Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6338 The truth?

Chen Yang glanced at He Wei and asked Tai, "Senior, why did Senior He become your servant? When did you get rid of the shackles of the formation? Why don't you leave here?"

"You have a lot of problems."

Tai smiled, but was very patient, and said: "This formation trapped me for about ten thousand years, and then I got out because the cracks in the formation loosened.

As for why I didn't leave, it's because during those ten thousand years, I realized some truths.

Moreover, I never knew from He Wei’s mouth that today’s Zhonghao World doesn’t need me to do anything.

So I simply stayed under this sky lake to enlighten myself.

It's a pity that I don't have enough talent. Tens of thousands of years have passed, but I still haven't been able to break through the shackles and advance to a higher realm. "

Speaking of this, Tai didn't feel any regret or complaint at all, as if he was talking about a very ordinary thing.

He glanced at He Wei and continued: "As for why He Wei became my servant, it's because I let him know the truth."

"The truth?" Chen Yang looked confused.

Tai nodded: "Yes, the truth."

Chen Yang thought about it: "Senior, is there something hidden in the war between the human race and the demon race tens of thousands of years ago?"

"Do you all think that it was me who initiated the war and wanted to conquer the entire Zhonghao Realm and make the demon clan proud?"

Tai smiled and shook his head: "Sure enough, today's human race, monster race, and demon race all believe this legendary lie."

Chen Yang frowned and said, "Senior, what happened back then...?"

A gleam flashed in Tai's eyes, and he muttered: "Tens of thousands of years ago, our demon clan has been living in the Split Mountains, coexisting peacefully with all races, and never thought of conquering anyone.

But the demon tribe caused trouble because of its strength.

Especially me, when I reached the Ninth Level Star Lord and showed strength beyond other cultivators of the same level, everyone regarded me as a huge threat.

Led by Ku Xuan, Wu Chang, Qi and others joined forces with him and decided to get rid of me and the strong men in the demon clan to avoid future troubles.

During a meeting, we were ambushed by the human race.

In that battle, my men suffered heavy casualties.

And I fought against Ku Xuan, Wuchang, and Qi on my own, and was almost killed by them.

Fortunately, I survived.

After that, the top experts in the human race joined forces and launched a strong attack on Tianhu, but I led the demon race to resist and repel it.

I know that if this continues, even if the demon clan will not perish, they will continue to be harassed and cause serious casualties.

I decided to negotiate with the humans, but got no response.

They are unwilling to coexist peacefully and want to completely defeat the demon clan.

Originally, my strategy was to stick to the split mountain range and resist the human attack.

But the Split Mountain Range is vast, and the top warriors of the human race will appear from nowhere, and we simply cannot defend them comprehensively.

Moreover, after killing many monsters one after another, the subordinates were also very angry and must take revenge.

As a last resort, the demon clan launched an attack on the human race in Zhonghao Realm.

I thought that after showing strength, the human race would back down and choose to negotiate with me to reach a settlement.

Unexpectedly, the human race was retreating steadily, but they did not admit defeat.

I have to admit, they are tough and tough.

However, they were deceived by Ku Xuan and others, thinking that the demon clan had launched an invasion, and they hated the demon clan deeply.

By this time, the war could no longer be stopped. I knew that a solution must be made, otherwise innocent humans, monsters, demons and other races would suffer heavy casualties.

Finally, I decided to let Ku Xuan, Qi, Wuchang and others seal me away.

Therefore, I left the secret book of the "Infinite Demon Locking Formation" that can seal the demon clan in the territory of the human race.

After Ku Xuan and others found out, they indeed refined the array disk and quietly lurked to Tianhu, trying to seal me away.

I also followed the trend and let them seal me. "

Hearing this, Chen Yang was a little dumbfounded.

If this was the truth back then, it would be too subversive.

He came back to his senses and said hurriedly: "Senior, if you do this, aren't you afraid that after you are sealed, the demon race will be expelled and persecuted by the human race?"

Tai continued: "Kuxuan, Qi, and Wuchang are the top human cultivators in Zhonghao Realm.

They seem to be working together, but they each have their own agendas.

If the three of them are left, there will definitely be disputes in the future.

They will even start wars over the territory that separates the mountains.

Therefore, I killed you Qi and Wu Chang at that time, leaving only the weakest Ku Xuan. "

Chen Yang was shocked. He didn't expect that Ku Xuan, who he thought was the strongest at the time, was actually the weakest among the three strong human beings.

Tai continued: "Although Ku Xuan escaped, he was seriously injured by me. It is impossible to fully recover without thousands of years.

Of course, with his reputation, there is no suspense in commanding the human race in Zhonghao Realm without Qi and Impermanence.

In this way, disputes will be reduced and the survival rate of the demon clan will be increased.

In addition, when I was sealed by the strong men in the demon clan, I told them using secret methods to hide in the Luoxin River and not to come out.

As long as there is no threat from monsters, humans, demons, etc. will naturally not invade us.

After all, there are no precious resources in the divided mountains. "

At this point, Tai sighed and said: "Most of the demon clan obeyed my orders, but in order to avenge me, some demon clan did not lurk in the Luoxin River, but continued to attack the human race. As you can imagine, in the end, They all died violent deaths.”

When Tai finished speaking, everyone fell into silence.

It’s a lot of information to digest.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Yang looked up at Tai and said solemnly: "Senior, so the war was started by the human race? And you were sealed because you planned it to end the war?"

"Yes." Tai nodded.

Chen Yang said: "How do you prove that what you said is true or false?"

"It's very simple."

Taiyi waved his hand, and a mysterious shadow wall appeared in front of everyone out of thin air, with images from that year played on it.

The image records what happened in Taihuang City. The deeds of Ku Xuan, Qi and others who attacked Taihuang City and started a war are all displayed on the Xuanying Wall.

After reading it, Chen Yang believed Tai's words.

Moreover, their strength is too weak compared to Tai.

There is absolutely no need to deceive them.

Chen Yang couldn't help but smile bitterly and said with emotion: "Everyone thought you were the culprit, but they didn't expect this to be the case."

Tai Dao: "Fortunately, the demon clan survived in the split mountain range. Although the human race hated the demon clan, they did not continue to attack."

Chen Yang said sternly: "Now that the entire Zhonghao world is in danger, seniors should not sit back and ignore it. If the Split Mountain Range is invaded, the demon clan will also..."

"I know the situation in Zhonghao Realm." Tai interrupted Chen Yang, pointed to the ground in front of him, and said, "Look at what this rock carving records."

Rock carvings?

Chen Yang didn't know Tai's intention, but he still lowered his head and looked at the rock carving.

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