Urban magic doctor

Chapter 834 Opportunity for Revenge

"Hahaha, this idiot actually told us to get lost!"

"Who does he think he is? He wants to meet our party leader and second boss."

"The second boss said that Arnold called for help. Could it be this guy with hair that hasn't fully grown yet?"

"With his size, I can kill him with one punch."

The five members of the Jiao Fist Party mocked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang sat on the chair, unmoved, lit a cigarette, blew out a smoke ring, and said calmly: "For the last time, get out! In addition, smoking is prohibited in the hospital, so please put out your cigarettes."

Are you smoking and letting someone else put out your cigarette?


One of the horn fist gang members yelled and punched Chen Yang.

Before Chen Yang could make a move, Karla kicked him out.

Although the horn boxer was tall, he couldn't withstand Karla's kick. He was kicked out and hit the wall, unable to stand up.

The expressions of the remaining four Horn Fist Party members darkened, and they all looked at Karla warily.

"I advise you, don't force Chen Yang to take action, otherwise, you will be even worse."

Karla smiled jokingly and wagged her finger at the other party.

"Karla, please sit down. I'm here, so I can't let you do anything."

Chen Yang stood up, patted Karla on the shoulder, put the cigarette in Karla's hand, and said with a smile: "Hold it for me for a second."

Karla took the cigarette butt, and Chen Yang moved.

Bang bang bang bang.

There were four explosions, and no one could see clearly how Chen Yang took action.

The four remaining members of the Horn Fist Party all lay on the ground, vomiting blood, and the air was filled with the smell of blood.


Chen Yang smiled at Kalla, took back the cigarette butt, took a puff, and said to the confused Jiao Fist Party members: "Now, you can get out."

The five horn boxers glanced at Chen Yang, not daring to be arrogant. They supported the wall and staggered out of the ward.

"Fake, I must take revenge."

"Go to treatment quickly, I feel like I've been kicked in the stomach."

"I'll call the second boss. The second boss will definitely not let this guy go. By the way, what was his name just now?"

"Chen Yang."

Outside the door, the voices of several horn fighters gradually faded away.

In the ward, the way Arnold looked at Chen Yang completely changed.

He thought Kalla was strong enough, but Chen Yang opened his eyes.

He asked tremblingly: "Hua Jinguo Kung Fu?"


Chen Yang nodded, reassured Arnold, and said, "It's a waste of time to wait here. I'll find a way to contact the Vasi family."

After saying that, he took out his phone and called Black Flag.

Soon, he got Guno Vasi’s phone number and called him directly.

"Hello, I... I am Mr. Gounod's secretary, ah... ah... may I ask, what can I do for you?"

As soon as he heard the sound, Chen Yang knew that Gouno must be having sex with his secretary.

He said: "Let Gounod answer the phone."

"Mr. Gounod said, oh...ah...it's not convenient for him to answer the phone. If you have anything, please...please tell me."

Chen Yang frowned: "Tell him, I am Chen Yang, Chen Yang of Black Flag."

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and then a gloomy voice came: "Chen Yang?"

"Yes, it's me."

"I remember your voice, it's really you. My dear friend, you called me, what's the matter?"

Dear friends?

Haha, you must be a hateful enemy, right?

Chen Yang raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth, told the story about the crew, and then said: "Remove your people."

"I'm so sorry, that's what happened. Don't worry, I immediately told my brother Mayo and asked him to evacuate the people. By the way, where are you? This matter is wrong with my Vasi family. I came here with my brother , apologize to you and Arnold."

"If you want to know where I am, ask your brother."

"Dear Chen, I will be there soon. Please wait for me."

"Ok, I will wait for you."

After Chen Yang finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Arnold was shocked when he heard Chen Yang call him Gounod: "You...you called the leader of the Vasi family."


Chen Yang nodded, and then said to Karla: "You will protect Lin Rou and the others later, and leave the rest to me. By the way, be careful."

Upon hearing this, everyone was stunned.

Lin Rou wondered: "Didn't he say he wanted to come over and apologize?"

Chen Yang said: "That bastard is not so easy to talk to. He said that because he wanted to stabilize me. I'm afraid that now, he has already arrived with weapons and troops."

Hearing this, Lin Rou and Karla were fine, but Arnold was shocked.

Chen Yang smiled, walked over and patted Arnold on the shoulder: "Don't worry, I'm here, it's okay."

"That bastard Chen Yang actually came to Lanxi Country. Haha, he is really asking for his own death."

After hanging up the phone from Chen Yang, Gouno touched the left half of his ear with a cruel sneer on his face.

When he bullied a woman, Chen Yang actually cut off his ear. He had always held a grudge, and now the chance for revenge finally came.

Beside him, a blond beauty said softly: "My dear, what happened?"

He immediately put on his clothes and walked out of the door while calling his brother: "Mayo, what's going on over there with Arnold?"

"That bastard found a thug from somewhere. I sent a few boys there, but they were all seriously injured by him. I'm planning to take people there now."

"Do you know who that thug is?"

"Who? It seems his name is Chen Yang."

"Think about it, the person we know is named Chen Yang."

"Ah! God of Black Flag! Brother, what are you going to do?"

"Hehe, of course I want to take revenge on him."

"Brother, this matter is a bit complicated. Let's meet and discuss it in detail before making a decision."

"Complicated? Okay, I'll go find you now."

Half an hour later, inside a law firm belonging to the Vasi family.

Gounod frowned and said in surprise: "What, you said the people from Wolfsburg came forward to save those two women?"

Mayo nodded and said depressedly: "Yes, otherwise you think I would let those two beautiful beauties go?"

Gounod pondered: "You think...could Chen Yang be related to Wolfsburg?"

"Probably not." Mayo said: "Even if there is, we don't have to worry. Our Vasi family is also a subordinate force of the Dark Holy See, and Wolfsburg doesn't dare to do anything to us."

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