Urban Marvel Scientist

Chapter 927: Fang Yan's Mineral Vein

Long ago, the Nuxing people had been in Palawen City and discovered that there were huge energy crystal ore veins in it. Otherwise, according to the way the Angry Stars occupied the planet in the past, the Hunuts here would have been slaughtered long ago.

The reason why most of the Hunuts are still kept is to hide people's eyes and ears. Nuxing people clearly understand how helpful energy crystals are for the development and growth of a race.

In this vein, the Nuxing people invested a lot of energy and time. It was not easy to hide the ore vein in the secret corner of the universe galaxy. There are also countless wormholes and space turbulence interspersed in the middle. It is to ensure that the veins are not discovered by other people.

In order to successfully mine energy crystals, the Nuxing people have stopped the pace of invading other galaxies, just waiting for this mineral vein energy to continuously mine energy crystals to strengthen them.

As one of the most mysterious existences in the universe, energy crystals are also treasures with the same hardness as vibrating gold, so mining is quite difficult. Moreover, due to the extremely huge energy in the energy crystal lode, a little carelessness will directly cause the entire lode to explode.

Then, the power of the explosion can directly annihilate the entire galaxy in the universe. This is the reason why the Nuxing people hid such a treasure of ore veins away from the Nu Galaxy and chose billions of light-years away from the Nu Galaxy.

Fang Yan was stunned when he saw such a huge mining scene. Although Fang Yan is now using the Ant-Man equipment to be much smaller, the perspective is indeed a normal human perspective. Looking at the hot and dry construction site, surrounded by fully armed guards of Angry Stars.

Fang Yan noticed that the miners were basically young laborers of various races in the Furious Galaxy, most of whom were Hunuts. The faces of these people are all dead and dead, as if they are walking dead. Even Fang Yan thought for a moment that he had been in a black-hearted and bitter cave somewhere in China.

These workers all have a red device on their legs. Fang Yan felt strange and asked Jarvis, "Jarvis, what is the red device on their feet?"

"Sir. According to my detection, this is a pulsed explosive device unique to Angry Stars." Fang Yan took a breath after hearing Jarvis' answer. Putting such a time bomb on the feet of ordinary miners is indeed not afraid of the miners running away.

As long as you lightly press the control device, you are not afraid of the miners being disobedient. At this time, a Rastan miner fell directly in front of Fang Yan due to lack of energy. Fang Yan noticed that the miner's palm had been torn, and red blood was gurgling out.

"Damn it." Fang Yan scolded secretly, because he was very close to the fallen miner, and even this fallen miner's misty eyes had already seen the existence of the little Fang Yan.

When the miner was dying, he could still see the existence of the mine owner and miner in this world, and his eyes flashed a trace of nostalgia and reluctance for life.

Fang Yan quickly swept behind him, because he had already sensed the approaching danger. "Boom!" A low and powerful explosion sounded in this quiet mine. Fang Yan clearly saw that the fallen miner was detonated the moment he left him.

The flesh and blood of the corpse was scattered all over the sky, and thin layers of blood rained down from the sky. Fang Yan was a little angry. The Angry Star put the pulse explosive device on the miner's feet with a very obvious intention, just to use blood to stand out.

The pulse explosion device is originally a small-scale explosion, which will not spread too far, but if it is installed on the leg, the power of the explosion will obviously be dispersed a lot. At least the minced meat above the neck does not disappear, but exists in a form of minced meat.

It was obvious that the explosion just now caused quite a commotion. The miners who were soaked in the thin rain of blood did not have time to wipe the blood stains on their faces and bodies, and worked harder on the work at hand, for fear that the next one would become It's you who is bleeding.

Fang Yan saw several Angry guards, hehe laughing and came to the place where the explosion had just happened. One Angry guard laughed with satisfaction and said, "Haha. Jack. This is the thirteenth today."

Another guard hurriedly said, "That's not it. Thompson. The task that the boss told us is thirty a day. We have to hurry up. Otherwise, the punishment of the boss will be terrible."

Speaking of the boss's punishment, the two guards shivered in unison, and hurried to find the next target.

Fang Yan, who was hiding in the dark, listened to the entire conversation between the two. A smile swept across Fang Yan's mouth. Anyone who knew him knew that if he showed such a smile, it meant that someone was going to be out of luck.

Sure enough, Fang Yan immediately began to call Jarvis: "Jarvis, help me to see. How many Angry Stars are there in this mine?"

"Sir. There are 4,300 fully-armed Angry Stars, equipped with the most advanced ion pulse cannons and void compression guns." Fang Yan heard Jarvis' answer, and his head was a little heavy. It would be better if there were fewer people. You can solve it one by one.

However, when there are more than 4,000 Angry Stars, and they are still full of weapons, unless they use anti-material cannons.

However, once the anti-matter cannon is used, if you accidentally hit the ore vein, it will be a big deal. The best result is that the ore vein is destroyed, and the worst result is that the entire ore vein explodes.

Both of these results were unacceptable to Fang Yan. It's hard to find such a big treasure. This is the original wealth of conquering the entire universe.

Fang Yan thought about it for a long time and had no clue, and quickly asked Jarvis: "Jarvis, do you have a way to eliminate these pesky Angry Stars? However, to protect the ore veins well, I can't let my ore veins suffer any damage. A little bit of damage."

"Sir. The probability that we can eliminate the Angry Stars is 98%, and the probability that the ore vein can be completely protected is only 23%." Fang Yan had a headache when he heard the data given by Jarvis, and Fang Yan had already expected this result.

After all, now Fang Yan has no soldiers and no generals, relying on his strength alone is really a little weak. Thinking of this, Fang Yan was even more determined to train his own guards, otherwise such a giant treasure can only be seen and touched, which is really not in line with Fang Yan's character as a miser.

Fang Yan looked at the entire mining vein and said angrily to Jarvis: "Jarvis, how many idle energy crystals do we have now? I want to start building warriors that can protect my mine!"

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