Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6389 Awareness

The Bitter Sea Sect is located on the Bitter Sea Star. Most of the entire star is ocean, occupying four-fifths of the star.

The Bitter Sea Sect is not on land, but floating on the sea.

Strictly speaking, it floats on the surface of sea water.

The towering buildings stand on the water and are surrounded by towering walls, forming a wonder on the sea.

As for the area where Kuhaizong is located, there is no wind or waves, and the sea surface is always calm and stable. It looks like there is a glass floor, and the waves cannot rise.

For people on land, if they want to reach the Kuhai Sect, other than teleportation, they can only fly or swim.

If a mortal can swim to the Kuhai Sect, he or she can get a spot to participate in the selection and hope to become an immortal cultivator of the Kuhai Sect.

If cultivators from the mainland want to join the Kuhai Sect, they need to go through the Kuhai Sect's five-year external recruitment process before they have a chance.

Of course, it is not impossible if you are favored by a certain immortal and join the Kuhai Sect directly.

At this moment, hundreds of people gathered on the sea.

These people are all immortal cultivators from the mainland, with varying levels of realm and strength.

Among them, Chen Yang is the person with the highest level.

But he is about to leave this team and join the Kuhai Sect directly.

It has to be said that the senior brother who was responsible for leading the way was a money-grubbing person, which saved Chen Yang a lot of time.

Of course, Chen Yang's few remaining resources were also exhausted.

Now that he has joined the Kuhai Sect, although he has rich star energy, resources such as star stones need to be collected again, otherwise the cultivation progress will eventually be slowed down.

"I will take you to the 'Pepsi Palace' first to collect tokens and other things. Then after the other people's assessment is over, you, as the selected candidate, will join them to get started. At that time, whether you can be favored by that uncle will be decided. It’s up to you.”

The senior brother named Huang Huatian taught Chen Yang Dundun, so he took the money and did his best.

And it seems that Huang Huatian's status in Kuhai Sect is not low. People in Baishi Palace respect and trust him very much, so they directly handed the token and other items to Chen Yang.

Then, Chen Yang quietly waited for the assessment of other cultivators to end.

Three hours later, Huang Huatian arrived at the Baishi Hall with four cultivators.

More than a hundred people participated in the assessment, and only five people could get a spot and join the Kuhai Sect.

With Chen Yang's own ability, he can definitely pass the assessment.

But he didn't want to expose his realm and abilities, so he disguised himself as an Earth Master and went through the back door to join the Kuhai Sect.

When the other four initiates saw Chen Yang waiting in the Pepsi Hall, they all cast disdainful glances, thinking that someone with a dishonest reputation like Chen Yang was not worthy of being associated with them.

However, they did not dare to say anything in front of Huang Huatian. They just followed Huang Huatian silently and went through the entry procedures.

After the formalities were completed, Huang Huatian led Chen Yang and the other five people through the sea and arrived at another building complex.

This building complex is surrounded by a wall, which is tens of meters high and very majestic.

Looking in from outside the wall, you can see magnificent buildings towering even across the high wall.

Entering the high wall and walking all the way, Huang Huatian brought Chen Yang and his party to a palace, then bowed at the door and said: "Disciple Huang Huatian, bring the five junior brothers and junior sisters who have passed the examination for this foreign recruitment, come to pay homage to all the masters Uncle Uncle."

The palace door was closed, and there was silence inside.

Huang Huatian always maintained a bowed posture and signaled Chen Yang and the other five to do the same.

After a long time, a female cultivator lost her temper and asked in a low voice: "Senior Brother Huang, how long do we have to wait? What are the uncles and uncles inside doing?"

Huang Huatian laughed softly and said: "Hey, they are testing you to see if there is anyone with outstanding talents who can be accepted as a disciple. If you can become a disciple of these immortals, you will benefit a lot. Otherwise, you can only become an ordinary disciple. , the conditions will be much worse.”

"Wu Kun, come with me."

Suddenly, a voice sounded behind Chen Yang and others. Before they could react, a white air flow enveloped the new disciple named Wu Kun, and then quickly disappeared away.

"Junior Brother Wu is valued by Senior Uncle Bian. It's really a great opportunity."

Huang Huatian muttered with a joyful tone, feeling happy for Wu Kun.

"Yunxiu, I want it."

"Sun He, let's go."

"Sang Luo, come with me."

Three voices sounded in succession, and the other three new disciples beside Chen Yang were taken away by flowers, strong winds, and ice crystals at extremely fast speeds, and disappeared in an instant.

This made Chen Yang realize that the power of the Immortal far surpassed that of the Star Lord and was incomparable.

"It seems that the juniors and juniors of this year are all very good." Huang Huatian glanced at Chen Yang and said with a smile: "Junior Chen, if you wait a little longer, maybe one of the juniors will take a fancy to you."

After a while, a voice came from the hall: "Huatian, bring Chen Yang in."


Huang Huatian responded to the hall, and said to Chen Yang with a smile on his face: "Junior brother Chen, you are extremely talented, and all the senior brothers and uncles have taken the initiative to meet you. It seems that they are all interested in you. There is no conclusion yet. Who do you want to be your teacher?"

One of the reasons why Chen Yang went through the back door was to keep a low profile and avoid having to learn from others.

After all, if you become someone else's disciple, you will eventually have to contribute.

In his opinion, it would be more conducive to his cultivation if he could be alone.

But who knew that the immortals in the palace would actually want to see him.


The palace door opened, it was dark inside and nothing could be seen.

Huang Huatian was obviously very familiar with this place and walked straight into the hall.

Chen Yang had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk in.

The darkness disappeared, and the scene in the palace was completely displayed in front of Chen Yang.

The hall was very vast and empty, with no one inside except for thirteen black shadows floating in the air, forming a semicircle.

Judging from the outlines of these shadows, some are tall and some are short, some are male and some are female.

Although the shadows had no eyes, Chen Yang felt that the shadows were staring at him, which brought him tremendous pressure.

Obviously these are the shadows of immortals. Just a shadow can have such terrible pressure. You can imagine how terrifying the power of the body will be.

What frightened Chen Yang the most was that in front of the shadow, he felt like he was completely seen through, and even the secret method of concealing his cultivation had no effect.

Everything is exposed.

"Huatian, kneel down."

The shadow on the left suddenly spoke, his tone was calm, but there was no doubt about it.


Huang Huatian didn't hesitate at all and knelt on the ground.

The shadow on the left said: "You accepted bribes, and we could turn a blind eye. But Chen Yang beside you is a sixth-level star master, but you didn't know the truth and led him into the door. Do you know your guilt?"


Huang Huatian exclaimed and glanced sideways at Chen Yang. He had not discovered Chen Yang's true realm before, thinking that Chen Yang was the Earth Master.

This time, he got into trouble.

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