Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6578 Spending money

"Ice Kite Flower?"

Hearing Nangong Hen's words, Chen Yang glanced at the Ice Kite flower in his hand and said to himself: "The Ice Kite flower they are talking about could not be the one in my hand, right?"

The battle situation is already very tense. If Nangong Hen wins, Chen Yang feels that there is a high probability that he will not end well.

If the Ice Kite flower in hand can help the fairies in the Ice Palace defeat Nangong Hen, this is undoubtedly a good thing.

When the time comes, he can turn the tide, and the fairies will no longer reject him, and they will surely be able to ask for some information about the Ice Emperor.

Of course, these are Chen Yang's wishful thinking.

He was still unsure whether the Ice Kite flower in his hand had any effect.

"What the hell, give it a try."

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows, activated the Ice Kite Flower with Star Energy, and threw the Ice Kite Flower away with his hand.

According to the Ice Emperor, the Ice Kite Flower can withstand all attacks from the Emperor, and the Ice Emperor can sense it immediately and come to help.

Although Nangong Hen sealed this area, he could not contact the Ice Emperor.

But the power of the Ice Kite Flower still exists.

Powerful energy fluctuations spread, and Nangong Hen and the twelve female immortals of the Immortal Palace, who were fighting, all looked surprised.

"Such a strong energy, Nangong Hen still has helpers!?"

"It's the man who broke into the Immortal Palace before. It seems that he must have hidden his realm. Otherwise, how could a mere earthly immortal have such power?"

“I didn’t expect that Nangong Hen would bring helpers.”

All the twelve female fairies looked ugly, feeling helpless.

Yuan Xi gritted his teeth and said to the junior sisters: "Resist with all your strength, even if you die, you must buy time for the rest of the Immortal Palace."

"Yes, Second Senior Sister!" All the girls responded in unison, all of them with expressions of despair.

Little did they know that Nangong Hen was also terrified of the sudden energy below.

The icicle forest blocked the sight of the Twelve Fairies, but Nangong Hen, who was under the iceberg, could clearly see what was happening below.

A man in the earthly immortal realm threw an ice kite flower.

The energy of the Ice Kite Flower is very powerful, and Nangong Hen can clearly sense that its energy attributes are the same as those of his former master, Ice Emperor.

"What's going on? Is it the old woman's distraction?"

Nangong Hen was confused and looked at the cracked iceberg. He suddenly withdrew the ice staff holding the iceberg and rushed downwards and Chen Yang.

The iceberg is not scary, but Nangong Hen is worried that if the Ice Kite Flower also joins, then the "Frozen Thirteen Yins" will be completed and it will be difficult for him to resist.

He made a prompt decision and planned to deal with Bingyuanhua first, then kill Chen Yang, and then deal with the junior sisters.

The Ice Kite flower was extremely fast, as if it was induced by the iceberg, and flew towards the center of the iceberg, forming a connection and communication between the energy and the iceberg.

"Hey, what's going on?" Yuan Xi asked in surprise: "Could it be some kind of secret method that wants to disintegrate our "Thirteen Frozen Yins" from the inside so that we can no longer condense the icebergs?"

"Everyone goes all out and cannot let the other side succeed."

Yuan Xi shouted that if "The Frozen Thirteen Yins" was destroyed, they would completely lose their resistance.

"Second Senior Sister, something is wrong. Nangong Hen is attacking downwards."

Seeing the cracks on the iceberg recovering, one of the twelve female fairies shouted.

Yuan Xi took a closer look and found that this was indeed the case.

As the Ice Kite rose into the sky, its shape could be clearly seen through the iceberg. Yuan Xi and others were all shocked: "It turned out to be the Ice Kite. Could it be the master?"

At this time, the ice staff in Nangong Hen's hand was attacking the Ice Kite Flower. The front end of the ice staff shone with light, and its majestic power was slightly stronger than the Ice Kite Flower.

"This man is terrible!"

Chen Yang was shocked in his heart. Even the Ice Emperor said that even the Emperor could not suppress the Ice Kite Flower.

But Nangong Hen is slightly stronger, which means that Nangong Hen is already infinitely close to the emperor and does not belong to the ranks below.

However, Chen Yang was already prepared after seeing how powerful Nangong Hen was.

At the critical moment, a fist light suddenly erupted next to Bingyuanhua, suddenly expanded to dozens of meters, and rushed towards Nangong Hen.

In order to deal with Nangong Hen, Chen Yang also spent a lot of money, using the Ice Kite Flower and the Boxing Emperor Immortal Talisman, two life-saving trump cards.

The Boxing Emperor Immortal Talisman has a pure attack effect, which is a little stronger than the energy of the Ice Kite Flower, but it is not enough to crush Nangong Hen.

However, as long as he can slightly hinder Nangong Hen and allow the Ice Kite Flower to reach the iceberg and merge with it, Chen Yang's goal will be achieved.


The fist light hit Nangong Hen's ice staff, and the energy exploded. The ice staff actually shattered inch by inch. The fist light seemed to be more effective than expected.

But when the ice staff was broken halfway, it stopped, and quickly moved forward to condense the ice crystals, piercing the fist light.

Amidst the sweeping energy, Nangong Hen shuttled out and chased the Bingkite Flower.

But after a short period of hindrance, he was already unable to catch up.


Nangong Hen snorted coldly, without panicking, turned around and flew towards Chen Yang below.

He didn't know Chen Yang's identity, but judging from the current situation, it was Chen Yang who controlled the Ice Kite Flower. As long as he was killed, the Ice Kite Flower would be destroyed.

"Evil villain, seeking death!"

Seeing Nangong Hen flying towards him, Chen Yang imitated the Ice Emperor's expression, but without taking action, he shouted coldly: "Yan Xiao, catch him."

Seeing this, Nangong Hen felt a chill in his heart.

The Ice Emperor was clearly not in the Immortal Palace, so why did a mind of distraction suddenly appear.

Moreover, although Yan Xiao is the mount of the Ice Emperor, it is a very powerful demon clan. In addition, the fire attribute can restrain ice water, which is very detrimental to Nangong Hen.

Of course, he didn't care if he challenged Yan Xiao to a duel.

But there are still twelve junior sisters in the air. If they join forces, Nangong Hen will be at a disadvantage.


Nangong Hen cursed in his heart, and his spirit spread out to guard against Yan Xiao who might suddenly appear.

However, Yan Xiao never showed up.

Nangong Hen immediately realized that he was probably deceived by that person.

The Ice Emperor has always stayed away from men. Even if he is distracted here, there is absolutely no way he is a man.

"Boy, how dare you lie to me."

Nangong Hen was furious. He didn't care at all and flew directly towards Chen Yang, intending to cut the guy who had deceived him into pieces.

Chen Yang has a compass of destiny, so he is not afraid of Nangong Hen's attack.

But before Nangong Hen could take action, he felt his body bear a huge force, and then the energy was instantly pulled away, and he fell to the ground with his head up and passed out.

The moment he closed his eyes, he saw the ice kite flower merging with the iceberg in the sky, and then he knew why he fainted.

Because he is the one who activated the Ice Kite Flower, completing "The Thirteen Frozen Yins" will extract his star energy.

If the star energy is not enough, other energy bodies will be drawn, even the life force will not be spared.

So, he passed out.

"Die to me."

Nangong Hen came closer and struck Chen Yang through the ice cage imprisoning him.

The ice cage collapsed and Chen Yang fell into the offensive.

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