In the vast sea, above the mid-air, Lin Tianling stepped on the air and galloped towards the inland.

Biyun Island behind him has long since disappeared at sea level.

The time has come to the morning.

Autumn is gradually coming to the middle.

When he reappeared in the mid-air of Lost Boat City, Lin Tian looked at the bustling peninsula metropolis with a trace of complexity on his face.

"Wang Yan...Wang Yiyi..."

On the void of Lost Boat City, Lin Tian paused for a while and murmured softly.

The clear memory in his mind made him somewhat emotional.

Then Wang Yan... No, it should be Wang Yiyi, who is at Tianlong Martial Arts School!

And when he goes back, next month, Lin Tian will return to Lost Boat City, and he will also go to Tianlong Martial Arts School!

By the time.

Maybe he will meet Wang Yiyi?

Or maybe she doesn't know me anymore!

Lin Tian thought secretly, and finally shook his head.

Soon he put those thoughts behind him.

His consciousness then spread, covering almost half of Lost Boat City.

After sweeping around Lost Boat City with a huge amount of consciousness, Lin Tian's gaze finally fixed on the westernmost area of ​​the city.


It is the old town of Lost Boat City, and it is relatively dilapidated.

Lin Tian's spiritual sense found the figure of Aunt Lin Zhuzhu in an old neighborhood on the edge of the old city that was written with a big sign.

She lives on the first floor.

The light is dim, and the environment is damp and cold.

Fortunately, this community seems to be too old, no one cares about it, and it is said that it will be demolished, but it has not been demolished yet.

There is an open space behind the first floor, so it seems that Lin Zhubo's family surrounded it and formed a small courtyard.

At this time Lin Zhuzhu was in the yard, lying on the bench, resting with his eyes slightly closed.

My body is still so thin and weak. Although I have recovered from my illness, my body is too weak and I am still in the stage of recuperation.

Fortunately, his complexion is much rosier than before.

In the house, no one else was there.

Uncle Zhang Chen and cousin Zhang Shuyan must have gone out.

Lin Tian stepped on the void and landed in a place where no one was in the old city.

He took out the herbal medicine he got before from the storage bag, put it in a box, and then he walked towards the community where Lin Zhuzhu was located.

In the old city, the buildings are dilapidated, the streets are narrow, and the road surface is uneven. From time to time, black gasoline or dirt can be seen all over the ground.

Both sides of the street.

You can see messy stalls everywhere.

Even Lin Tian saw the old magic stick wearing sunglasses and the liar pretending to be a magic doctor.

He passed by and was yelled at.

However, Lin Tian didn't bother to pay attention to these tricks.

It's just that when he passed a street lined with hair salons, he was surrounded by a group of bewitching women, scaring him and running away quickly.

The road is not too far.

After walking for five or six minutes, Lin Tian came to the community where Lin Zhuzhu was located.

The gates of the community are old and rusty.

Security room at the gate.

There was an old man sitting there, he didn't even bother to lift his head when he saw Lin Tian appearing, he was watching a dilapidated TV in front of him by himself.

"This environment..."

Lin Tian frowned, said something to himself, stepped into the community, and came to the small courtyard where Lin Zhuzhu was.

Without making a sound, he gently pushed open the yard door and walked in.

"Lin Tian!"

Hearing the sound of pushing the door, Lin Zhubo woke up. She opened her eyes and saw the figure that appeared. She was stunned and said in astonishment: "It's really you, Lin Tian! How did you find this place? You didn't call when you came." A phone call! Look...there is no food at home! I'm going to get some food now..."

At the end, Lin Zhuzhu's face was full of joy.

It's been too long since there's been a guest in this home!

And it's Lin Tian, ​​the young master of the clan, who came, so don't neglect it!

Even if she is Lin Tian's aunt.

But Lin Zhuhe felt that his family, compared to Lin Tian, ​​were all low-level people, and they didn't meet together in the first place.

Even if Lin Tian doesn't come and looks down on their family, she still thinks she should!

"Auntie, you can continue to sit, you don't need to cook anything, why are the family so polite!"

Lin Tian shook his head with a smile, put down the box in his hand, and pulled Lin Zhuzhu to sit down again.

At the same time, he lightly clasped Lin Zhupo's wrist and probed a little.

The divine sense did not forget to scan Lin Zhuzhu's body.

"You are weak, don't make such a fuss! But what about my uncle and Shu Yan?"

Lin Tian withdrew his hand and asked Lin Zhubo casually.

Lin Zhuzhen could only sit down again, sighed and said: "Your uncle went to work again, helping others to supervise the construction site. Shu Yan is going to school! I can't do anything, and let their father and daughter suffer. !"

"Auntie, don't think that way! You can wake up, Shu Yan and the others don't know how happy they are!"

Lin Tian shook his head, and said comfortingly to Lin Zhuzhu: "Now your illness is cured, but you have been bedridden all year round and have been in a coma. It takes two years to recuperate, this kind of thing can't be rushed!"

At the beginning, Lin Zhuzhen was entered by an evil spirit, which almost drained her body dry.

It can be said to be extremely lucky to be able to survive now!

Coupled with Lin Tian's shot, he can wake up!

And Lin Zhuzhen is just an ordinary person, his body is very, very fragile, the safest way is to recuperate slowly!

"Auntie, I'll get you some pills. If you take it for the first half year, you'll be in good shape! Then I'll give you a prescription, and after another year of recuperation, you'll be in better health than ordinary people!"

Lin Tian got up and walked into the house while talking to Lin Zhuping.

He was also polite, and directly brought a gas stove from inside, and found a casserole, ready to boil pills on the spot.

The medicines given to Lin Zhuzhu to regulate his body are not high-level medicines, they are relatively simple.

It can be cooked directly in the ordinary way!

But it also requires a certain method.

It is impossible for Lin Tian to use Samadhi real fire to refine medicine, otherwise many things will be difficult to explain.

Seeing Lin Tian's action, Lin Zhuzhen didn't say much. He was cured by Lin Tian before, and Lin Tian's medical skills were already famous.

"Lin Tian, ​​I really trouble you!"

Lin Zhuzhu said gratefully: "You came so far to make medicine for me! I'll go in and have a rest, and Shu Yan will be back later. Let's have dinner together in the evening!"

Finally, Lin Zhubo got up and entered the house.

In fact, she went in because she didn't want to disturb Lin Tian, ​​and didn't want Lin Tian to be too restrained.

Moreover, she can only sit outside for an hour or two every day, and her body is very weak.

Lin Tian didn't care, and concentrated on making the pills.

But he was just halfway through tinkering, when there was a slight sound of footsteps outside the yard.

A petite figure walked in from the outside, poking his head at the same time, staring at Lin Tian's back curiously.

It was a girl about 20 years old who came, she looked at Lin Tian's back very strangely, and immediately shouted vigilantly: "Who are you?"

Lin Tian had long noticed that someone had appeared outside.

"This is your home?"

Lin Tian turned his head, looked at the girl, and asked with a smile.

"Hmph! Is it your house again? What are you doing? Tell me quickly?"

The woman stared at her big eyes, bared her teeth, showing two small canine teeth, and stepped forward with a very fierce look, and shouted: "If you don't say anything, Miss Ben will let you crawl out from here!"


Lin Tian heard the girl's words, and seeing the girl's arrogant appearance and tone of pouting her lips, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

This, where does he look like a murderer!

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