Urban magic doctor

Chapter 717 Reverse Door Locking Formation

"Come on, we're about to get out of the formation."

Chen Yang turned around, smiled at Shangguan Yun, and continued walking forward.

He looked forward, and around the corner was the birth gate of the Nine Palaces Illusion Array.

After passing the previous path and finally reaching the Shengmen Gate, you can break the formation and all illusions will disappear.

Chen Yang walked to the living door and just stood still when the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

The beautiful peach blossom forest disappeared, leaving only a patch of waist-deep shrubs around. The shrubs were uneven and mostly withered. There was no half of the beauty of the peach blossom forest.

There are sixteen three-meter-high stones standing in the bushes. The stones have different shapes and appear to be irregular.

However, the stones are arranged very neatly, with four rows and four columns, and there are ten meters between each two adjacent ones.

If these boulders are connected together, they will form a large square, and the four adjacent stones will form a small square area, making a total of nine small palace grids.

Different lines are engraved on each stone. They appear to be naturally formed due to wind and sand erosion, but are actually intentional.

This is where the Nine Palaces Illusion Formation comes from.

At this moment, before Shangguan Yun walked out of the illusion formation, she saw Chen Yang standing motionless at the corner of the path in the peach blossom forest, but she didn't know that the scene in front of Chen Yang was completely different from what she saw.

She asked: "Why don't you leave?"

Chen Yang withdrew his gaze from observing the surroundings, looked at Shangguan Yun, and waved, "Where I stand is the birth gate of the Nine Palaces Illusion Array. As long as you come over, this array will be broken."


Shangguan Yun's eyes lit up and she walked forward.

When she walked to Chen Yang, the scene in front of her changed. She opened her mouth wide and marveled at the magic of the Nine Palaces Magic Array.

After a moment of silence, Shangguan Yun sighed: "This Nine Palaces Illusionary Array is so wonderful. This place is only over a thousand square meters at most, but it creates the illusion of an endless peach blossom forest. Moreover, we walked inside for several hours, and we were constantly surrounded by Trapped inside.”

Chen Yang said: "This formation only has a psychedelic effect and is not offensive. As long as some changes are made, the Nine Palaces Illusionary Formation will become the Nine Palaces Killing Formation. If this is the Nine Palaces Killing Formation, if you want to break the formation, it is not like this It’s easier.”

Nine Palaces Killing Formation, what is that?

Shangguan Yun's eyes were full of curiosity, and she found that Chen Yang knew too much.

She glanced at the Nine Palaces Illusion Array and saw several human skeletons and several other animal skeletons in it. She must have entered the Illusion Array by mistake and was finally trapped and died inside.

This place is very difficult to find, so Chen Yang and the two of them arrived here based on the map's guidance.

It's really unfortunate that only a few people or animals have wandered in and died here over the years.

Among the people who accidentally broke in, the fishing "Wuling man" left safely, but if he wanted to return to this place, he could not find it.

So don’t even think about entering the valley without a map.

Even if you enter the valley, you still have to break the Nine Palaces Illusion Array.

The Nine Palaces Illusion Array blocks the entrance to the valley. As soon as you get here, you will fall into the illusion array.

If you don't know how to crack it, you will most likely be trapped to death.

Shangguan Yun took out the map, looked at it, and said to Chen Yang: "The Nine Palaces Magic Array is not marked on the map. It seems that the person who left the map doesn't want too many people to enter Taoyuan."


Chen Yang said without comment.

He was secretly thinking that Master Haolan didn't take the entry-level formation like the Nine Palaces Illusion Array seriously at all, and of course he wouldn't mark it on the map.

Because in the eyes of Master Hao Lan, this formation is almost non-existent.

The two of them stared at the Nine Palaces Magic Array for a while, then Chen Yang called to Shangguan Yun: "Let's go, the entrance to Taoyuan is ahead."

After saying that, he walked forward.

Shangguan Yun followed Chen Yang and looked at Chen Yang's back. She couldn't calm down.

The black light broken sword that releases powerful sword energy is comparable to the super speed of the innate realm, and the understanding of the battle method...

Chen Yang seems to be omnipotent and has endless secrets hidden in him.

"Who is he?"

Shangguan Yun was full of interest in Chen Yang.

After walking out of the Nine Palaces Illusion Array, the valley the two of them were in was not as vast as the peach blossom forest they had just seen, but a long and narrow valley with a width of about twenty meters.

The mountain walls on both sides of the deep valley slope towards the middle, with a gap of half a meter above each other. The two mountain walls are about to close together, leaving only a line through which the sky can be seen.

The sunlight shines down from the gaps in the valley, forming a bright straight line at the bottom of the valley, and as the sun moves, the light also moves laterally, which looks very interesting.

Chen Yang and Shangguan Yun walked forward. According to the map, the entrance to Taoyuan was at the end of the valley.

Blah blah blah...

The sound of water flow sounded, and Chen Yang and the two looked forward, only to see water rushing out of the culvert on the valley wall, forming a waterfall with a width of more than ten meters.

The waterfall is like a horse, and the water drops are crystal clear and dazzling.

Below the waterfall is a deep pool with rippling blue waves.

The deep pool occupies the end of the valley, forming a half-moon shape.

The water flow of the waterfall is turbulent and fast. It hits the deep pool and splashes huge water splashes.

The water surface of the deep pool does not rise or decrease, and there are only waterfalls falling, but I don't know where the water flows.

The straight line of sunlight shining down from above the valley is reflected on the waterfall and deep pool. The two sides are dark, and a bright line in the middle seems to cut the scene in half.

Shangguan Yun was amazed by such a landscape.

"It's really amazing. Is this the entrance to Taoyuan?"

Shangguan Yun exclaimed and took out the map to see that her current location was the entrance to Taoyuan.

She looked at Chen Yang: "Could it be that the waterfall is the gate of Taoyuan? There is a special scene behind the waterfall?"

Whenever she had a question, she would ask Chen Yang, as if Chen Yang knew everything.

Chen Yang stared at the scene in front of him for a while, and said in a deep voice: "If my prediction is correct, the entrance to Taoyuan should be under the deep pool, but the scene in front of me is a bit weird. It is probably a formation, and you have to enter the waterfall. We’ll know for sure later.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Yang jumped towards the waterfall. His figure was submerged in the water, rushed into the waterfall and disappeared.

"come in."

Chen Yang's voice came from the waterfall.

Shangguan Yun did not hesitate and jumped into the waterfall.

Behind the waterfall, there is a cave, a small cave of twenty square meters.

It was dark all around. Chen Yang was holding a flashlight in his hand and looking at the center of the cave.

There is a disc with a diameter of half a meter. No, strictly speaking, it should be a bronze mirror.

The bronze mirror is polished very finely, and the reflection inside is not distorted at all, and can completely present the scene in normal proportions.

The bronze mirror is suspended at a height of two meters and is tilted downward.

Such a layout is really strange, and it must have some purpose.

Shangguan Yun was confused and was about to ask, but Chen Yang spoke first and said in a condensed voice: "I didn't expect it to be a reverse door locking formation."

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