Urban Marvel Scientist

Chapter 814: Disappearing Bonadette!

"Hey, leave it to me!"

At the front, Taf swung a sledgehammer, shouted loudly, and his face was hideous, and immediately he could be seen jumping up in place, and his figure actually crossed some distance in the air, and finally left a hole a kilometer away. In the cave, there are many soldiers who have been affected by the Tuxiu Mutu country.

"Want to eat alone?! Impossible!"

Seeing that Taff was working so hard, Gareth, who was not far behind him, was immediately angry. He must have a share in capturing Bonadette, which would make him more confident in front of Fang Yan.

If it weren't for Fang Yan's generosity, the Wuyi tribe who were once at the bottom might still be at the bottom, and maybe even one day in the future, they would be destroyed by the Dragon Man army.

So in order to be able to repay Fang Yan, their entire tribe is the hardest working one among all the tribes of Fangshen Tianguo. After all, in the early days of the founding of the country, they were all at the same level!

At the same time, working so hard is also to reflect their own value, so as to repay the changes Fang Yan brought them.


Several figures blocked him, but Gareth's face was ugly, he let out a low growl, and swung a heavy knife in his hand.

"Get out of here!"


The blade passed by, Gareth ignored it, and rushed straight towards Bonadette's villa. In just a few kilometers, Gareth actually spent less than 20 seconds, and he had already seen it. Taff's figure.

"Taff, wait for me!"

Gareth shouted, but the voice stopped abruptly, because in the sky above him, fourteen figures including Kerwin and Ives suddenly appeared. into the villa.

"Dancing grass!"

Upon seeing this, Gareth's face changed greatly, and he immediately took the time to run into the villa, but when he entered the villa, he didn't see anyone.

"Where did these guys go?"

Seeing that no one appeared, Gareth was puzzled, but the messy wall fragments and various fragments showed that someone had just passed by here. Seeing this destructive power, he didn't need to guess who it was.

"Taff, aren't you afraid of killing your target?"

The corners of Gareth's mouth twitched slightly, and then he let out a slow sigh of relief. Immediately after that, he moved and flew past the villa, which covers an area of ​​almost 600 meters.


"did not find!"

"Still not found!"

"Dancing grass, where did this guy Bernadette go?!"

It's just that everyone can't see Bonadette's figure, which makes Kerwin Yves and others a little anxious. If this mission is screwed up by them, it will be troublesome, and what face is there to meet? Inflammation!


Eves slapped a wall with his palm, which was directly smashed by him, but unfortunately, his anger did not let him find Bonadette.

"These guys."

Yolande on the Donnager battleship saw these guys scurrying around like headless flies. He also rubbed his forehead. During normal battles, his IQ was not bad, but why did he encounter this kind of thing? The IQ of these guys is a bit touching.

"Bonadette has left the villa, and under the protection of his men, has gone south."

Helplessly, Yolande could only pass on the information he just received to Eves and others. After all, if there was no such information, maybe these guys would have thought that Bonadette was still in the villa.


When sixteen people received this message, everyone's faces were a little ugly and speechless. They searched so hard here, and then their target has left? !


It's just that what needs to be done at this time is not nonsense, but to catch up immediately. After all, others don't know what the south is, but they, the original citizens of the Tuxiu Mutu country, do know, and that is where the secret is stored.

And the capital is not very far from that secret, it can even be said to be very close. After all, it is safest to keep the secret in front of your eyes.

If Bernadette is allowed to escape to that secret place, then he can completely control the weapons there. The location where thousands of nuclear weapons are stored, once a fight occurs and affects those nuclear weapons, is just as troublesome.

Once there, they'll be tied down, too, so they'll have to stop Bonadette on the way!



Bonadette was on the head of a control beast, looking at the buildings that were constantly flying past, sneering, the control beast under his feet, but the fastest control beast on the entire Tuxiu Mutu star, they may not have What a mighty force, but they are the fastest, even faster than any transporter they know so far.

Even they had to put on protective equipment to prevent the whole person from being worn away due to the friction between the body and the air due to the excessive speed.

"Now in my hands, but I hold the lifeblood of the entire planet tightly, do you guys really think you can solve me?!"

"And I didn't expect you to cooperate with the Emirate of Shengxu. It seems that you really have the intention of treason, so don't blame me for being rude!"

Bernadette muttered to himself in a cold voice, and as he continued to run wildly, he gradually approached the periphery of the secret.


He raised his head and glanced back, and found that there was no trace of pursuit, and he also smiled coldly. These idiots may not know that he has left now.

"Controlling the strength of the entire Tuxiu Mutuxing, I don't believe you can be so messy!"

"Oh, is it so?"

An understated voice slowly emerged, and then Bernadette's pupils shrank suddenly. In front of him, an indifferent face emerged. Seeing this familiar face, Burnadette's heart surged with anger.


The sound of gnashing teeth appeared, but because the speed of their running at this time had exceeded the speed of sound, there was a slight delay when these sounds came out, but they were thrown behind them after only a moment.

This made Bernadette especially embarrassed, after all, when he said harsh words, his voice slipped away.

"Stop, you lose."

This person was naturally Fang Yan who arrived in time. With a wave of his palm, a light blue barrier appeared in front of Bonadette, and Bonadette didn't have time to think. The whole person and the control beast collided like this this barrier.

The strange thing is that this barrier is actually soft, and Bonadette and the control beast fell directly into this barrier, protruding the screen hundreds of meters away.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

And at this time, one after another crazy sound of breaking the air came, and these voices finally turned into figures. When they saw the two people in the field, the faces of these figures suddenly became a little embarrassed.

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