Urban magic doctor

Chapter 67 Request

"Ambergris, Yama Trumpet, Blood Seed Grass..."

Looking at the wrinkled paper with the names of the medicinal materials in his hand, Yao Yongsheng felt very confused. He didn't know these medicinal materials at all. Ye Yunlun asked him to find them. Where could he find them?

However, because of his reputation as a medical expert, Yao Yongsheng did not tell him about his difficulties. Otherwise, his reputation would be completely ruined.

As for how to find these unknown medicinal materials, he only thought of one person, his master Wu Wenguang.

Seeing that no one was paying attention, he quietly exited the ward and went to call his master in Canada.

Ye Yunlun arranged for Yao Yongsheng to find medicinal materials. The next step was to find Chen Yang. Now if he wanted to rescue Mr. Ye, Chen Yang was the key.

"Yiqing, where is Chen Yang?" Ye Yunlun looked at Ye Yiqing and asked, his tone much softer.

"I'll call him right away."

Ye Yiqing was very worried about her grandfather's safety. She hurriedly took out her mobile phone and called Chen Yang. After explaining her intention, Chen Yang said coldly: "Ye Yunlun asked me to treat your grandfather? Haha, there is no sincerity. Let him treat me himself." !”

After saying that, Chen Yang hung up the phone directly.

When Ye Yiqing heard the "beep beep beep" sound, she frowned and looked at Ye Yunlun: "Chen Yang asked you to invite him yourself!"

"This kid..."

The anger in Ye Yunlun's eyes flashed away without breaking out. He snorted coldly and said to Ye Yiqing: "Lead the way, I'll go see him."


Chen Yang was lying on a chair and enjoying the sun. He was enjoying himself when he heard a knock on the door. He looked up and saw that it was Ye Yunlun and his party.

He closed his eyes and pretended not to see it.

Ye Yiqing walked in and whispered: "Chen Yang, my father is here, please..."

"Oh, here we are, where are we?"

Chen Yang opened his eyes and looked around deliberately.

Ye Yunlun had a bulging vein on his forehead. He took a deep breath and tried to keep his emotions calm. He stepped forward and said straight to the point: "Chen Yang, please follow me to the hospital and save my father."

"Didn't you drive me away and call me a liar? Do you still want to beat me up? What, you regret it now?" Chen Yang smiled and said with a serious face: "I said, if you want me to take action again, you must The Ye family all knelt down to beg me.”


Ye Yunlun gritted his teeth and did not get angry after all. In addition to being shocked by Chen Yang's medical skills, he was also a little afraid of Chen Yang. If he angered the person in front of him, he, the richest man, would not be able to defeat him.

As for asking the Ye family to kneel down, this is simply impossible to accept. It is simply an insult to the Ye family.

Ye Yunlun tried to keep his tone calm and said: "Chen Yang, my Ye family is rich. As long as you cure my father, my Ye family can give you whatever you want."

Chen Yang sneered and despised Ye Yunlun more and more. If the other party was nice to him, he might consider taking action, but Ye Yunlun was too tacky and not to his liking at all.

He shook his head and mocked: "Your little money is nothing in my eyes."

For a moment, Ye Yunlun's complexion changed, and his cheeks turned red with anger. Chen Yang's words completely ignored him, which greatly hurt the self-esteem of the richest man.

He said gloomily: "Chen Yang, is there really no room for negotiation?"

"No, I'm just a chicken. Who told you to offend me yesterday?" Chen Yang looked indifferent, lying down with his head in his hands, shaking his feet leisurely.

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