Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6464 Tracking

"It's the token again."

Chen Yang took out the token for the competition. This was the token he got after arriving at Mo Xiaoxing. His name was engraved on it and a star energy mark was left on it.

Tianxian continued: "Everyone's tokens cannot be placed in the ring, they can only be hung around the waist.

The Earth Immortal who reaches the source of the River of Tears must have one of the five tokens he possesses, otherwise he will not be promoted.

During the three-day period, you can use any means to snatch the token.

There are no restrictions other than killing.

Now, you are ready to go. "

The heavenly immortals in the sky suddenly announced the start, and the earthly immortals standing on the bed of the River of Tears immediately started to move.

The Earth Immortals from the alliance acted together and entered the forest.

The Earth Immortal, who was fighting alone, traveled through the void and lurked deep into the forest, waiting for an opportunity.

The river of tears dried up, but in the blink of an eye, only a few people were left.

Zheng Lie and Cao Gu were among them.

They did not lurk into the forest to avoid the many earthly immortals, but went directly along the River of Tears.

Since the destination is the source of the River of Tears, traveling along the River of Tears should be the most accurate and fastest route.

However, this is also the most dangerous route.

Being in a river of tears is bound to make you the target of public criticism.

Only the strongest people dare to make such a choice.

Zeng Shuo followed Chen Yang and quickly flew to the source of the Tears River, saying: "Chen Yang, you can act alone. If the three of us want to pass the first round, we need to snatch twelve tokens from others. This is easier said than done. But you only need to grab four pieces, and the difficulty will be much lower."

Pei Fu also said: "Chen Yang, we really don't want to drag you down. With our strength, we didn't have much hope. Moreover, even if we pass the first round, we will not be able to defeat other late-stage, Peak Earth Immortal."

"Brother Zeng, Brother Pei, please stop trying to persuade me." Chen Yang smiled and said, "I'm just fighting for my reputation. I don't want to be looked down upon by people in Tianzhou."


At this moment, there was a violent noise in the jungle ahead, like a fierce battle.

A strong energy impact came, but to Chen Yang's surprise, the trees and grass in the forest were not damaged.

Obviously, the entire Taiwu Forest has already deployed a huge formation to avoid damage.

This is understandable. After all, the Earth Immortals of the Earth Immortal Forum are all very powerful. If there is no formation to block the energy, then the entire Mo Xiaoxing will be destroyed, let alone Taiwu Forest.

A strong wind swept past, and the trees in front were blown away, revealing a clearing.

Chen Yang looked around and saw several late stage and peak immortals confronting Zheng Lie.

Looking at the posture, it was not others who stopped Zheng Lie, but Zheng Lie who blocked others' way.

The appearance of Chen Yang and the others immediately aroused the vigilance of Zheng Lie and others.

When the others saw that Chen Yang and the others were just early-stage Earth Immortals, they didn't take them seriously and simply ignored them.

When Zheng Lie saw Chen Yang, his eyes lit up and he smiled and said, "Haha, Chen Yang, these are my prey, don't compete with me."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Brother Zheng, didn't you walk on the River of Tears?"

Zheng Lie said helplessly: "I thought someone would stop me, but no one dared to appear in the River of Tears, as if they were afraid of becoming the target of public criticism. I had no choice but to take the initiative on my own."

"Hmph! What a loud tone."

Several people who were intercepted by Zheng Lie showed disdain on their faces, as if they did not regard Zheng Lie as an opponent.

"There are exactly four people. Brother Zheng's token is enough now." Chen Yang cupped his hands to Zheng Lie and said, "Brother Zheng, I won't disturb you. Let's go first."

"We'll meet at the source of the River of Tears." Zheng Lie smiled and waved.

Chen Yang continued to move forward, and those who were blocked by Zheng Lie immediately took action and shouted: "Boy, leave the token, otherwise you will never leave."


A wall of star energy appeared, intercepting the people who were chasing Chen Yang.

This wall was created by Zheng Lie's punch.

He looked excited and said with a smile: "Hey, your opponent is here."

After the words fell, Zheng Lie suddenly attacked, but without any fear of the opponent, four of them rushed into the opponent's siege.

Chen Yang looked back, feeling somewhat sympathetic to the prey chosen by Zheng Lie, and then accelerated forward.

"Zheng Lie is actually here too." Zeng Shuo said with a surprised look on his face: "And it seems that he is not afraid of the peak immortal."

Chen Yang said: "During the previous Xinjie Conference, his realm was blocked by the Boxing Emperor. His true realm is actually that of a peak Earth Immortal."

"That's it." Zeng Shuo was not too surprised and said: "He is the disciple of the Boxing Emperor, and his talent and strength are very strong. This time there is no limit on realm, and he has great hope to compete for the first place. However, He already has an emperor master, so why bother competing for this spot?"

Pei Fu thought deeply: "The Boxing Emperor seems to want Zheng Lie to receive more training."

Chen Yang brought the topic back and said, "It's time for us to take the initiative."

Zeng Shuo and Pei Fu both showed serious expressions and said: "The early Earth Immortals who participated in the Earth Immortal Forum this time have all joined the alliance, making it difficult to target them. Therefore, we have a greater chance of dealing with the Earth Immortals who are alone." The chance of winning. Moreover, we can’t hold Brother Chen back.”

"found it."

Chen Yang's eyes flashed with excitement, and his face showed a hint of excitement.

Zeng Shuo said in surprise: "What did I find..."

Before he finished speaking, Zeng Shuo also saw the people in the jungle ahead and couldn't help but be startled.

In the dense jungle ahead, there were ten people walking together.

The realms of these people are not low. They are all late-stage and peak earth immortals. They form an alliance and are very powerful. Few people dare to attack them.

The goal Chen Yang mentioned was exactly this ten-person alliance.

The reason Zeng Shuo was shocked was because this alliance was the Tianzhou Alliance that had expelled them.

Only then did Zeng Shuo and Pei Fu realize that Chen Yang was not aimlessly heading towards the source of the River of Tears, but was pursuing the Tianzhou Alliance.

This is so bold. Even if Chen Yang is a peak Earth Immortal, he should stay away from the Tianzhou Alliance.

But now he actually takes the initiative to attack. Is it really necessary to fight against ten?

How can this be defeated.

"Chen Yang, we still don't want to..."

Zeng Shuo opened his mouth to persuade, but before he finished speaking, the ten people from the Tianzhou Alliance in front had stopped and looked back at Chen Yang and his party.

Wen Dingsheng, Zi Ling and others' eyes flashed with joy. Obviously, in their eyes, Chen Yang and the others were prey.

Now that they met here, they had no intention of letting Chen Yang and the others go, but wanted to snatch their tokens.

Moreover, Wen Dingsheng originally planned to teach Chen Yang, who did not know the heights of the world, a lesson.


Before Chen Yang could take action, Zi Ling emerged from the crowd and stood on a tall branch, blocking the path forward of Chen Yang, Zeng Shuo, and Pei Feo.

PS: It’s the first day of the Lunar New Year, and it’s another new year. Yogurt wishes all book friends a happy new year, all the best, and all your wishes come true!

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