Urban Medical Martial Immortal Zun

Chapter 124: The Ninth Level of Qi Refining

After Chen Hailan ordered his subordinates to move the bags of materials to the villa and left, Lin Tian sat alone in the villa, looking at the piles of materials in front of him, his eyes sparkling.

Lin Tian originally thought that it would take at least a while for Chen Hailan to find all the materials for arranging the spirit gathering array.

Unexpectedly, in less than half a month, so many were collected.

"Yin foot stone, in the earth is called the black horse mine..."

"That is the supporting stone, one of the materials supporting the formation..."

"I even found the spirit-gathering jade, which is the core material for the formation of the spirit-gathering array! This jade is relatively common in the cultivation world, but it is very rare on this earth, and it was unexpectedly found by Chen Hailan..."

"Bonewood, Fire Heart Stone... basically have all of them, these are the necessary auxiliary materials..."

"There are also five elements of jade, and they are all complete!"

"This time, the Spirit Gathering Formation will be completed, and my cultivation speed will be more than doubled!"

Lin Tian was overjoyed and said to himself excitedly.

With the materials in front of me, only one-third of them are needed to form a small spirit-gathering array.

As for the rest, Lin Tian counted and stored them all.

It will be used in more powerful formations in the future.

"Now, let's set up the spirit-gathering formation first, so that the refining of pills will be more secure!"

Thinking of this, Lin Tian took all the materials used to arrange the spirit gathering array to the basement.

Lin Tian decided to arrange the spirit-gathering array in the basement, so that if someone enters the island, they won't find it easily.

After everything was tidied up, Lin Tian started to arrange the formation.

The first step in arranging the Juling Array is to draw the patterns of the Juling Array, mainly on the core materials Juling Jade and Five Elements Jade.

In his previous life, Lin Tian had portrayed many high-level formation patterns, and the formation patterns of the spirit-gathering formation belonged to the low-level basic formation spirit pattern. For Lin Tian, ​​it would not be difficult to depict.

Lin Tian didn't have a carving knife dedicated to depicting formation patterns in his hand, so Lin Tian could only use silver needles instead.

Although it is relatively slow, and the patterns drawn are not that fine, but generally it will not have much impact.

Lin Tian began to concentrate and concentrate, and carved the spirit patterns one by one on the Juling Jade. After all, if the spirit pattern is wrong, the entire material will be invalid.

This characterization took more than two hours.

Still, the characterization of the core material has been successfully completed.

The next step is the depiction of the Five Elements Jade Spirit Pattern, which is relatively simple. It took only half an hour for Lin Tian to complete all of them.

After the formation pattern is successfully drawn, the next step is the intermediate step, which is to polish other auxiliary materials.

He didn't have a grinding tool in his hand, even if he had one, Lin Tian wouldn't use it, because grinding with true energy is faster and more accurate.

In less than ten minutes, all auxiliary materials were polished.

"Come down, it's much easier!"

Lin Tian whispered to himself, and began to do the final step, which was to set up the formation.

In this link, for those who are not familiar with the Spirit Gathering Formation, various problems may arise in the arrangement, but for Lin Tian, ​​he is familiar with it.

In his previous life, the formation he arranged the most was the Spirit Gathering Formation, which was simply a piece of cake.

Choosing the middlemost position in the basement, Lin Tian began to arrange the array. According to the symmetry of the array pattern and the five-element jade interface, he began to arrange the materials with the unique array method of Juling Array. It is like a circuit board, which must be connected to each other. Only when they are connected and connected can they be activated into formations.

Soon, the spirit-gathering formation was built by Lin Tian, ​​and the rest was to activate it. He injected a burst of true energy into the spirit-gathering jade at the core, and with a buzzing sound, the formation instantly started to operate.


In Lin Tian's induction, the spiritual energy around Mission Hills rushed towards the basement in an instant.


Looking at the small formations flickering with faint aura in front of him, and feeling the aura gradually getting stronger in the basement, Lin Tian was overjoyed, and immediately took out the alchemy furnace, ready to make alchemy.

The alchemy stove was alive, and Lin Tian felt a faint fluctuation when he got it in his hand.

"Good alchemy furnace!"

Exclaiming, Lin Tian immediately got up and searched for the materials for refining the elixir among the piles of elixirs in the basement.

Generally speaking, the most common pill used for cultivation during the Qi refining period is the Qi training pill.

It's just that the most suitable materials needed for Qi Refining Pills are obviously not available here. Lin Tian can only look for others to replace them. Although the quality of the refined Qi Refining Pills will vary, there are currently no There are other ways, the earth's elixir is scarce, so this is the only way to do it.

In his previous life, Lin Tian was not only an Immortal Venerable, but also had a high attainment in alchemy. He had reached the level of alchemy king. At least he could refine the elixirs in this Qi refining period.

In addition, now that he has cultivated the Samadhi True Fire, it is even easier to refine it.

Lin Tian refined the pills for a whole night, and after getting hundreds of Qi Refining Pills, he stopped, and he squandered all the elixir in the basement.

The main reason is that the medicinal materials are too low-level and can only be won by quantity, so a Qi Refining Pill uses up about ten times the original quantity.

But the energy contained in the elixir that came out was also several times stronger than that of the medicinal liquid that was boiled only with medicinal materials.

It was already in the middle of the night, Lin Tian didn't go back to the shore of Minghu Lake, he directly took the elixir and started to practice.

The elixir melts at the entrance, and the powerful nine-revolution three-birth formula works like a giant dragon swallowing it. The elixir is refined in a blink of an eye, and the true essence in Lin Tian's body is also condensed bit by bit, and it begins to hit the fifth level of Qi training barrier.

After taking a total of thirty Qi Refining Pills, with a buzzing sound, Lin Tian's aura suddenly changed, and a powerful aura emanated from him.

Qi training five levels!

Lin Tian's eyes were shining brightly, and his cultivation base was more than four times stronger than before.

"This nine-turn three-life formula is really powerful! Just raising a small level, the cultivation base has increased by four times!"

Looking at the cultivation base in his body, Lin Tian couldn't help being amazed again and again, his face was full of joy.

After breaking through to the fifth level of Qi training, Lin Tian caught up and took all the remaining pills.

With the support of the powerful Nine Revolving Three Lives Art, he doesn't need to worry about the danger of body explosion.

Seeing the violent medicinal power in his body, he immediately focused and sank into cultivation.

Early the next morning, Lin Tian got up and left the villa, his aura became stronger.

The peak of the fifth level of Qi training!

This is his current cultivation level. After taking the elixir, and there is no medicine left in the villa, he began to think about when those rich and powerful would collect more cultivation resources.

Hurrying back to the shore of Minghu Lake, Lin Tian accompanied Brother Xu and Tang Qianqian to school again.

One day class time passed quickly, Lin Tian sent the two girls back to Minghu Lake, before he could make dinner, Qian Xiaohui called.

What made Lin Tian very excited was that Zhang Sihou and others had already asked Qian Xiaohui to send her medicinal materials for cultivation.

Lin Tian was ecstatic, and ran out of the villa under the glaring eyes of the two majors.

Arriving at Mission Hills Lake, Lin Tian was already stunned by the amount of medicinal materials in front of him, which was even more than what Zhou Li had sent.

After sending Qian Xiaohui away, Lin Tian plunged into the basement of the villa and devoted himself to alchemy. For a whole night, he refined nearly tens of thousands of qi refining pills. Lin Tian couldn't help admiring himself for such a huge number.

As his cultivation became stronger, his Samadhi True Fire also became stronger, and his alchemy speed doubled.

For the whole week after coming down, Lin Tian was almost immersed in cultivation except for class. During this period, Wu Yan began to come and wait every day, but Lin Tian was busy with cultivation, so he asked him to come back to him in half a month.

Enough Qi Refining Pills, coupled with the assistance of the Spirit Gathering Formation, Lin Tianxiu started to go berserk at the increased speed! !

five days later.

In the basement of Zhongdao Villa in Mission Hills, with a buzzing sound, a vast aura swept across the surroundings. Lin Tian opened his eyes and slightly raised the corners of his mouth: "I wasted hundreds of millions of materials, which made me reach the level of Qi Refining Nine floors!"

"However, to enter the tenth floor, you need some luck!"

"As for the legendary eleventh level of Qi Refining..."

Thinking of this, Lin Tian fell silent slightly.

Fourth update! ! Due to computer problems, I lost the manuscript and almost couldn't update it! After working hard and sweating profusely, the update finally came out! Please recommend tickets for comfort... There is still a fifth chapter! Might be late, sorry...

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