Urban magic doctor

Chapter 646 Self-destruction

Everyone on Chen Yang's side couldn't help but frown when they heard that Qing Yue had another trump card.


Qing Yue snorted coldly, with a sinister smile on his lips, and with a movement of his body, he did not attack any of the Yuan Bao Realm such as Chen Yang, Luo Ba Dao, Chang Sanjian, etc., but rushed towards Ye Zi and Datou. .

"I'll kill your apprentice first!"

Qing Yue shouted, his goal was very clear, which was to kill Ye Zi and others instantly.

However, how could Chen Yang give him a chance.

Chen Yang moved, and in the next moment, he appeared next to Qing Yue, with the Blood Sun Sword stabbing Qing Yue's back.

Logically speaking, Qing Yue's agility and speed are faster than others in the middle stage of Baoyuan Realm.

But what's puzzling is that Qing Yue didn't move at all, as if he didn't notice Chen Yang's attack, and continued to rush towards the big head closest to him.

The Xueyang Sword hit Qing Yue's back without any hindrance.

The strange thing is that the Blood Sun Sword pierced Qing Yue's clothes, but could not penetrate any further.

Chen Yang felt as if the sword blade was piercing an iron wall, unable to penetrate deep.


Chen Yang raised his eyebrows and chased after Qing Yue. He increased his strength and continued to thrust forward with the Blood Yang Sword.

However, the blade still couldn't penetrate.

Small black dots emerged from the clothes torn by the sword blade and climbed onto the Blood Sun Sword.

"Gu worm!"

Chen Yang took a closer look and suddenly discovered that these tiny black spots were actually Gu insects.

Chen Yang had seen this kind of Gu when Tu Xin invaded the Fourth Courtyard.

He did not dare to let the Gu worms crawl along the Bloody Yang Sword and into his hand. He quickly put the sword away and shook it hard, knocking several Gu worms off the blade.

And at this moment, Qing Yue had already rushed to Da Tou.

"Damn it, after I advanced to the real level, I haven't shown off my authority yet. Will I be killed today?"

Datou yelled and cursed, knowing that he was outmatched, he turned around and ran away.

But his speed is nowhere comparable to Qing Yue in the middle stage of Baoyuan.

Qing Yue slapped Datou's head with his palm, and the strong wind exploded. This palm was so powerful that if it hit Datou's head, Datou would be dead.


Luo Badao looked panicked and rushed towards this side, but it was already too late.

Just as Datou's head was about to be smashed, a shadow flashed behind him, and Chen Yang appeared again.

This speed is equivalent to instantaneous movement!

"It doesn't matter if there are Gu insects, you can't match my speed."

Chen Yang joked, pointing the Bloody Yang Sword directly at Qing Yue's eyes and stabbed it.


Qing Yue cursed and quickly retreated.

Although there were poisonous insects all over his body, his eyes were his vitals and he did not dare to resist the Blood Yang Sword.

Chen Yang did not pursue him. He put away his sword and stood up, guarding Ye Zi, Xiao Bei, Da Tou and Qiu Menglei behind him. He looked at Qing Yue who was retreating with a joking look on his face.

Da Tou escaped from death, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and muttered: "Damn, I almost died young."

Chen Yang turned around and smiled: "Don't worry, he is no match for me."

Xiao Bei said: "Chen Yang is right, he has not used the powerful broken sword just now."

Hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement.

After Qing Yue distanced himself, he did not rush to attack, but stared at Chen Yang solemnly.

The trump card he was talking about was Gu worms.

Back then, he took the former holy witch Tu Xin away from the witch seedlings, and learned the art of poisonous insects from Tu Xin. In combination with his own strength, his combat effectiveness increased by more than one level.

He originally thought that relying on the Gu insects, he could delay Chen Yang and kill the others first.

But when facing Chen Yang, the Gu insect was almost useless.

Because Chen Yang's speed was so fast, Gu Chong couldn't even delay him.

Moreover, Chen Yang has not yet used the broken sword.

If Chen Yang kills someone, Qing Yue asks herself, there is a high probability that she will not be able to escape.

"I really didn't expect that there would be a variable like Chen Yang! His speed is unbelievable! But why did it suddenly become so fast?"

Qing Yue thought to himself, looked around the situation, retreated, and wanted to find an opportunity to leave.

"What, you want to leave?"

Chen Yang saw Qing Yue's intention and walked forward slowly, saying, "I haven't had enough fun yet, so don't leave in a hurry."

Qing Yue gritted his teeth, and the more he looked at Chen Yang, the weirder he felt.

"Chen Yang, you are dead. You ruined the Holy Palace's plan and offended someone you can never offend."

Qing Yue gritted his teeth and said the last sentence, then suddenly moved, turned around and ran away.

The wall behind him had a big hole broken in the fight just now, and he wanted to escape from here.

"True card? Someone you can't afford to offend? Is there someone behind Qing Yue who is controlling him? He is just the spokesperson, the real mastermind behind the scenes, not him!?"

Chen Yang was thinking in his mind and suddenly realized that everything he had experienced seemed to be gradually revealing a big conspiracy.

The people behind the Thornblood Sect, the Eddie Family, the Search for Secret Codes, the Holy Palace, and Qing Yue...

What is the purpose of the person or organization hiding behind the scenes?

The Holy Palace replaced Yanhuang Palace, just to dominate the martial arts world?

At the moment when Chen Yang was thinking, Qing Yue had already rushed out of the hall and ran towards the outside.

"It's not that easy to leave."

Chen Yang took a step forward and appeared outside the hall.

He took another step and was already at Qing Yue's side.

He wasn't walking, he was completely teleporting.

The power of "Phantom Step" is beyond imagination.

And this is just the beginning.

When Chen Yang arrived behind Qing Yue, he did not use the Black Light Broken Sword because he still had questions to ask Qing Yue and now was not the time to kill Qing Yue.

He swung the Xueyang Sword and stabbed Qing Yue in the back of the head.

At the same time, black Gu worms appeared one after another, completely covering the back of Qing Yue's head.

"Asshole, why?!"

Qing Yue shouted loudly, with a ferocious expression on his face.

He considered himself to be the top master in Huajin Kingdom, but when facing Chen Yang, he had no strength at all, but he couldn't use it at all.

Because of Chen Yang’s speed, it was difficult for him to even touch Chen Yang.

The Blood Sun Sword pierced the Gu worm on the back of Qing Yue's head and was blocked.

At the same time, Chen Yang kicked Qing Yue in the back.

Qingyue can withstand sharp weapons, but cannot withstand heavy blows.

As long as the force is strong enough, it can cause damage to it.

But the moment Chen Yang stepped out, the Blood Yang Sword suddenly lost its resistance, all the Gu insects dispersed, and the sword blade plunged into Qing Yue's brain.

"not good!"

The sword succeeded, but Chen Yang secretly said something bad.

Qing Yue has been resisting and suddenly gives up, which means he must be desperate.

Sure enough, just as the Xueyang Sword penetrated, before Chen Yang could draw the sword, Qing Yue actually exploded his Dantian.

For a strong person in the middle stage of the Baoyuan Realm, the power of self-explosion in the Dantian is equivalent to a small cannonball.

At this moment, Chen Yang was so close that he couldn't defend himself. He didn't even bother to pull out the Xueyang Sword and moved to avoid it.

However, it was still too late.

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