Urban Medical Martial Immortal Zun

Chapter 1210 Jiang Qianyu Begged Me

nonsense? ! ! !

Seeing Lin Tian's calm and indifferent look, Lin Qingwu was already suffocating.

At this time, hearing the former's words again, she couldn't help but flushed with anger, the peak of Xiongqian was shaking up and down, and a look of unstoppable anger appeared on her face.

She finally suppressed her anger and said so much to Lin Tian, ​​thinking that the other party would listen.


She actually took her good intentions as nonsense!

Think she is willing to leave class early and rush over?

This time she was willing to come, mainly because of two reasons——

One is because my sister-in-law, since she was a child, has always loved her very much. Among the descendants of the family, she is the most doted on her, and she almost picked the stars from the sky for her. Now my sister-in-law asked her to take a look Lin Tian's situation, she couldn't shirk it, so she came here.

The second is that she feels a little sorry for Lin Tian. After my sister-in-law asked her, there happened to be a step to help. Two days ago, her mother drove Lin Tian's family away. She also persuaded her parents before that it was just a real estate. The real estate she controls is not worth mentioning at all, but her parents insist that she has nothing to do. Therefore, she still has some guilt towards Lin Tian.

No matter how cowardly, incompetent, and incompetent Lin Tian is, she is also of the blood of her closest relatives. As a cousin, she is also a little soft-hearted and wants to help.

But in front of her, Lin Tian responded to her like this, which made her almost explode with anger!

"Lin Tian, ​​can you correct your attitude? If it weren't for sister-in-law and uncle, do you think Principal Gao would let you stay in school?"

Lin Qingwu took a deep breath, gritted her teeth at Lin Tian, ​​and shouted with anger: "What do you look like, do you really not take a good look at it? You don't feel ashamed when the city is full of rumors?"

"Do you believe those nonsense rumors?"

Lin Tian's face became even more indifferent, and he shook his head and said: "Also, you don't have to take care of my affairs, I will explain to my uncle and aunt myself. That Sima Tao in the college should have been beaten! The director of the district teaching office , cannot enter my eyes!"

Is the director of the teaching department of a prestigious institution of higher learning not in your eyes?

Lin Qingwu's beautiful eyes widened in an instant, with a look of disbelief, and she couldn't believe what she heard, which made her so angry that she was about to run away.

"You... you are too arrogant!"

Lin Qingwu took a deep breath, and after a long while shook her head helplessly, "Since you have entered the university, you are a student there, even if the teacher is not, you can't fight! If you didn't rely on my sister-in-law and At home, the school may just let you go!"

Lin Tian frowned, feeling speechless in his heart, and immediately shook his head and said: "I said, then Sima Tao should be beaten! Even if I cripple him, he has no right to drive me away! Even if it is Gao Xinhan, she should also I won’t do that! What’s more, Jiang Qianyu has already invited me, and if there is no accident, I will be a visiting professor of the college soon! Therefore, they hope that I will stay in the college and will not drive me away!”

"Jiang Qianyu?"

Lin Qingwu was stunned by these words again, and then she stared at her beautiful eyes and said: "The Jiang Qianyu you are talking about is the famous doctor Jiang Qianyu, who is a famous doctor of traditional Chinese medicine?"

"If there is no second Jiang Qianyu in the hands of the Chinese medicine country, then it will be him!"

Lin Tian nodded, and took it for granted: "As for the genius doctor...he can't be called a genius doctor. He is better than many people in terms of medical skills, but he is just an ordinary person!"


This time, Lin Qingwu almost vomited blood.

Is Jiang Qianyu, the majestic doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, an ordinary person?

It was the first time Lin Qingwu heard someone dare to talk about Jiang Qianyu like that.

Even if it is a genius in the medical school, when Jiang Qianyu is mentioned, they are all in awe and admiration.

Even if some old Chinese medicine professors and seniors see Jiang Qianyu, they should respectfully call him Senior Doctor!

Lin Tian's words made her nose crooked.

"Okay, okay... Even in your eyes, Doctor Jiang is just an ordinary person!"

Lin Qingwu gritted her teeth and said to Lin Tiantian: "Then you said that Senior Jiang invited you to be a visiting professor of the college? Jiang Qianyu used to be an honorary professor of Yanjing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Everyone knows that Have you ever told anyone else? Let me tell you, if you offend Dr. Jiang, Grandpa will never forgive you!"

"Believe it or not! Anyway, Jiang Qianyu begged me!"

Lin Tian's expression was indifferent, and he didn't want to explain anything to Lin Qingwu. He said coldly: "If you call me here and just tell me these things, then you can stop! I should go back to school too!"

See here.

Lin Qingwu's originally angry pretty face became calm instead.

And then.

There was a deep disappointment in her expression.

Then, there was a trace of pity and sympathy.

In the end, there is still a little bit of unbearable!

"Jiang Qianyu begging you? Forget it! Lin Tian, ​​just think about these words yourself! I hope you will restrain your temper in the future. When it's time to be a man, I hope you can show the courage to hit the teacher. When it's time to restrain yourself, Think twice before acting!"

Lin Qingwu sighed, and she didn't expect Lin Tian to listen, and said softly: "If you need anything in the future, just tell me!"

Speaking of this, Lin Qingwu stood up, rummaged through her backpack, took out a bunch of keys and a bank card, and put them on the table.

"There are 100,000 yuan in this card, which is enough for your pocket money for a long time! This key is to a house I haven't lived in for a long time, it's in the university town!"

There was deep sympathy in Lin Qingwu's words, and there was a gesture of reward, she said: "It's normal to fall in love in college. If you have a girl, you can't do without money. If you need it, you can have sex with yourself." Go to the house with the girl in the house. The house will be yours from now on!"

this moment.

Lin Tian was completely silent.

He looked at the bank card and keys on the table, speechless to the extreme.

One hundred thousand yuan?

I still have several hundred million Black Star bank cards on me!

Lin Tian was even helpless, he then stood up, glanced at Lin Qingwu calmly, and said, "You... are really ignorant!"

With that said, Lin Tian turned around and walked out of the box without looking at the keys and bank cards on the table.

"Ignorance? Forget it! You're still so arrogant! You'll lose face outside, and you'll still be like this at the family reunion, and you'll even lose face to your parents!"

Lin Qingwu looked at the back of Lin Tian who was walking away with some pity, sighed softly, put away the things on the table, and left.

college town.

The spacious shade of the trees... On the avenue, Lin Tian walked slowly under the lazy and speckled sunlight of early autumn.

It is noon now, and young figures can be seen coming and going everywhere.

"Young and youthful, the time is just right!"

Lin Tian strolled around and looked around, hearing what happened at his age in his previous life, he couldn't help sighing, thinking that now he can live in such an environment peacefully, and the annoyance he had felt because of Lin Qingwu's words before also disappeared.

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