Urban Marvel Scientist

Chapter 475: Grow Heart-Shaped Herbs!

Fang Yan went down one floor and came to a biological laboratory full of test tubes and freezers.

All the places are neatly affixed with inscriptions, and all the items are marked very clearly, so Fang Yan can see at a glance.

Fang Yan came to the biological test bench, and there were eight test tubes on one side, which were black, black panther, chimpanzee, black cat, and gene fragments of both males and females.

On the other side are dozens of test tubes, almost all genetic fragments of plants.

Fang Yan was a little surprised.

"These are the gene fragments you found?"

"Yes, the heart-shaped herb needs the genes of the black panther family to stimulate, and there are no people from the black panther family in this world. I have found these genes for you to synthesize."

Fang Yan nodded when he heard the words.

Although the heart-shaped herb has a magical effect, in order for it to fully function, it must be stimulated by the genes of the Black Panther family, otherwise it is just an ordinary physical fitness medicine, and it has no special magical function.

Therefore, in addition to Zhenjin, the genes of the Black Panther family are also necessary.

But before that, the seeds of the heart-shaped herb have to be cultivated.

Although there are no heart-shaped herbs in this world, it is not difficult for Fang Yan, who used to be the king of the universe, the all-knowing and all-powerful Fang Yan.

Fang Yan has the complete gene fragment of the heart-shaped herb in his memory. He only needs to cut out the required gene fragments, cut out these fragments, and then splicing them together to completely restore the DNA of the heart-shaped herb.

Finally, through gene culture, a complete heart-shaped herb plant can be obtained.

The process is like cloning sheep from stem cells.

Intercepting and splicing gene fragments seems much simpler than modifying radon-172. Because the former only requires nanometer-level accuracy, while the latter does picometer-level accuracy!

The accuracy of the two is hundreds of times different, and the difficulty is tens of thousands times different!

But if you think that it will be easier to splicing gene fragments, you are wrong!

And it was a big mistake!

The splicing of gene fragments requires the use of gene scissors, that is, various biological enzymes.

Without enzymes to transfer gene fragments, those genes can easily become inactive!

When they become dead, they degrade into proteins and nucleic acids, or small molecules, which are then reused, but then the gene segment loses its heritability.

And each gene fragment corresponds to a certain enzyme, if you want to intercept it, you must find the corresponding biological enzyme, otherwise you don't even think about intercepting the gene fragment!

It is extremely difficult to find the gene fragments you need from dozens of animal and plant gene fragments.

To find the corresponding enzyme based on the gene fragment, it would require millions of continuous experiments, even more luck than winning the lottery!

Not to mention that they have to be spliced ​​together again, and in a certain order, all the fragments are perfectly combined, and the amount of engineering is astronomical!

The difficulty of this is no less than that of making a vibrating gold substitute, and it is even more difficult!

"Jarvis, have you screened the biological enzymes you need?"

"I've sorted it according to your order!"

Fang Yan grinned.

Bioengineering seems complicated, but it is actually simple. As long as you have the right direction, the rest is a lot of calculations and experiments.

It comes down to gene interception and splicing, which is a simple permutation and combination.

This is different from particle physics. Physics needs to constantly calculate formulas, constantly optimize formulas, and constantly design experiments. In the end, it may still fail to pass, and then all over again!

But that doesn't mean that bioengineering is easy, it's just that the two are different in the way that it is difficult.

The use of each biological enzyme needs to consider their characteristics in advance, and then make careful calculations. If there is a mistake, it will still be all wrong!

But the difficulties of others are precisely the advantages of Fang Yan and Jarvis.

Fang Yan knew everything by heart, while Jarvis would never make mistakes. It was not too difficult for them to intercept and spliced ​​gene fragments.

Step by step, according to Fang Yan's thoughts, the complete gene of the heart-shaped herb and the Panther family gene that stimulates the heart-shaped herb can finally be spliced ​​together!

"Give me test tube number 3!"

Jarvis immediately controlled the robot and sent a test tube to Fang Yan.

"Dropper No. 5!"

"Put the 44th test tube into the petri dish!"


With the assistance of Jarvis, Fang Yan used various equipment and equipment precisely, and then in dozens of test tubes around, he kept cutting gene fragments, splicing gene fragments, cutting, splicing...

In this way, Fang Yan carried out the machinery without allowing any wrong operation.


Time passed quietly, and another week passed.

When the last drop of solution was mixed into the container, ding—, Jarvis beeped.

Fang Yan knew that Jarvis had detected the complete DNA of the heart-shaped herb!


Fang Yan's body lightened, knowing that he was one step closer to success!

"Jarvis, start cultivating heart-shaped herbs now!"

Fang Yan did not stop, but immediately issued an order.

"As you wish!"

The micro-robots swarmed up and instantly sent the test tube into the petri dish. The petri dish was a substitute for vibranium made by Fang Yan.

Hundreds of catalysts and nutrients were added to the petri dishes.

Fang Yan looked in from the outside of the glass, and saw a trace of unidentified green juice, which began to tumble, and then at a certain moment, there seemed to be a "pop" sound, and the group of juice suddenly exploded, and then at a speed visible to the naked eye, grow into a plant.

Exactly the Heart Herb!

"After scanning, it was confirmed that the heart-shaped herb is in good condition and can be used normally!"

Jarvis made a timely report.

"Very good, then you will continue to cultivate the heart-shaped herb!"

"Yes, sir!"

Fang Yan then turned his attention to another test bench, which was used to make Panther family genes.

However, unlike the heart-shaped herb, Fang Yan does not need to restore the complete DNA of a certain individual in the Black Panther family. He only needs to extract a small part of the genes that can stimulate the efficacy of the heart-shaped herb.

This workload is much simpler and faster than Pei Yan's complete DNA of the heart-shaped herb. Of course, the two are still the same trouble!

Just half a day later, Fang Yan produced the gene fragment of the Black Panther family.

At this point, all the preparations for the heart-shaped herb are all in place!

However, Fang Yan was not in a hurry to use it, because he also had to make superhuman serum, and then combine the two items to make a stronger technology!

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