Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6531 Move forward courageously

The confrontation on the battlefield was astonishing.

Outside the 10,000-meter light shield, everyone held their breath and said nothing. Their souls were released to the extreme, for fear of missing the most exciting moment.

The Nine Strong Earth Immortals, Ma Liangpu, Yu Qian, Xuan Xi and others were no exception. They all looked at the battlefield with solemn expressions on their faces.

At this moment, the top nine immortals, including Zhen Xue, finally understood how big the gap was between themselves and Chen Yang and Zheng Lie.

And some people's previous contempt and disdain for Chen Yang has now become the loudest slap in the face to themselves.

That is to say, Zheng Lie can be an enemy of Chen Yang. If it were anyone else, it would be impossible for him to form a confrontation with Chen Yang, and he would only be ruthlessly crushed.

But the person who felt the most shocked at this moment was Zhen Xue.

Her eyes fell on Zheng Lie, her brows furrowed, and she wondered in her heart: "How... how is it possible? Didn't dad say that senior brother is extremely talented and fits his way of cultivation very well? Now among the earthly immortals, he is already Is it invincible? But now, Chen Yang can actually confront him. Could it be that...Dad made a mistake? "

As Zheng Lie's junior sister, Zhen Xue is well aware of Zheng Lie's strength.

But the current situation was far beyond her expectation.

In the battlefield.

The emergence of the confrontation made the fighting spirit in Zheng Lie's eyes even stronger.

Among the same level, he finally met his opponent.

"Chen Yang, come on!"

Zheng Lie roared, and through the strong flames and energy, he could see Chen Yang, who was not far away from him. He still remained calm at this moment, and seemed to still have some energy left.

In that case, let’s do it!

"Fist · Ba!"

Zheng Lie's single fist turned into two fists. Although it seemed to be just a change in movement, Xing Neng turned into two identical parts and was released from his two fists.

The attack power of the spinning fire fist suddenly surged, reaching twice the previous level.

This change is incredible.

Not to mention Zheng Lie using two magical powers at the same time, now he is directly using three magical powers. Could it be that he has three meridians in his body?

Otherwise, if the magical power is released in this way, won't the star energy run disorderly and lead to self-destruction?

Not to mention, his fist attack at this moment uses two star energy veins to release at the same time, which is extremely difficult.

For a moment, everyone thought that Chen Yang must be defeated.

However, the palm shadow of the fire dragon hovering in it only showed a slight fluctuation, and then completely stabilized, and its strength was doubled.

Previously, the combat power of Chen Yang and the two had already exceeded the limits of earthly immortals.

But now, the two of them actually released twice as much power.

Is this still an Earth Immortal?

And no one could see clearly what method Chen Yang used.

Could it be that the magical powers and secret techniques he mastered were more advanced than those taught to Zheng Lie by the Boxing Emperor?

Just when everyone was suspicious, Ma Liangpu discovered the clue.

He sensed that Chen Yang was not a palm shadow, but another palm shadow superimposed, and the two palm shadows merged into one.

In this way, Fang was able to block Zheng Lie's fire fist.

But if two palm shadows are superimposed, can the attack power be doubled?

This doesn't seem right.

If so, if several magical powers are released at the same time and then superimposed, wouldn't the attack power be multiplied several times?

Obviously, Chen Yang's two palm shadows are by no means as simple as superposition.

"What kind of palm technique is this? It can be compared with the boxing technique of the Boxing Emperor!"

Ma Liangpu became more and more surprised and became more curious about Chen Yang.

Just when everyone thought that the confrontation would continue, Chen Yang's palm suddenly shrank and became only the size of a palm, which was very small compared with the fire fist that was dozens of meters wide.

But this small palm shadow was extremely condensed in power. It passed through the fire fist and went straight to Zheng Lie.

I saw that the flames and energy of the Fire Fist were torn into a channel, which was just enough for the palm shadow to pass through. In an instant, the palm shadow had penetrated into the Fire Fist, and was only half a step away from Zheng Lie.

"How is this going?"

Everyone was shocked. For some reason, Chen Yang suddenly gained an advantage.

The wise people present are as clear as a mirror.

Although Ma Liangpu, Yu Qian and others were shocked by Zheng Lie's fire fist, they also sensed some flaws in the fire fist.

Perhaps it was because Zheng Lie burst out with so much power that the Fire Fist was not very stable.

Chen Yang, on the other hand, seized the right opportunity and formed a connection in the unstable area of ​​​​the Fire Fist. At the moment when a palm shadow could pass through, he released the palm shadow and directly took out Zheng Lie in the Fire Fist.

It has to be said that although both of them are very strong, Chen Yang's control and utilization of the situation is much better than Zheng Lie's.

"not good!"

Seeing the shadow of his palm right in front of him, fear flashed across Zheng Lie's eyes, knowing that the flaw in his fire fist had been exploited by Chen Yang.

It was too late to retreat at this moment. As the palm shadow closed the distance with him, his fire fist also closed the distance with Chen Yang.

In this case, let's see who has stronger defense.

Zheng Lie gritted his teeth and only activated the personal protective immortal treasure body, but did not use his own power, still focusing on attacking Chen Yang.

This situation is obviously a lose-lose situation.

Maybe, they might die together.

"What does he want to do!"

Ma Liangpu couldn't help but frown, the void in front of him opened up, and he was already ready to stop Chen Yang and Zheng Lie.

Zheng Lie cannot be hurt at all.

Chen Yang's origin is probably not simple, and Ma Liangpu doesn't want him to be seriously injured.

"It's just such a mess."

Chen Yang didn't expect that Zheng Lie would even give up his own defense in order to decide the outcome with him.

But after all, the distance between him and Fire Fist was two or three meters farther than the distance between Zheng Lie and Palm Shadow.

In a duel between masters, this short distance is enough for him to react.

What's more, Chen Yang was already able to do it with ease, but he didn't use his full strength.

Moreover, he had a hand in reserve to deal with possible changes.

At this moment, he raised his left hand that had been lowered, and released the Poxu Palm that had been stored in his palm. In an instant, it reached several meters wide, forming a shield to protect him behind.

The next moment.

The Poxu Palm hit Zheng Lie's forward fists.

Ice crystals emerged from his fists, forming a solid defense that blocked the impact of the Poxu Palm.

I don’t know what kind of runic power this ice crystal is, but it actually has no conflict with his own fire attribute immortality, showing strong defensive power.

However, the immortal treasure body protection alone is not enough.

The ice crystals cracked and dissipated rapidly, and the Poxu Palm hit Zheng Lie's right fist firmly.

Blood splattered, bones cracked, and Zheng Lie's fist exploded inch by inch. It was likely that his entire right arm would be destroyed.

However, he is a fighting maniac. He is not afraid of crisis or injury, and still attacks with all his strength.

At this moment, Chen Yang even had the idea to control Poxu Palm to stop, so as not to cause excessive damage to Zheng Lie.

But looking at Zheng Lie's firm eyes, he didn't do that.

Because he understood that if he did that, it would be an insult to Zheng Lie.

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