"The Luo family, have you visited it before?"

Lin Tian kept Hatoyama Nanzhu in the hall of the villa, and asked in a cold voice.

At the same time, he turned around and finally walked towards the innermost room.

Lin Tian still has some impressions of the layout here.

This room is where he has been before.

It was Luo Jiachen's mother Guan Xiaoqiong's room.

At that time, he came to treat Guan Xiaoqiong's illness, and also got news that it was likely Jin Zhu's whereabouts.

If he is free, he needs to go to the place called Panlong Valley!

"Senior, I've seen... I've seen... I even let the rumors out before, and the spies of some forces in the dark have already heard the news. As for the forces, we don't know. We are originally islanders who came to China, so we can't wait to see you, no Dare to disturb any forces. As for the Nanyang side, we don't know!"

"Unexpectedly, the Luo family has suddenly changed drastically! I don't know about the current situation! I think it is very likely that the Luo family got the news first and ran away early! These fights should be caused by people from several forces. , the conflict that occurred!"

Hatoyama Nanzhu didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly shouted: "Senior, let me die! Whatever you want to ask, I will answer..."

Did you really get the news in advance and run away?

Lin Tian frowned while checking in Guan Xiaoqiong's room.

The room was still neat and tidy, there was even a safe inside, and there was no trace of passivity.

Lin Tian's spiritual sense checked inside and found some money and a few stacks of documents, but unfortunately nothing important.

The people who came from behind fought, but didn't move anything here?

He immediately denied the Luo family's judgment that they had received the news in advance!

Plus, the text message he received before.

"What else do you know?"

Nothing was found in Guan Xiaoqiong's room, Lin Tian walked out again and asked Hatoyama Nanzhu.

"I... I don't know anymore! I still know about the secular forces here in Yanjing, but if they are in the cultivation world, I only know about Tianjian Pavilion, the seventh floor, Yunmeng City, etc., and other things I know I no longer know!"

Hatoyama Nanzhu watched the cold-faced Lin Tian reappear, couldn't help trembling, and said anxiously: "If... If all the people in the Luo family disappear out of thin air, it is very likely that they are people from such a powerful force as Tianjian Pavilion Here they come! Only they have the ability to kill or take away all the people quietly! Then clean up this place!"

"As for the forces from Nanyang and Nanhai coming, it's impossible to come so soon!"

Hearing this, Lin Tian couldn't help frowning.

This made him even more confused!


First, if the members of the Luo family left and fled first, then those who came later, if there was a conflict, it would be a violent conflict, and it is impossible to have small-scale fighting traces such as the hall.

Second, Luo Jingwu, the old Patriarch of the Luo family, is at the peak of the Foundation Establishment period, and there are supernatural powers and traces of warriors here. Will he not be able to handle it?

Third, if someone from the Heavenly Sword Pavilion and other powerful forces came, how could it be possible to fight just like that? The manor must not be overturned!

Fourth, the room is neat and tidy, too weird!

Lin Tian was very puzzled by all these doubts!

That file, maybe it fell into the wrong hands?

Lin Tian frowned, sighed secretly, a little helpless.

If he knew that there was such a treasure map hidden in this file back then, he would have taken it away when he was in Tianfeng Mountain!


After pondering for a while, Lin Tian turned his head and shot a sharp light, which directly took the life of Hatoyama Nanzhu.

Then, a flame burned it up.

It is useless to keep this person!

out of the villa.

Lin Tian walked around the manor again.

It is true that apart from the fight in the hall of the villa, there are no other traces of fights in the manor.

"It's weird! I can only ask Gu Wanyin to send someone to investigate! After going to the South China Sea, if there is that treasure map, maybe we can get more treasures..."

Unable to find any clues, Lin Tian could only sigh softly, soar into the air, and scanned the Luo Family Manor with his spiritual sense, preparing to call Gu Wanyin and leave here at the same time.

However, when he reached midair, he fell again.

He galloped a few times and felt on the last mountain of Luojia Manor.


Under a small stone pit, a mobile phone fell there.


Lin Tian's expression sank slightly, and he stepped forward to pick up the phone.

The phone seemed to have fallen heavily on the ground, and there were many cracks in the phone case.

The phone was also turned off, and Lin Tian barely turned it on after trying several times.

Open the text message.

Among the sent messages, there happened to be messages sent to Lin Tian before!

"The drastic changes in the Luo family should have happened while I was still in Sansheng Pharmacy! When I came to the Luo family to treat Guan Xiaoqiong, I left behind my phone number, and they should be the ones who sent me text messages... Sent for help From the information, it can be seen that we have encountered a strong enemy..."

Lin Tian put away his mobile phone, and searched around with his spiritual sense, but he didn't get the slightest clue.

Even if there is no trace of escape here.

This is even weirder!

Lin Tian turned around in a circle, but still found nothing.

In the end, he had no choice but to give up, and at the same time, he called Gu Wanyin to ask someone to come and take a look.

After leaving Luojia Manor and Huairou City, Lin Tian returned to Sansheng Pharmacy.

Before Hai Yueqing returned and Bu Mengyao was gone, Lin Tian grabbed some medicine and rushed to the courtyard.

Get to the courtyard.

Zhang Shuyan, Lin Zhuping and Zhang Chen's family were sitting in the yard at this time.

Zhang Chen was holding a small bowl and was feeding Lin Zhuping.

Although he was able to walk and move on the ground, it could be seen that Zhang Chen insisted on feeding Lin Zhuping.

Lin Zhuzhu's pale, bloodless and bony face had a faint and happy smile on it.

Zhang Chen, who was feeding the food, smiled silly, and looked at his wife with incomparable tenderness.

Two people aside.

Zhang Shuyan rested her cheeks in both hands, looked at her parents with a smile on her face, and said something from time to time.

A family, sitting quietly, talking from time to time, revealing a deep warmth!

Lin Tian walked to the door.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but pause.

"Parents and sister, I think about it and I'm going to return to Xiangjiang. I will go to Xiangjiang to accompany them when I have time... But, I will take a different path after all. I am a cultivator. I want to take the way of immortal martial arts and the way of longevity. It’s walking against the sky! Let’s take one step at a time..."

Lin Tian secretly sighed, and after hesitating for a while, he still stepped into the courtyard.

"Lin...Brother Lin Tian!"

Seeing Lin Tian appearing, Zhang Shuyan stood up and shouted in surprise.

Both Zhang Chen and Lin Zhuzhu couldn't help but turn their heads to look.

"You...you are here!"

Lin Zhuzhu opened his mouth, not knowing how to address Lin Tian for a while, with a complicated expression on his face, he shouted softly.

"Thank you!"

Zhang Chen was an honest and sullen guy who didn't talk much. He stood up and said something grateful to Lin Tian.

Lin Tian nodded, and handed the bag containing the Chinese herbal medicine to Zhang Chen, saying: "There are several courses of medicine here, after returning home, three times a day, at most a few days, it will be completely cured, and will not be left behind. What sequelae! I will also go to Lost Boat City in the future, if there is any accident, you can call me! Now you two go out first, I have something to talk to her..."

PS: Chapter 3! There are five more chapters!

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