Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6443 Hidden Attack

The strongest point about Lang Xiaotian is his two huge cracked teeth that look like maces.

And his weakness is right between the two cracked teeth.

Because as long as the opponent enters the middle area between the two cracked teeth, he has no effective means of attack and can only retreat to distance himself, or open his mouth to bite.

As for his other teeth, they are far less hard and powerful than the cracked tooth. It is likely that they will not be able to hurt the opponent, but will instead be used to attack the mouth.

Therefore, when Chen Yang appeared between his two cracked teeth, he immediately reacted and retreated.

But how could he be faster than Chen Yang?

Chen Yang didn't even use mirror mapping, he directly used the strong wind to catch up to the attack range, and hit Lang Xiaotian's nose with a punch.

Many immortals shook their heads secretly, thinking that Lang Xiaotian had made an extremely wrong decision.

At present, Chen Yang's strongest performance is his speed.

Lang Xiaotian took the initiative to close the distance with Chen Yang and fell into the opponent's rhythm.

If the weakness is caught, it will be almost difficult to reverse the situation.


Chen Yang punched Lang Xiaotian's nose, and blood shot out from the huge nostrils. But strangely, Lang Xiaotian's nose was not broken, and it didn't even look like a minor injury.

The tip of Lang Xiaotian's nose shone with a faint metallic luster. It turned out that he had forged armor to protect his weak points and resisted Chen Yang's attack.

And in the nosebleeds he spurted out, a red net, hidden in the waterfall of blood, suddenly flew towards Chen Yang.

The net came out of nowhere, was extremely fast, and contained extremely powerful confining power.

Chen Yang is so close, how can he avoid it.

Seeing this, everyone realized that it turned out that Lang Xiaotian deliberately lured Chen Yang to attack his vital points, and then took the opportunity to counterattack.

As long as his red net traps Chen Yang, Chen Yang loses his speed advantage and can be at his mercy.

Many people secretly praised the clever plan, thinking that the outcome of this battle was already decided.

But as everyone expected, Chen Yang really did not escape the blockade of the net, and was wrapped up and trapped in the net.

"Chen Yang, you have fallen into a trap."

Lang Xiaotian's huge eyes were filled with excitement, and he swung his huge cracked teeth towards Chen Yang.


At this moment, the net that trapped Chen Yang exploded, and Chen Yang flew out. His body was instantly reflected between Lang Xiaotian's two cracked teeth, and he punched Lang Xiaotian in the nose.


Lang Xiaotian was shocked. The net was his magical weapon specially used to deal with Chen Yang, but it was destroyed by Chen Yang like this. How powerful it took to do this.

And now that Chen Yang is closing the distance, he doesn't have a second net to block Chen Yang. If he is hit, he will definitely be at a disadvantage and it will be difficult to reverse.


Lang Xiaotian let out a wolf howl, with a ferocious look in his eyes, and bumped into Chen Yang. His nostrils were pointed at Chen Yang, and at the same time he inhaled hard through his nose. He actually planned to pass Chen Yang, who was standing in front of his nose, directly. Inhale through the nose and into the stomach.

Seeing this, Chen Yang simply turned his fist into a palm, and before his body reached Lang Xiaotian's nostrils, he released a void-breaking palm directly into Lang Xiaotian's nasal cavity.

At the same time, he himself was sucked into the nasal cavity.

However, this was just a mirror image. His body was already reflected more than ten miles away, looking at the Wolf Howling Sky who was inhaling crazily.

He pressed his palm down, and the Poxu palm that entered Lang Xiaotian's nose began to exert force. Lang Xiaotian was beaten until his mouth and nose began to bleed.

"what happened?"

Lang Xiaotian was surprised and shook his head vigorously, but he could not get rid of the strange object in his nose.

And he could feel that the thing was flying towards his throat.


The severe pain made Lang Xiaotian scream. His body trembled in pain. He opened his bloody mouth and vomited hard, trying to spit out the contents of his throat, but it was to no avail.

This scene made all the spectators feel confused and didn't know what was happening.

Even the real immortals present found nothing except sensing Chen Yang's energy fluctuations in Lang Xiaotian's body.

Most of them guessed that Chen Yang launched a flying sword or something like that to attack.

"Admit defeat." Chen Yang shouted.

"I didn't lose."

Wolf Howl roared angrily, stepped on the air with four claws, and flew towards Chen Yang.

Before he could fly a hundred meters, his neck shrank, as if being strangled by the back of the neck, and his body flew back. No matter how hard he struggled, he could not resist the force.

How could Lang Xiaotian be able to compete with the power of Chen Yang's Breaking Void Palm?

At this moment, the Poxu Palm inside Lang Xiaotian's body strangled the back of his neck and dragged him flying. He could not stop himself except for breaking his own spine.

And breaking the spine would undoubtedly invalidate one's martial arts skills, let alone defeating Chen Yang.

What's more, even if his spine is broken, the Poxu Palm can continue to ravage him.

"What the hell is that?!"

Lang Xiaotian was angry and unwilling to give in, but he was unable to resist and could only watch as he was dragged out of the battlefield.

The moment he fell out of the battlefield, the power that restrained his spine disappeared, and he immediately relaxed.

He looked at Chen Yang, gritted his teeth and said, "What secret method did you use?"

"The art of beating dogs."

Chen Yang smiled and then flew towards the lotus leaf.

Lang Xiaotian was even more angry and flew forward to intercept Chen Yang.


The whip in Ye Niang's hand made a sound, and a long whip shadow lay in front of Lang Xiaotian. The terrifying energy prevented him from taking even half a step forward.

"You want to break the rules?" Ye Niang said coldly.

Lang Xiaotian felt the powerful momentum oppressing him, and for a moment he forgot to reply.

The people from the Thunder Tribe hurried forward to apologize to Ye Niang, and then dragged Lang Xiaotian back.

This scene surprised many cultivators who didn't know Ye Niang.

In the Xuyun Star Territory, although the Thunder Tribe's strength is not as strong as the Jintai, Wanmen, and Tiansheng Sect, it is by no means ordinary.

But looking at this posture, the Thunder Tribe is very afraid of Ye Niang.

Who is that master of Ye Niang?

"Chen Yang, win!"

Ye Niang saw Lang Xiaotian retreating and announced the result of the battle.

Everyone's attention was withdrawn, and a heated discussion suddenly broke out.

"Lang Xiaotian's plan was very powerful, but unfortunately the net he prepared was too fragile and was torn apart by Chen Yang."

"That was an immortal weapon. Chen Yang destroyed the immortal weapon with one strike. Think about it for yourselves, how powerful he is."

"The most mysterious thing is Chen Yang's "Dog Beating Technique", which actually throws Lang Xiaotian out of the battlefield without leaving a trace. It's not just how he did it."

Thunder Tribe.

Duan San, who was leading the team, looked at Lang Xiaotian with a heavy expression and said, "What happened just now?"

Lang Xiaotian had returned to his human form, wiped away the blood on his face, and said: "Reporting to Elder Duan, Chen Yang released a stream of energy into my nasal cavity, constantly attacking me, and also restrained my spine, pulling me away. Drag him out of the battlefield."

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