Urban magic doctor

Chapter 696 Hero

Chen Yang turned into an afterimage, facing vertically downward, and flashed past.

In the air, the afterimage hit Ricky who was falling downwards.

Ricky's falling speed suddenly accelerated, turning into a black shadow and falling rapidly.


There was a loud noise, and gravel and dust rose from the ground.

Chen Yang trampled Ricky under his feet, and Ricky's body was crushed by him. His neck was tilted to one side, with a fearful and unwilling expression on his face.

Seeing that Ricky was dead, the whole place fell into silence.

Immediately afterwards, the entire Weicheng County burst into cheers.

"Hero, you are our hero!"

"That's great, I want to marry him."

"Hero, hero..."

The whole audience cheered, and everyone felt excited.

Chen Yang glanced at Ricky's body, turned to look at the stunned firefighters not far away, and shouted, "I'll leave the rest to you."

After saying that, he rushed towards the parking lot.

Firefighters have extinguished the burning cars in the parking lot, leaving a burning smell in the air.

Chen Yang looked towards the car in the center of the parking lot, but did not see Yang Xuewei.

"Chen Yang."

There was a voice nearby, and Yang Xuewei rushed out of the crowd and threw herself into Chen Yang's arms.

"never mind."

Chen Yang patted Yang Xuewei's back and comforted her gently.

Yang Xuewei let go of Chen Yang, looked him up and down, and said with a worried look on her face: "You're not injured, right? I just saw you fighting that bat up there, and I was so worried."

Chen Yang smiled: "It's just a stinky bat, how could it hurt me?"

At this time, the crowd rushed here.

Everyone gathered around Chen Yang, with expressions of admiration on their faces.

The battle just now was an eye-opener for them.

A little girl with pigtails and nightgown walked up to Chen Yang and asked innocently: "Brother, are you a god?"

"You have discovered all this, you are so smart."

Chen Yang winked at the little girl, making her giggle.

He took Yang Xuewei's hand and walked out of the crowd, and whispered: "Xuewei, let's leave quickly, otherwise there will be more and more people."

Yang Xuewei glanced at the dark crowd, fearing that the entire Weicheng County people were rushing here at this moment.

The shock of the building's collapse just now woke up everyone in Weicheng County.

Nowadays, communications are developed, and the battle between Chen Yang and Ruiqi is spread through various social software.

At this moment, most people in the entire Huajin Kingdom who were not asleep knew that a battle was taking place in Weicheng County.

Chen Yang didn't stay long and used Phantom Step to leave.

Everyone felt a gust of wind blow by, and Chen Yang and the two disappeared.

"Hey, where's that hero?"

"Why did he suddenly disappear?"

"He has completed his mission and has left."

The crowd exclaimed and looked around, looking for Chen Yang, but found nothing.

At this time, on the rooftop of a nearby building, Yang Xuewei patted her chest and exclaimed: "You were so fast just now."

"Let's go, it's time to go home."

Chen Yang smiled, picked up Yang Xuewei from the waist, moved his steps, and ran across the roof of the building.

It was already dawn when we returned to Dayi.

Yang Xuewei hurriedly went to school, while Chen Yang returned to the fourth hospital.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he was stopped by a man with wooden dragons embroidered on his sleeves. He said respectfully: "Mr. Chen, someone is looking for you."


Chen Yang asked.

Na Mulong handed over a business card with Luo Badao's name written on it.

Since he was Datou's father, Chen Yang of course wanted to give him some face, so he followed Mu Long to a residence.

After entering the room, besides the Luo Badao that Chen Yang expected, there was someone he didn't recognize.

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