Urban magic doctor

Chapter 852 A one-sided situation


Watanabe Masaki's shadow exploded. This sudden change completely caught Chen Yang's surprise.

He kicked the phantom, and even if he wanted to hide, it was already too late.

The powerful shock wave knocked him and Shangguan Yun away.

Shangguan Yun flew more than ten meters and hit a big tree before stopping.

The clothes on her back were completely torn to pieces, and the originally smooth and white back was already a mess of blood and flesh.

Fortunately, she was wearing Huajin Country's most cutting-edge defensive suit, so the injury was not serious, otherwise this blow would have at least broken her muscles and bones.

Chen Yangzhen flew out, spun in the air, and landed firmly, feeling severe pain in his right leg.

He looked down and saw that the legs of his trousers had been blown away, revealing his black and blue calves, which were highly swollen.

"What kind of trick is that phantom?!"

Chen Yang looked at Watanabe Masaki not far away, with a solemn look on his face.

The shadow is powerful enough to confuse the enemy, and it can also explode to cause damage, which is definitely a killer weapon.

At this time, Team ’, doesn’t it surprise you?”

"Hmph, they are both phantoms. My brother's and mine are different."

"After becoming a Marquis, which is your innate realm, you can gather your true energy and release it to attack."

"The shadow of the fist, the shadow of the palm, and the shadow of the leg are all based on this principle."

"The phantom produced by my magic shadow transformation uses this principle, but it is more advanced."

"Hahaha... How about it, Chinese Pig, are you scared out of your wits by my Shadow Transformation?"

Watanabe Masaki proudly introduced the Shadow Transformation, seemingly not afraid of exposing his weaknesses, which was undoubtedly a provocation and disregard for Chen Yang.

He simply didn't think that Chen Yang had the ability to defeat him.

Finally, he stared at Chen Yang sinisterly and said coldly: "Chen Yang, I said, I will kill you to avenge my brother."

Chen Yang looked solemn and felt great pressure.

Watanabe Masaki was already at a higher level than him, but now that he has such a magic shadow transformation, his advantage becomes even more obvious.

Chen Yang was unable to distinguish between the real body and the phantom. If he attacked the phantom, not only would it not cause damage to Watanabe Masaki, but the shock would also injure himself.

In this way, even if he is faster than Watanabe Shinken, it will be useless because he does not dare to attack at close range.

"It seems that we can only rely on the sword energy of the Black Light Broken Sword."

The Black Light Broken Sword is Chen Yang's only long-range attack method.

Now that everyone knew about the sword, there was no need for him to hide it anymore and he just pulled it out.

Watanabe Masaki's eyes lit up and he said greedily: "Is this your magic weapon? Although it is broken, it is indeed a good thing. This sword is mine."

As soon as he finished speaking, Watanabe Zhenzhen moved and attacked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang's zhenqi was circulating, regardless of whether Watanabe Masaki used the magic shadow transformation or not, he swung the black light broken sword and slashed through it with one strike.

Huge black sword energy, wrapped in violent energy, rushed out from the broken sword body.

The powerful energy fluctuations are frightening.

Both the Dark Holy See and Team X, who were fighting, intentionally avoided the sword energy and got out of the way.


The sword energy collided with Watanabe Masaki's body, as if a pack of explosives exploded. The shock wave spread out in all directions, and dust flew into the sky, obscuring his vision.

Immediately afterwards, the sword energy rushed into the forest, cutting down dozens of towering trees, and then gradually disappeared.

However, Chen Yang could see clearly that no blood flew out.


Chen Yang frowned and turned to look around, searching for Watanabe Masaki.

He didn't see Watanabe Masaki and without hesitation, he struck behind him with his sword.

At the same time, he looked back.

Sure enough, Watanabe Masaki was less than five meters behind him.


The sword energy struck Watanabe Masaki's body, and the explosion was very strong.

But what troubles Chen Yang is that this is still a virtual shadow.

"You bastard, how can you fight like this!"

Chen Yang cursed secretly in his mind, and suddenly felt a wave of zhenqi coming from his left side.

He turned around and saw a human-sized Zhenqi fist flying towards him.

He bent back at the waist, and the fist almost flew past his chest.

It was just a hair's breadth away from killing him.

The moment he bent down, he slashed to the left with his sword.

But as soon as the sword energy was generated, his expression changed.

Because less than half a meter away to his left, Watanabe Masaki was standing right here.

What is unusual is that when faced with the black light sword energy, Watanabe Masaki does not dodge.

Needless to say, this is definitely a ghost.

Moreover, Chen Yang clearly felt that the energy fluctuations of this phantom were stronger.

If the sword energy hits the shadow, a terrifying explosion will occur at such a close distance, which will definitely shock Chen Yang.

He immediately exerted force on his waist, abdomen and legs, and his body was almost horizontal in the air. He rotated several times to the right and distanced himself from the phantom.

At the same time, the sword energy hit the shadow.


The strong shock wave exceeded Chen Yang's expectations and caused him to fly sideways.

Fortunately, he avoided the core area of ​​the explosion, otherwise, he would have been seriously injured this time.

After he regained his footing, he felt lingering fear.

If the fight continued like this, he would be unable to fight back and sooner or later he would be killed by Watanabe Masaki.

"Chen Yang, your strength is much weaker than I thought. Fighting with you is too boring."

Watanabe Masaki's voice came from above.

Chen Yang looked up and saw Watanabe Masaki standing pretentiously on a branch with his hands behind his back, overlooking the overall battle below.

His eyes were extremely arrogant.

In his opinion, the entire X team is a bunch of losers, unable to resist at all.

"Calm down, be sure to calm down."

"How can we defeat him!?"

Chen Yang tried to stay calm, his mind was spinning rapidly, looking for a way to defeat Watanabe Masaki.


Before he could think of a solution, suddenly, a scream came from not far away.

Chen Yang turned around and saw that his big head was blown away and fell heavily to the ground. His body was covered in blood and flesh. He tried to stand up, but his leg was broken and his expression was distorted in pain.

On the other side, Ye Zi and Xiao Bei were also covered in blood and panting, obviously relying on their will to hold on.

The three of them are only in the middle stage of Baoyuan, and the members of the Dark Holy See have reached at least the late stage of Baoyuan, or even the peak. How can they be their opponents?

"Boy, you are too weak."

A member of the Dark Holy See with a scar on his face walked towards the big head step by step, his face full of disdain.

He walked up to Da Tou, looked down at Da Tou, and sneered playfully: "Boy, your left leg is broken. There is a saying in Hua Jinguo that good things come in pairs. Let me do you a favor and break your right leg too." Bar."

After saying that, Scar raised his foot high and kicked Big Tou's left leg.

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