Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6547 Angry

Chen Yang waited for another three days, but still did not see Boxing Emperor and Su Qing return.

On this day, he thought about it and decided to go find Zheng Lie and say goodbye to him.

Suqing could only leave a spiritual message to explain his misunderstanding. He didn't care whether others believed it or not.

I can't just stay here and not leave.

Although the training environment at Quan Peak is excellent, Chen Yang is not really the son-in-law of the Quan Emperor and should not stay here for a long time.

But as soon as he stood up, Zheng Lie's voice came from outside: "Chen Yang, there is something I want to tell you."

Chen Yang opened the door and asked, "What's the matter?"

Zheng Lie handed Chen Yang a spiritual tablet and said, "I don't know where this thing came from. I just picked it up at the door of the living room and said it was for you."

Chen Yang looked at the spirit certificate and saw the star energy mark on it, indicating that it was a letter to him.

"Give me?"

Chen Yang looked puzzled. How could the letter sent to him reach Quan Peak directly?

He activated the spirit watch and was surprised when he saw the contents recorded in it.

Before he could speak to the Boxing Emperor, Mingtang's matter had already been resolved.

This letter came from Mingtang, stating his attitude that no more assassinations would be carried out against him, and the grudges would be wiped out.

Of course, Mingtang also said that Chen Yang should release the captured Ren Huo.

"It must have been the Boxing Emperor or Senior Suqing who took action."

There are only so many people in the entire Fist Peak.

The only people who can leave the spiritual ultimatum here and deal with Mingtang are Suqing and Quandi.

Therefore, Chen Yang can be sure that these two people solved the problem.

It was obviously a good thing, but now, Chen Yang felt that it was even more troublesome.

After receiving such a great favor, if I told Boxing Emperor and Suqing that they had misunderstandings about the relationship between Chen Yang and Zhen Xue, would they think that they were taking advantage of Zhen Xue?

And judging from Zhen Xue's attitude, it is indeed interesting to him.

However, he didn't ask for it. Who told him about Mingtang?

Chen Yang retracted his thoughts, handed the spiritual certificate to Zheng Lie, and after reading it, said: "The trouble in Mingtang has been solved, but I don't know who mentioned it to Su Qing and Senior Boxing Emperor."

Zheng Lie shook his head: "It's not me and Qingyao."

"It can only be Zhen Xue."

Chen Yang had a headache.

Since it was Zhen Xue who invited Boxing Emperor or Suqing to take action, the two seniors would certainly not refuse and would definitely go all out.

This also proved that Zhen Xue was indeed in love with herself.

At that time, in the eyes of the two seniors, my explanation would be an insult to their daughter.

After all, how could any parent forgive Chen Yang, a "liar", if her daughter took such proactive care, only to be rejected in return.

But Chen Yang can't really be blamed for this.

Chen Yang was also unwilling to really deceive Boxing Emperor and Suqing.

"You have to explain it to them."

Chen Yang made up his mind and said to Zheng Lie: "Let's go, take me to see Senior Boxing Emperor Suqing."

Zheng Lie said: "They have just returned. It seems inappropriate to ask for an audience at this time."

"Brother Lie."

At this time, Qingyao's voice sounded outside.

Zheng Lie came out and asked, "Mei Yao, what's wrong?"

Qingyao said: "Aunt Su was passing by just now. Let me tell you, let's go to the living room together. The Boxing Emperor... wants to meet Chen Yang."

"Just right."

Chen Yang nodded and immediately walked towards the living room.

Zheng Lie hurriedly followed up and reminded: "Master's wife is very defensive and attaches great importance to relationships. If she thinks that you bullied or deceived junior sister, she will definitely not let you go. You have to think clearly about what you will say later. ”

"Things must be explained, otherwise the misunderstanding will continue?"

Chen Yang smiled bitterly.

Zheng Lie and Qing Yao were both quite helpless. They wanted to bring Chen Yang and Zhen Xue together, but they unexpectedly ended up in this situation.

If I had known that I would have spoken clearly when I first arrived at Fist Peak, things like this wouldn't have happened now.

The three of them arrived in the living room. Except for Qingyao, who had never met the Boxing Emperor, the others all knew each other, so there was no need for introductions.

The Boxing Emperor was also very satisfied with Qing Yao as his future son-in-law. He praised Qing Yao repeatedly and asked Qing Yao to take good care of Zheng Lie in the future.

Qingyao heard that the Fist Emperor was domineering and his pair of iron fists was very powerful, so he was quite afraid of him.

But when he saw that Boxing Emperor was an amiable uncle, the fear in his heart disappeared immediately. He talked to Boxing Emperor obediently, making Boxing Emperor laugh with joy.

After talking to Qing Yao, the Boxing Emperor looked at Chen Yang and said, "I have already heard from my wife about Xue'er. You don't need to pay attention to her. That child is spoiled and cannot be tolerated. However, I have absolutely nothing to do with it." I didn’t expect that you and Xue’er…”


Chen Yang interrupted the boxing emperor's words, stepped forward and bowed, and said bravely: "There is something I think I should make clear to you, otherwise the misunderstanding will become deeper and deeper, which is not a good thing."

"It's not a misunderstanding." Suqing said with a smile: "I know that your quarrel this time was a bit serious, but we won't separate. I will ask Xue'er to come over later. If you have anything to say, you can say it in person. Clear, just untie the knot.”

"Senior Suqing, this is your misunderstanding of me."

Chen Yang lowered his head, not daring to look at the faces of Boxing Emperor and Suqing, and continued: "I have said before that Suqing and I are just ordinary friends and have no other relationship.

These words are neither false nor deceptive.

I know that the two seniors helped me a lot and solved the trouble in Mingtang.

For that, I can't thank you enough.

But I must make things clear, otherwise it would be taking advantage of Zhen Xue. "

The innocent smile froze on her face, and her expression gradually turned gloomy.

She sat down with an unnatural smile on her face and said to Qingyao: "Qingyao, go back to your room first."

"Yes, Aunt Su."

Qingyao had a bad feeling, but she could only obey the order and left the living room.

Moreover, she restrained her consciousness and no longer perceived anything in the living room.

After Qingyao left, Suqing stared at Chen Yang and said, "Is what you said true or false?"

Chen Yang solemnly said: "Juniors dare not deceive seniors."

Suqing narrowed her eyes, looked at Zheng Lie, and said, "Lie'er, what's going on?"

Zheng Lie had a bitter look on his face and hurriedly stepped forward and bowed: "Junior Wife, Chen Yang and Junior Sister are indeed not lovers. He did not lie about this matter."

Suqing took a breath, her face became very ugly, and there was anger in her eyes.

The Fist Emperor frowned, thoughtfully, as if he still didn't understand what was going on.

Suqing said in a stern tone: "Zheng Lie, if that's the case, why didn't you say it before?"

Seeing that Suqing was angry, Zheng Lie lowered his head and hurriedly explained: "Junior Sister Qi, I... I thought Chen Yang and Junior Sister were interested in each other, so I wanted to marry..."

Suqing snorted coldly and interrupted: "So it's not that they are interested in each other, but that Chen Yang looks down on our Xue'er?"

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