Urban Medical Martial Immortal Zun

Chapter 1760 What a misunderstanding


Xu Junya's heart is broken!

Work hard to set traps.

Originally she was to prevent some small beasts.

At least a lot of trouble is avoided.

Pine Canyon is a well-known camping holy place.

There are no large beasts!

The season ahead.

It is also the time when the least number of people come to camp.

I thought no one would come.


Someone actually broke in!

at last.

The trap is broken!

The tent is lifted!

What drove her crazy the most was——

Almost all of my clothes were blown to the bottom of the nearby canyon by the strong wind!

The original tent was fixed firmly.

She didn't expect this to happen!

Being held in Lin Tian's arms, he was still in a daze.

"Xiaoya, what's the matter? Is there a beast!"

"Ah... who is she?"

"Damn it, let Xiaoya go!"

The sound of hurried footsteps was approaching, followed by three simultaneous exclamations.

Lin Tianxun turned his head to look.

It was found that there were three young men and women, two men and one woman, almost all about eighteen or nineteen years old, about the same age as him.

Their clothes are still a little messy, their eyes are a little blurred, and they look like they haven't woken up yet.

Apparently they were probably just waking up and getting dressed.

Lin Tian's consciousness swept away.

I found that under the northern slope of the mountain, there are three tents located in different flat bushes.

Both have set up simple traps, which can stop ordinary small beasts.

in front of you.

Among the three people who appeared here.

The female **** is very gentle and quiet.

One of them was a tall and thin boy, also wearing black-rimmed glasses, with a panicked look on his face.

And the last boy grew quite tall, with fair skin.

at this time.

Seeing Xu Junya being held in Lin Tian's arms, he shouted again: "Who are you? Let him go, or I'll be rude to you!"

The tall boy had already picked up a wooden stick from the ground, with a ruthless look on his face.

The quiet girl and the guy with glasses at the back both picked up stones from the ground nervously, all looking flustered.

"Xiao Yu, Zhen Yang, Ma Rong...I'm fine!"

Seeing the three of them appear, Xu Junya felt a little more at ease.

But soon.

She found that she was being hugged by Lin Tian at the moment, and her pretty face couldn't help but change.

"Bastard, let me go!"

Xu Junya had a look of madness on her face.

It was the first time since she grew up that she was hugged so intimately by a boy.


It's just wearing a pajamas!

Inside... there is nothing inside!

Even though the pajamas were very thick and tightly dressed, she felt as if every part of her body had been touched!

She has always had the habit of falling asleep!

Being hugged like this in front of my eyes, I am going crazy!

Lin Tian glanced at the three people who appeared as if they were about to fight, and couldn't help being a little embarrassed.


Seeing that Xu Junya was fine, he immediately put her down.

Just, just let go.

Mutations are sudden.

Xu Junya's pajamas are cardigan pajamas.

Only one button.

In a panic, the buttons were loosened.

It's autumn now.

The weather is getting colder.

Xu Junya was wearing thick pajamas.

As soon as the buttons were unbuttoned, the pajamas came loose very neatly.

Lin Tian was caught off guard, his expression froze for a moment, his mouth opened slightly, and he couldn't react for a while.

And this moment.

Xu Junya only felt a chill in front of her.



It froze for a moment and became extremely embarrassing.

The two boys and girls who came over there also saw something was wrong.

They were looking at Xu Junya's back.

But I can see the pajamas falling off and loosening.

Looking at Lin Tian's stunned expression again, he suddenly understood what happened at this moment!


Xu Junya came back to her senses, let out a scream, and then quickly grabbed her pajamas and hugged herself tightly.

Then she turned around and pulled the tent, wrapped herself up, and curled up on the place where she had camped before, with only one head exposed.

"You...you...pay me!"

Xu Junya's eyes were red, and her heart was about to collapse. She glared at Lin Tian angrily, and screamed a little crazily.


Lin Tian looked at Xu Junya's aggrieved face, his eyes were even red, and he looked like he was about to cry.

Faced with this situation, Lin Tian was a little anxious.

In other cases, he is not afraid.

But I'm afraid of women crying!

He doesn't know how to coax people, and the situation in front of him is not intentional!

"That... don't cry!"

Lin Tian spread his hands, and said helplessly: "Do you want to pay... Then... I'll show you once?"

This word.

He almost blurted it out.

But in a blink of an eye, he suddenly understood that he had messed up!


Xu Junya stared at her beautiful eyes, and the anger in her eyes suddenly burst out, as if she was about to kill someone!

"You...you rascal! I see you as a ghost!"

It's a pity that Xu Junya doesn't know how to swear at all. She has always been well-educated and reasonable, and she hates Lin Tian to the extreme, but she can't find any words to curse Lin Tian in front of her, so she can only look frustrated.

The three people who appeared over there all had expressions of anger on their faces.

"Boy, what did you do to Xiaoya? Did you see everything just now?"

The tall boy who rushed up first, holding a wooden stick, gritted his teeth at Lin Tian and said angrily: "You f*ck, if you don't give Xiaoya an explanation and innocence today, I will kill you!"

At this moment, the tall boy's face was a little hysterical, and his expression was full of rage.

"Zhen Yang, calm down!"

The quiet girl and the boy with glasses were startled when they saw the fierce posture of the tall boy, and hurried forward to persuade him.

Xu Junya's pretty face also changed, and she quickly shouted coquettishly: "Nong Zhenyang, don't mess around!"

The tall boy in front of her is her classmate named Nong Zhenyang.

Half a month after school started, this guy fell in love with her at first sight and began to pursue her!

However, this Nong Zhenyang did not pursue and pester endlessly like the others.

The most I can do every day is to be courteous to her, or find an opportunity to get close to her for a chat. It can be seen that I want to boil frogs in warm water and slowly cultivate a relationship.

For Nong Zhenyang's actions, Xu Junya can still accept it, and has no disgust.


She didn't have any feelings for Nong Zhenyang, and kept a certain distance all the time.

But Nong Zhenyang didn't care, and always showed a firm and admiring gesture towards her!

Right now, Lin Tian and her had such a misunderstanding, and Nong Zhenyang saw the girl he liked being looked at, so he was naturally furious!

The quiet girl is called Shi Xiaoyu, and the thin, bespectacled boy is called Ma Rong.

The four of them are all freshmen of Lost City Medical University, and they can be regarded as classmates who play relatively close together. In addition, their families are all in the Tai'an City area, so they came to this Qingsong Canyon to camp together.

"Xiaoya, he saw you..."

Nong Zhenyang gritted his teeth, suppressed the anger on his face, and said harshly: "He must give an explanation!"

The girl he likes, the goddess he pursues, he hasn't even been able to hold hands, but he is being hugged in front of his eyes, and he has seen it thoroughly!

No one can calm down!

"It's not like you haven't seen me swimming in a bikini at school!"

Seeing Nong Zhenyang's anger was hard to dissipate, Xu Junya gritted her silver teeth, turned her beautiful eyes, and finally said helplessly: "This is also a misunderstanding, forget it!"

Speaking of this, Xu Junya could only sigh inwardly.

The other three didn't know about her sleeping.

She was afraid that Nong Zhenyang would go all out with his life, and if he lost his life, the trouble would be too big to deal with!


Xu Junya's words stunned Denong Zhenyang's face, and he suddenly understood, his expression eased a little.

But Lin Tian was stunned.

Speak for me?

Lin Tian felt a little embarrassed, and immediately said: "I really misunderstood just now, how did I know that there would be people sleeping here in this wilderness! I will get your clothes for you later!"

"Camping! Do you know about camping! This is Qingsong Canyon, a holy place for camping!"

Nong Zhenyang was extremely displeased with Lin Tian, ​​at this moment he stared and yelled at Lin Tian.

PS: Chapter 1!

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