In the end, Lin Tian's words became more and more stern, like a thunderclap.

A trace of murderous intent spread from him.

As if turning into substance, the surrounding temperature dropped.

this moment.

Many people present could not help but tremble.

"So strong!"

Many members of the ability group subconsciously passed such an idea.

Although they couldn't see how Lin Tian made the move.

But Sun Hua was repelled in a blink of an eye, which shows the horror of his strength.


It is precisely because they can't see how Lin Tian made a move, this is the scariest point!


Sun Hua was also slightly frightened by Lin Tian's terrifying murderous intent.

But he soon came back to his senses.

In the instant of fighting, he also understood that the young man in front of him is very strong!

It was so strong that he couldn't figure out how the opponent made a move.

It's just that when Lin Tian said the word "death crime", it made him feel ashamed and angry.

"Collision is a capital crime? What an arrogant tone!"

Sun Hua's anger rose, and he shouted: "This is the Shenlong Bureau! Your words are so bold!"

"You know it's the Shenlong Bureau? Just now I heard you repeatedly say, here, speak with your fists! Obviously, the meaning is that whoever has the biggest fist has the right to speak!"

The corner of Lin Tian's mouth raised, showing a sneer, and said: "At first, I thought you were all powerful, and you would have something in your abilities! It's a pity, but you are all so vulnerable!"

"Sun Hua, right? Now, first apologize to my cousin Lin Qingcheng! Then kneel down and beg for mercy!"

"As for whether to kill you or not, it will depend on Team Leader Gu's attitude later. I'm new here, so I can give her face!"

"If she doesn't intercede for you, then... you are dead!"


The killing intent in the word "dead" is even more intense!


Many people subconsciously took a deep breath.

Seeing Lin Tian's posture and expectations, as well as the cold and stern aura on his body, they were really moved to kill!

"I admit, you are very strong! What happened before, I couldn't wait!"

At this time, Sun Hua looked at Lin Tian with deep fear. He took a deep breath and said to Lin Tian: "But kneeling... it's too much! Don't bully people too much! I am Captain Lu's people!"

At this moment, Sun Hua was also a little scared.

He couldn't see Lin Tian's depth, so he didn't dare to take any more risks.

Now we have to wait for Lu Guanghe to arrive.

As for kneeling... His majestic deputy captain of the second team, if he kneels, he will lose all face in the future!

"No no no... I think you're mistaken! I didn't mean to be too deceitful!"

Lin Tian shook his head to Sun Hua, and said solemnly: "I never bully anyone! It's just that if I ask you to kneel down to apologize, then you kneel down! Even if there is no reason to apologize. I ask you to kneel down, Then you have to kneel! Because, you should kneel to me! Because, I have big fists!"

"For you to kneel, if you don't kneel, that's disrespect to me, and it's a death penalty. If you don't kill you immediately, it's already the greatest forgiveness for you!"


As soon as these words came out, Sun Hua almost vomited blood.

The others were all dumbfounded.

What is strength?

What is domineering?

This is the real power and overbearing!

And it is so powerful and domineering that it is unreasonable!

Lin Qingcheng, who was standing beside Lin Tian, ​​opened his mouth wide, staring blankly at his cousin, who was a few years younger than him, with a look of astonishment and bewilderment.


At family gatherings, and when Lin Tian beheaded Xue Sha and others at the Burial Soul Terrace, he had already seen Lin Tian's tyranny and killing.

It's just that at that time, he felt that Lin Tian still loved Zeng Mingming.

But I didn't expect that such an expert as Lin Tian would be so completely unreasonable!


But Lin Qingcheng didn't know that in the world of comprehension, there is no one who is superior or not!

In the previous life, some of the old monsters that Lin Tian encountered were generally bad-tempered.

But no matter what kind of low-level cultivator or great cultivator you are, if you are unhappy, you will be wiped out with a single slap!

There is no such thing as a superior person!

Master, those are all false names that people without real strength would care about!

Shi Xiaobei and other members of the tenth team were also stunned. They never expected to have such a domineering captain!

However, several people's faces were filled with excitement.

Lin Tian is too powerful!

"You deceive people too much!"

Sun Hua roared angrily, and immediately shouted to Han Peng who was not far away: "Han Peng, let's fight together! Let me see how strong he is!"


Without talking nonsense, Han Peng turned into a huge metal sharp blade in his palm, and threw it at Lin Tian.

Sun Hua followed suit and shot again.

"Do you still want to make a move? Then the two of you should kneel down together!"

Lin Tian's face sank, he shouted sharply, and slapped two lightning-like palms on both sides with his backhand.

The infuriating energy was grasped to the extreme by Lin Tian, ​​and it was condensed in an instant, and it all fell on the two of them.

bang bang~

The muffled sound that made people's scalp explode, rippling.

Sun Hua and Han Peng fell to the ground like heavy objects, and the floor was cracked and cracked.

The terrifying impact caused the two of them to vomit blood on the spot. Their faces were pale, and they were as sluggish as dead dogs. The power of the previous attack was gone.


"too weak!"

Lin Tian looked at the two people on the ground, and said in a disinterested manner: "I saw you guys shouting so loudly before, and thought that this group of superpowers was like a cloud, but it turned out to be a big disappointment! Now, it seems, it's all A group of mediocre people! And the most useless ones are you guys!"


Everyone became quieter in an instant.

Regarding Lin Tian's words, no one dared to refute, and no one was dissatisfied.

"Grass... Wait for Captain Lu to arrive..."

Sun Hua, who was suffering to the end, was still a little unconvinced, gritted his teeth, and shouted to Lin Tian in a low voice.

Listen to this.

Lin Tian nodded, and said: "Of course we have to wait for him! Didn't Lu Jun say before that he wanted to move out his uncle Lu Guanghe and let me die without a place to bury him! Now, I am looking forward to it..."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian walked to the row of chairs that had been placed in the corridor outside the conference room.

They are all Taishi chairs, which are used to rest the waiting people on weekdays.

And seeing Lin Tian passing by, all the people gathered there couldn't help but quickly dispersed in fright.

Even Lu Nianhui and others all backed away with a look of fear.

Lu Nianhui, who was full of doubts and dissatisfaction with Lin Tian before, completely bowed his head and dared not make a sound.

I do not know how long it has been.

pedal ~

There was a sound of heavy footsteps outside.

A tall, middle-aged man stepped in.

His face with Chinese characters was majestic, and his body was vaguely powerful.


Seeing the appearance of this middle-aged man, Lu Jun's face was slightly happy, and he shouted quickly.

Sun Hua and the others, who were beaten to the ground, also raised their heads with excited faces.

The middle-aged man who came was naturally Lu Guanghe.

Looking at the situation in front of him, he was a little dazed.

"what happened?"

Lu Guanghe's face darkened, and he asked loudly.

PS: Chapter 4!

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