leng Jianbin who "sells water" he met at the gate of Lost City Medical University before was from Hongdao Cheyou Club.

The car club is likely to be here.

"That's right! Red Island is a famous leisure resort in Lost Boat City! In addition to Diaoyu Bay Gourmet Manor, there are also various other recreational facilities, such as horse racing, racing, golf, yachts, surfing, etc.!"

Zhuge Miaoyi explained to Lin Tian with a smile: "In the future, if you want to come to play, cousin-in-law, let's come with my cousin when we are free! There are so many places to play here! But for today's party, let's have a good meal first A real treat! By the way, has my cousin-in-law ever played racing? Have you ever tried surfing? And rock climbing...a lot, I’ve done it all!"

Really know how to play!

As expected of a son of a rich family!

Lin Tian took a deep look at Zhuge Miaoyi, and secretly sighed.

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