Urban magic doctor

Chapter 911 Get out of here

Chen Yang looked back at Lang Xiaoran and said with a faint smile: "I have never been here before, but my intuition has always been relatively accurate. It shouldn't be a big problem if I take this path."

When everyone heard Chen Yang's words, they trusted him unconditionally.

They walked about two kilometers, and there was a strong smell of blood in front of them.

After approaching, the light of the flashlight shone through and saw several corpses lying on the ground.

The corpses include people from the Beast Spirit tribe, as well as exotic animals such as black bears, cheetahs, and tigers.

Obviously, there had been fierce battles here, which resulted in the Beast Spirit Tribe being severely damaged.

But the strange thing is that except for the beast spirit tribe, no other corpses were seen.

Logically speaking, since the whole army was not wiped out, the three beast spirit tribes of tiger, leopard and bear must have defeated the enemy and continued to advance.

But the strange thing is that their enemies ran after them.

Just when everyone was confused, Chen Yang pointed to the corner: "The Beast Spirit Clan encountered a monster, and the monster has been killed by them."

Everyone took a closer look and saw something dark in the corner. In the dim light, they had not noticed it just now.

If you look closely, you will see that it is a monster beast that looks like a bat. It is not very big. Except for a pair of strange red fangs, everything else looks ordinary.

But considering that this monster killed several members of the Beast Spirit tribe, it must be quite strong.

"It's actually a red-toothed bat, but its bloodline is too thin and its state is in the late Xiantian stage. It can't even compare to that frozen leopard."

Chen Yang muttered in his heart, broke the sword with black light, and took out the inner elixir from the brain of the red-toothed bat.

Others didn't know about this thing, and it all benefited him in the end.

"Let's go."

Chen Yang put away his inner elixir, led everyone, and continued to move forward.

After walking for more than ten miles, they walked through the passage and entered a huge palace.

Behind him, there are eight passage openings, all gathered here.

Above the entrance of the passage, numbers are still written in oracle bones.

"Sure enough, the pattern is the same as the crypts under the Komi primeval forest."

Chen Yang turned his eyes and looked forward.

The palace building is majestic and simple, with some patterns carved around it, mostly of battles between humans and various beasts.

Those beasts looked strange, and Chen Yang recognized them at a glance. They were all monsters.

However, there are not many types of monsters that he knows about so far, and he can't even name most of them.

It should be said that he could only name five or six of the monsters in the stone carvings.

"Those unknown monsters must be super powerful beings. The fact that they are recorded here at least shows that the people who built this underground palace have seen these monsters before."

"Did these monsters ever exist on earth?"

"Or maybe the people who built the underground palace have seen these monsters in other places?"

"Other place? Where is it? Could the Earth Martial Star mentioned in the prophecies circulated by the Beast Spirit Clan have something to do with this?"

There are too many questions in Chen Yang's mind.

Now he discovered that he had no real understanding of this world at all, and there were too many mysterious things waiting to be solved.

"You see, this monster looks like a dragon, but it is more powerful. The carving is obviously rough, but it gives people a lifelike feeling."

"What kind of monster is this? It has such a big belly and is so ugly."

"These humans seem to be fighting monsters. Who will win in the end?"

Shangguan Yun, Nie Wushuang and others were all attracted by the carvings on the wall. They illuminated the wall with flashlights and started discussing.

"The paintings on the walls are all monsters. Maybe there was a war between humans and monsters on earth."

Chen Yang continued to observe the palace while talking to everyone.

The strange thing is that the eight passages at the back are the same as the crypts under the Korami Primeval Forest, but there are no roads in front of the palace.

"Where should we go next?"

Chen Yang thought about it and groped on the wall, trying to find the mechanism.

He also said to others: "Try pressing and rotating the stone carvings on the wall. There should be a mechanism that leads to the road behind."

After everyone heard this, they all tried to find the mechanism.


At this moment, there was a sudden noise in the quiet palace.

The sound sounded like a stone door opening.

However, no one has touched any mechanism yet.

They turned around and saw that the east wall of the palace moved to the side, revealing a dark passage with torches lit inside, and vaguely visible figures.

"It's been a few days, and I've returned to this palace without getting a single hair. It's a waste of time."

"The middle door opens and the treasure appears. This is absolutely true."

"If it were so easy to obtain treasures, the ruins of Daxia would have been evacuated long ago."

"Didn't that outsider say he had a map? Is this bastard lying to us?"

"No...no, I definitely didn't lie to you. I was the one who discovered the mechanism that I just entered here."

As the voice rang out, people also walked out of the passage. It was the tiger, leopard, bear and beast spiritual tribe who entered the middle gate before Chen Yang and the others, as well as Zhao Kunpeng.

"Hey, someone came in."

Both parties saw each other, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

But then, Bao Cheng from the Leopard Spirit Clan burst out laughing: "Hahahaha, I thought they were some people, but it turns out they are just some useless outsiders. Those guys, they are only in the Baoyuan Realm, but they actually dared to enter the middle gate , simply seeking death."

Xiong Gang said in a deep voice: "Bao Cheng, don't laugh in a hurry. The fact that these guys can enter the middle gate proves that the people we left outside didn't stop them."

Bao Cheng was stunned for a moment and said in a cold voice: "Xiong Gang, are you kidding me? The strongest of these useless outsiders are only in the middle stage of Xiantian. We have left six people and six beasts outside. They are all in the middle stage of Xiantian. How is this possible? Can’t solve them?”

Hu Xiao glanced at Chen Yang and said disdainfully: "The outsiders are insidious and cunning. They must have used cunning tactics to lure Hu Jun, Bao Liang and others away."

Xiong Gang was thinking the most carefully and asked: "Even so, how did they pass through those eight passages? The outsider named Zhao just used some kind of heat sensor to detect that there were powerful alien beasts in each passage. .”

Hu Xiao pointed at the No. 7 passage and said matter-of-factly: "This is not easy. We have opened a way for these guys. Of course they can come in easily."

Bao Cheng, Xiong Gang and others took a look and found that only the entrance to the No. 7 passage had footprints.

Suddenly, they all felt relieved and did not pay attention to Chen Yang and his entourage who had sneaked in.

Bao Cheng looked at Lang Xiaoran, touched his chin, a lustful look flashed in his eyes, and said: "Lang Xiaoran, as a woman from the Beast Spirit Clan, it is simply a shame for you to travel with outsiders. Now, If you come here with a few giant wolves, we don’t have to kill you.”

Lang Xiaoran didn't speak, Chen Yang took a step forward, his eyes swept over the bodies of the tiger, leopard, bear, beast spirit tribe and others, and said calmly: "You all go away, I don't want to waste time."

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