Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6293 Tracking

The light flickers, everything returns to darkness, and then light appears again.

Feeling that the concentration of star energy around him was indeed not as good as Zhonghao Realm, Chen Yang knew that he had reached the Yinxian Realm, the eighth realm of the Sacred Star Road.

"Hello, are you Senior Chen?"

Next to the teleportation array, a cultivator in the Earth Master realm came over and bowed respectfully to Chen Yang.

Judging from the person's clothing, he was clearly a member of the Wanjian Sect.

This person must be someone who specializes in guarding the teleportation array here.

It is unknown whether he is from Wanjianmen or Wanjianmen was selected from the Yinxian world.

And it seems that this person has obviously been assigned by Han Yun to be responsible for receiving Chen Yang here.

Chen Yang nodded and said: "I am Chen Yang."

The man said: "I am Zeng Weizhuo. Elder Han has asked me to receive you. If you have any needs, you can ask me."

"Then please."

Chen Yang held up his hand and said, "I want a map of the Yinxian Realm. It would be better to have information such as the distribution of forces, the strength of the forces, etc. marked on it."

Zeng Weizhuo presented a spiritual ultimatum with both hands and said: "It has been prepared for Senior Chen."

Chen Yang took the spiritual certificate and took a look. Sure enough, the information was very detailed.

In particular, the transportation routes to the teleportation array are clearly marked to avoid detours.

However, Chen Yang needs to travel around to find the distraction mind of Master Hao Lan, and most of the time he doesn't need the teleportation array.

Fortunately, Yinxianjie is also a huge star.

If there were countless stars in the vast star field like Baijie and Jimojie, it would be even more troublesome for Chen Yang to find his mind.

After quickly browsing the map, Chen Yang put away the spiritual certificate and thanked Zeng Weizhuo so that he could leave.

Zeng Weizhuo said: "Senior Chen, do you have any other needs?"

"Not yet." Chen Yang shook his head.

Zeng Weizhuo took out a Yunyinluo and a token, and said: "If you have any other needs, you can contact me through Yunyinluo. This token is the token of Wanjianmen, because it is recognized by several top powers in the Xian world. With this token, most of your troubles can be solved.”

Wanjianmen controls the teleportation array to and from the Zhonghao Realm. Because the masters in the Xian Realm want to go to the upper star realm, they naturally want to curry favor with Wanjianmen.

Therefore, Chen Yang has the token of Wanjianmen, and others will always give him face.

Putting away Yunyinluo and the token, Chen Yang said goodbye to Zeng Weizhuo.

Chen Yang had no destination during this trip. What he wanted to do was to travel around the entire Yinxian world, letting his spiritual sense sense the compass and the distracting thoughts of Master Hao Lan.

After looking at the map, Chen Yang knew that the size of the Yinxian Realm was about the same size as the Tiannan Region of the Zhonghao Realm.

It would take a long time to travel around the entire Yinxian world.

Therefore, Chen Yang decided to attack some big forces first.

There are more people living there, and there are more experts.

After all, if Master Hao Lan's distracting mind is awakened, he can achieve great results with his memory, and he will not be an ordinary person.

Those who have not yet awakened their memories must not have much memory, so Chen Yang is not in a hurry to merge for the time being.

However, to solve the eternal black hole, we still have to integrate 1.8 billion points of spiritual thoughts.

This only depends on quantity, not quality.

"Let's go to Caozhuang first."

Chen Yang took back his thoughts and decided to visit a nearby force called Cao Zhuang.

Caozhuang is a huge manor, and most of the people in it are members of the Cao family. They have been working in this area for tens of thousands of years and have profound heritage and strength.

In the entire Yinxian world, Caozhuang is also a force that ranks in the second echelon.

However, Caozhuang didn't like fighting and just guarded his own development.

Because of Caozhuang's blessing, people thousands of miles away can live and work in peace and contentment.

Therefore, Caozhuang has a very good reputation in this area, and almost all cultivators and ordinary people are full of praise for it.

Looking at the words on the map of the spirit ultimatum, Chen Yang couldn't help but frown.

If the cultivators in Caozhuang are all good people, and among them are the distracting thoughts of Master Haolan, can Lao Li integrate them?

This question is really nerve-wracking.

Not long after, Chen Yang entered the Bach Grassland.

The Bach Grassland is about six thousand miles long and wide and falls within Caozhuang's sphere of influence.

Many cities and tribes were established on the grassland and were protected by Caozhuang, but they did not need to pay any fees.

As soon as Chen Yang stepped into Bach Grassland, he saw a prosperous city.

There is no concept of country here, everything is maintained by Caozhuang.

Because everything is fair and no force can compete with Caozhuang, the economy, agriculture, etc. of Bach Grassland are developing very vigorously.

The city in front of you is called Zhongyao City.

As soon as Chen Yang stepped into the city, the spiritual perception compass on the ring started to rotate, pointing to the two o'clock direction, a distance of 700 meters.

He rushed over immediately and saw an old man selling pancakes, teasing his little grandson next to him while hawking pancakes.

Chen Yang frowned and said to Lao Li in the sea of ​​consciousness: "Is there any way to block the perception of spiritual thoughts?"

"Of course." Old Li said: "Are you worried that this old man will be discovered by the statement and his spiritual will will be taken away?"

"Yes." Chen Yang nodded and said, "I came to the Yinxian Realm most likely to find the distracting thoughts of Master Hao Lan. If I let it go, these thoughts will be taken away by him in the end."

Old Li said: "There are countless similar divine thoughts in the entire Yinxian world. I'm afraid it won't be easy for you to help them all."

"Let's help each other."

Chen Yang opened the "Book of Immortals and Demons" and decided to see what methods there were first.

He currently knows several secret techniques, but ordinary people cannot learn the secret techniques at all.

If there is a pill or treasure that can block the perception of spiritual thoughts, you can try it.

But as soon as he started to check the "Book of Immortals and Demons", Chen Yang discovered that there were two faint rays of consciousness passing over him, as if they were testing him.

Soon, the original temptation turned into indiscriminate perception.

The area within 100 meters of Chen Yang's location was covered by the opponent's consciousness.

In other words, he was being targeted.

"I was targeted as soon as I arrived in Yinxian Realm. What happened?"

Chen Yang was confused, and his consciousness immediately came out of the sea of ​​consciousness, turned around and walked out of the city into the grassland.

The vast grassland stretches as far as the eye can see. If someone is still following you at this time, you can see it when you turn around.

Not to mention, a man and a woman followed behind, not concealing their whereabouts at all.

The two of them are not old, but their level is not low. They are both overlords.

Perhaps it was because Chen Yang hid his realm, so the other party didn't fear him at all. He just followed him so blatantly and accelerated to catch up.

A few miles away from Zhongyao City, on a small hill, Chen Yang simply stopped, looked back at the young man and woman, and said, "You two, why are you following me?"

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