Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6385 Has it been integrated?

"Senior Brother Duan, Senior Brother Shang!"

Changsun Hanlin stopped talking with Chen Yang and immediately rushed towards Duan Wenxuan and Duan Wenxuan, only to see that their chests were broken and their hearts were shattered.

Gray crystals spread from their chests to other parts of their bodies, covering their bodies and turning everything in their path to stone.

Duan Wenxuan and Shang Li are still conscious. As long as they are not completely petrified and their hearts are shattered, they are not completely hopeless.

Returning to the Mortal Immortal Sect, the immortals' abilities are enough to bring them back to life if they have any regrets.

However, Wanwan cannot be completely petrified.

"What's going on?" Changsun Hanlin looked surprised and turned to Chen Yang: "Mr. Chen, is it you?"

She thought it was Chen Yang who released the divine consciousness spell and created the illusion.

Duan Wenxuan and Duan Wenxuan were dying. They raised their heads to stretch their skin as much as possible to slow down the speed of petrification. They said urgently to Chen Yang: "Put away your spiritual consciousness magic. Let's..."

"not me."

Chen Yang shook his head at Changsun Hanlin, walked over, looked down, and muttered: "It should be your uncle Qi Zhe who gave them the forbidden curse. As long as they reveal the truth about plotting against you, it will be activated." Forbidden curse.”

Changsun Hanlin's pupils shrank and he said in horror: "Uncle Qi left not a mark on them, but... a forbidden curse!"

"Qi Zhe, this bastard!"

Duan Wenxuan, whose lower lip had been petrified, roared angrily. The next moment, his mouth was petrified, and his eyes were also petrified in fear.

Shang Li on the other side was also turned to stone in anger and fear.

"Uncle Qi is so vicious."

Changsun Hanlin frowned, looked at the two petrified corpses in front of him, and said, "However, even if there are only these two corpses, the elders in the sect have ways to investigate Uncle Qi."

"Since he did this, he will definitely not leave any evidence for you." Chen Yang said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the two petrified corpses on the ground collapsed at the same time and turned into pieces of rubble, with no trace of their original form at all.

"Is this the method of immortals? For Star Lord, it can be easily solved with just a forbidden spell."

Chen Yang looked at the rubble everywhere and was quite shocked.

Although the immortal's abilities are recorded in the "Book of Immortals and Demons", they are not as impactful as seeing them with your own eyes.

The all-powerful Star Lord in Zhonghao Realm said to the immortals, is he just an ant?

Chen Yang retracted his thoughts and said to Old Li in the sea of ​​consciousness: "Just now, Changsun Hanlin said that the Demon Emperor killed the master. Why did Master Haolan not mention cleaning up the master when he met the Demon Emperor when I realized the dark stars?" The matter of the portal? According to the upright character of Master Hao Lan, if the Demon Emperor kills Master, he will not let the Demon Emperor go."

Old Li thought deeply: "Everything you saw in the Dark Star may not be true. The information Changsun Hanlin received may not be true either. All the answers may not be determined until I retrieve my memory."

Chen Yang said: "Could Zuo Yinhan have some kind of relationship with Zhenren Haolan and the Demon Emperor a long time ago?"

Old Li smiled and said: "Who knows, after all, Zuo Yinhan must have used some special method to smash Master Haolan. That kind of method is not available to Chong Wuxing, and Master Haolan has never taught it to him."

"The truth of the matter is that it is getting more and more complicated." Chen Yang sighed.

"Mr. Chen, do you have any other questions? If not, I will return to the Mortal Immortal Sect."

Changsun Hanlin looked back and saw a blue sphere in her hand, which was the Daoji that Duan Wenxuan had taken away before.

Items such as the Najie were all petrified, and the only thing left was the Daoji.

Because the Taoist foundation contains the spiritual consciousness of immortals, he survived the disaster.

Chen Yang glanced at Daoji and said to Changsun Hanlin: "I want to know some information about Master Haolan."

Speaking of Zhenren Haolan, Changsun Hanlin showed a look of admiration on his face and said: "Emperor Wushi is the leader of the righteous way and is respected by countless people. Even some who claim to be emperor regard him as a target to learn from and catch up with. Even if I talk about his deeds for three days and three nights, I may not be able to tell them all."

Chen Yang said: "Let's pick the key points."

Changsun Hanlin said: "The key point... By the way, Wu Shi Emperor seems to be practicing some kind of soul-melting method. Now he has turned into four clones and traveled in the four supreme true realms. Many people have seen him, but I want to take the initiative to find him, but it is difficult to do so. I also heard that just three months ago, someone discovered traces of Emperor Wushi in the Xuyun Star Territory."

Already integrated? !

Chen Yang was greatly shocked. If what Changsun Hanlin said was true, then most of the 3.6 billion spiritual thoughts of Master Haolan have probably been integrated, and Master Haolan has found himself.

And the four Daoist Hao Lan, who are located in the four supreme true realms, are probably collecting other remaining distracting thoughts.

In other words, the four supreme real world masters Hao Lan belong to different consciousnesses. They are competing and will one day compete for the supreme sovereignty.

No matter which one it is, it is very detrimental to Lao Li.

"Is it too late after all..." Chen Yang thought to himself.

Lao Li's voice rang out in the sea of ​​consciousness: "You brat, don't think too much. I am Li Yiliang, not Zhenren Haolan. It would be a good thing if more distracting thoughts could be integrated to make me stronger. But if not, I It doesn’t matter.”

Chen Yang said solemnly: "What I'm worried about is that you will be fused by others."

Lao Li smiled and said: "Hahaha, I am a part of Zhenren Haolan. If it is really fused, wouldn't this be my fate too?"

"No!" Chen Yang looked solemnly and said, "No one can control your destiny. You are my master, and you are Lao Li."

Seeing Chen Yang deep in thought, Changsun Hanlin asked, "You seem to be very interested in Wu Shi Emperor and Demon Emperor?"

Chen Yang came back to his senses and said: "There is a legend about him in the Zhonghao world. As a cultivator, I also hope to become such a strong person."

Changsun Hanlin was stunned for a moment, with a lonely look on his face, and said with a wry smile: "There are only a few dozen people who claim to be emperors, and the Wushi Emperor and the Demon Emperor are the top three among them. It is not easy to become them, but It is impossible."

"If you don't try it, how will you know it's impossible?" Chen Yang laughed.

Changsun Hanlin looked at Chen Yang and was not touched. He shook his head and said: "Countless people have tried in the four supreme realms, but they have all failed."

Chen Yang said: "I am not from the Four Supreme Realms. The statistical probability you mentioned does not apply to me."

"You are sophistry." Changsun Hanlin calmly refuted Chen Yang, and then said: "If there is nothing else, I will return to the Mortal Immortal Sect. Thank you for your help this time. In return, what do you need? , can be proposed.”

Chen Yang said without hesitation: "I want to go to the Supreme Realm."

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