Urban magic doctor

Chapter 727 Ambush

When Chen Yang saw his friend inviting them to come over and play, he looked at Shangguan Yun and asked for his opinion, "How do you think? Should you ignore them?"

Shangguan Yun glanced at the people by the lake and said to Chen Yang, "Let's go, our purpose is not to have fun."


Chen Yang nodded, pretended not to hear the shouts of the traveling companions, started the car, and drove around Lake Kuga towards Mondelno Mountain ahead.

The travelers at the lake looked dissatisfied when they saw the Grand Cherokee driving away.

One of the tall men with yellow hair shouted: "Get in the car and follow them to see what they want to play."

After hearing this, the other six people got into the car.

They have a total of three Wranglers, all Rubicons, and they appear to have been heavily modified.

Although I don’t know if they are experienced travel enthusiasts, judging from the car alone, they are still quite professional.

Three Wranglers formed a line and accelerated towards the Grand Cherokee.

"They're coming after me."

Chen Yang glanced at the rearview mirror and said to Shangguan Yun.

Shangguan Yun frowned: "They can't go where we go."

Chen Yang said: "Then I will send them away?"


Shangguan Yun nodded.

Chen Yang stopped the car, planning to wait for the Wrangler behind to catch up, and then send the group of travel companions away.

The three Wranglers were getting closer and closer, and they were already five meters behind the Grand Cherokee.

Suddenly, three Wranglers accelerated at the same time.

Seeing this, Chen Yang showed a vigilant look on his face and said to Shangguan Yun: "Pay attention to the situation, those people look fishy."

As soon as he finished speaking, three Wranglers rushed up and surrounded the Grand Cherokee.

Something is obviously wrong with this situation.

Immediately afterwards, the windows of the three Wranglers opened, pistols stretched out from the windows, aimed at the Grand Cherokee, and started shooting wildly.

"what's the situation!?"

Chen Yang lowered his head suddenly and kicked open the car door. He moved in front of a Wrangler on the left.

He kicked the side of the Wrangler. The vehicle was hit hard and flew into the air.


The car fell into the Kuga Lake, splashing with huge splashes, and then the car sank toward the water.

At the same time, Shangguan Yun also took action and instantly killed the three people on the Wrangler on the right.

"So fierce!"

In the Wrangler parked at the front of the Grand Cherokee, a person screamed in surprise and raised his gun to shoot Shangguan Yun.

But before he could pull the trigger, a hand came in from the window and crushed his throat.

The accomplice sitting in the passenger seat looked at Chen Yang outside the driver's door. He was stunned with fear.

The fighting power of a man and a woman on the other side was too strong to be human.

He quickly opened the car door and wanted to escape.

Suddenly, a figure appeared outside the car door.

This person is not the man who just stood outside the driver's door.

How is this speed possible?

The man was so frightened that before he could react, Chen Yang kicked the car door and closed it, trapping him to death.

Everything happened in an instant, five people on the other side were killed instantly.

Wow, wow...

The sound of water splashing came from Kuga Lake. Chen Yang and Shangguan Yun looked towards the lake and saw the two people who had just fallen into the car in the lake. They got out of the car and were heading away from Chen Yang and the two people. swim in the direction.

Shangguan Yun frowned: "What are the origins of these people? They are so weak and don't even have any external strength, so they dare to attack us?"

"I don't know. I have to catch those two people and ask them."

Chen Yang said, picked up a gun and shot at the two swimming people.

Bang, bang.

The bullets hit the water in front of the two people. They were shocked and looked back at Chen Yang, not daring to move.

Chen Yang shouted: "Swim over here, or the next bullet will hit you in the head."

The two people looked at each other and knew that they had kicked the iron plate today, so they turned around and swam towards the shore again.

When they landed, they were shivering all over. They didn't know whether it was fear or the cold.

Chen Yang looked at the two of them and asked, "Who is the leader?"

One of them immediately pointed to the yellow-haired man next to him and said hurriedly: "He, he is."

The yellow-haired man twitched his mouth, glared at his companion, and looked at Chen Yang with a smile on his face: "Brother, we got the wrong person, please let me go."

Shangguan Yun stared at the yellow hair and said coldly, "Mistaken admission? You brought weapons and intercepted us. You said you admitted the wrong person. Do you think anyone would believe it?"

The yellow-haired man trembled and knelt on the ground. He looked up at Shangguan Yun with a fearful expression on his face and said tremblingly: "Let me go. I really didn't know you were so powerful. Please let me go." us."

Not only is he weak in strength, he is also weak in courage.

Chen Yang couldn't help but find it ridiculous that such a thing dared to attack him.

However, he also found that something was strange.

The other party intercepted three Wranglers and then fired with guns without any hesitation. They were obviously well prepared.

Chen Yang was certain that the other party was coming for him and Shangguan Yun.

If this is the case, then the people behind the scenes must know their identities.

However, if you send out such an inferior character, wouldn't you be risking your own death?

The more Chen Yang thought about it, the more he felt that something was strange.

He asked Huang Hair: "Who asked you to come?"

The yellow-haired man said hurriedly: "It's... a person named Zhao Han."

What, Zhao Han!

Chen Yang's expression changed, and he felt that something was fishy.

Zhao Han knew very well how powerful Chen Yang was. No matter how stupid he was, there was no way he would send such a chicken and a dog to assassinate Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said to Huang Fa: "What exactly happened?"

The yellow-haired man said: "Zhao Han gave us one million and asked a few of us to kill you. He provided the guns and vehicles. He also told us your whereabouts. Then according to his instructions, we waited Here, I’ll attack you.”

Shangguan Yun asked doubtfully: "How does he know our whereabouts?"

Chen Yang looked back at the Grand Cherokee that was full of bullet holes, and said solemnly: "When we rented the car, someone must have quietly placed a satellite locator on the car."

He walked around the Grand Cherokee and sure enough he found a piece of chewing gum stuck to the trunk.

Inside the chewing gum is a locator.

Shangguan Yun frowned and said: "What does Zhao Han mean? It is useless to send a character like this to assassinate you?"

"It's indeed useless, but Zhao Han is by no means a fool. He should have an ulterior motive for doing this."

Chen Yang pinched his chin and started thinking.

His eyes looked at the two living yellow-haired people, then moved to the two Wranglers next to them, and finally looked at the Grand Cherokee he was driving.

"No, leave quickly!"

Suddenly, his expression changed, he hugged Shangguan Yun and used Phantom Step.

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