Urban Marvel Scientist

Chapter 777: Landscape first?

"What are you going to do?"

Yoland was dumbfounded by these guys.

"If you don't prepare, how do you move things away?!"

"Actually, you don't need to prepare at all."

Yolande spoke quietly and said, "Actually, what we have to prepare is just to make you stand firm."

"Because what we are going to take away is the whole territory..."

The voice fell, and the whole ground suddenly trembled. Several people's faces changed greatly, their feet trembled, and they hurriedly looked for a place to rely on. Only Yolande walked to the side of the wall with ease, leaning on the wall, and was not affected at all.

"here we go."

A chuckle came from Yolande's mouth, and Beulah asked aloud at this time.

"Yuland, what the **** is going on?! Do you know how big our territory is? How can it be moved?!"

"We can't do it, it doesn't mean that the king can't do it." Yolande shook his head slightly and chuckled: "I think at this time, you should go to appease the people, the ground is no longer shaking."

Yolande's gentle voice fell, and the ground that had been shaking suddenly returned to calm in an instant.


The high-level people were a little shocked, stepped on the floor lightly, and found that the ground really stopped shaking.

"It's okay, there are still many things that will surprise you in the future."

Yolande waved his hand and said: "The next thing, I will leave it to you to deal with it. I have to go over and report the situation to the king."

When he followed Fang Yan, he realized that this world was so small, and outside the planet, there were many cosmic civilizations that were even stronger than their planet's civilization.

Even Fang Yan, the most powerful in his eyes, is not the most powerful existence in this universe. Above him, there are many civilizations standing somewhere in the universe.

"Multidimensional Universe."

Yolande is fascinated by this vast universe, such a gorgeous and wonderful universe, if you don't touch it in this life, then what's the point of living here?

"Fangshen Heavenly Kingdom."

Clenching his fists tightly, the strength of Fangshen Heavenly Kingdom has slowly begun to show to the entire Tuxiu Mutu star people, this country is no longer like those fragile outsiders before, he belongs to a powerful and rich. In the hands of wise outsiders.

When they adopted a strict hierarchy, the country has begun to try to adopt a system of equality, and anyone in this country can play his due role.

It is no longer like before. If you do nothing, the state will not pay attention to you. At most, it will help you financially.

In this country, if you have a good skill, you can survive and even live a luxurious life in this not-so-complicated social system.

Any intelligent creature basically likes to enjoy it, especially the Tuxiu Mutu star people, once they have enough strength, even if they are polygamous, no one will tell you at all.

Even the chief of a small tribe in Tuxiu Mutu has more than 300 wives, one a day, and no samples for a year.

In Fangshen Heavenly Kingdom, if you only know how to enjoy, you can only get here, and it is almost impossible to go one step closer.

Fangshen Tianguo is currently in a stage of rapid development. The sooner it integrates into the development, the sooner it will benefit. When its development tends to be saturated at the current stage, it will be difficult to obtain various benefits.

Therefore, Yolande, who has already seen the situation clearly, only wants his tribe to integrate into Fangshen Heaven as quickly as possible. Now the incident in Tuxiu Mutu Kingdom is the perfect catalyst. As long as these high-level officials add more fire , perhaps the effect of this catalyst can be maximized.

"Lord King."

At this time, Yolande had arrived at Fang Yan's location, the top of a high mountain in the Phantom Tribe's territory.


Fang Yan turned his head, smiled, and said, "The environment of your Illusory Tribe is the best among the few tribes I've seen."

Hearing this, Yolande couldn't help but smile proudly and said, "Lord King, in terms of strength, our Illusory Tribe may not be ranked in the Tuxiu Mutu Kingdom, but in terms of scenery and environment, I dare not. Pack a ticket, it must be the first!"

"The control beasts of our tribe, the Phantom Dogs need a primitive environment. The more primitive the environment is, the better they will survive and develop. Over the years, the damage we have done to the environment is due to the existence of Phantom Dogs. Minimal."

Hearing what Yolande said, Fang Yan also understood, chuckled a few times, but stopped talking.

"Lord King, according to your instructions, the problem of our Phantom Tribe is basically solved now." Yolande also reported his work at this time.

"And the 10,000 or nearly 20,000 Shadow Guards you left behind have been taken to an open space of our tribe by us. Are you planning to put them on the territory of our Phantom Tribe to live?"

Yolande was also extremely shocked when he saw the shadow guards who were imprisoned in his tribe. The expression and breath that were completely unlovable, all of them no longer told their pain.

Even listening to the guards say that there are many shadow guards who are depressed because they are in a bad mood, and they died in just a few hours.

A guy with such a strong life can actually be depressed and then die within a few hours? What level of blow is this to make them so desperate!

"No, after the destination, someone will naturally come and pick them up." Fang Yan shook his head and said, "Your main task now is to appease your clansmen, so that they don't feel too disgusted with joining Fangshen Heavenly Kingdom. In my country, everything needs to be done according to the law."

"Anyone who violates the law will be punished by me, so when the time comes, take care of your clan and don't violate the laws I set."

Hearing this, Yolande nodded, and suddenly he felt that his hands were heavy. Looking down, it was a heavy book. On the cover of the book, a few words were clearly marked, "An Overview of the Law of the Fangshen Heavenly Kingdom" ".

"This is……"

Yolande looked at the book in his hand, which weighed at least ten kilograms, and his face changed. Could it be that this book is all kinds of laws and regulations?

But why how much? !

"The law of Fangshen's kingdom of heaven is also the law you plan to implement next. You will be responsible for managing these laws in the future."

Fang Yan said casually, "If there is anything you don't understand, Jarvis will help you, you just need to think about how to start implementing it."

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