Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6286 Speed ​​up the progress


Chen Yang was shocked and looked at Lao Li dumbfounded.

After coming back to his senses, he said: "No, it should be said that it was Master Haolan who created this eternal black hole."

"Indeed." Lao Li nodded and said, "Otherwise, no matter how powerful Xu Zhongda is, he will not be able to control other people's eternal black holes."

Chen Yang wondered: "But why did Master Haolan do this? And why did he put this eternal black hole in Wang Hai?"

Old Li thought about it: "I don't know about this problem either. Based on the fragmented memories, I can only confirm that he was dealing with a big enemy, who was in the Zhonghao Realm at the time. But not only why, but the eternal black hole was not used."

Chen Yang said: "If Master Hao Lan can use the eternal black hole, the enemy must be very powerful. Is it...an illusion?"


Lao Li said thoughtfully: "This time, too many memories have been integrated, but more questions have been added. It's really nerve-wracking for me."

"It seems that the progress of integrating the divine thoughts for you must be done as soon as possible." Chen Yang said: "Most of the divine thoughts in the Zhonghao Realm have been integrated by Xu Zhongda. The Sacred Star Road is vast, and we should probably go to the eight realms below. Look for."

Lao Li was not eager to integrate his spiritual thoughts before, but after this time, he seemed to have changed his mind and nodded: "I have such an idea."

"However, how should we deal with this eternal black hole?" Chen Yang looked at the huge black ball outside the window of the world and said solemnly: "Although it is not expanding fast, if we let it expand, hundreds of millions of years later, China will Sooner or later, Haojie will be completely swallowed up."

Lao Li said with a look of helplessness on his face: "To control the eternal black hole, you must be the one who built this thing. Although I have the will of Master Hao Lan, I am not him. Unless I can integrate half of the distracting thoughts, I can't do it." Only 1.8 billion spiritual thoughts can control this eternal black hole."

"1.8 billion..."

Chen Yang couldn't help but smile bitterly. To this day, Lao Li has only integrated a little over 5 million, which is still almost 1.8 billion short of 1.8 billion.

Lao Li jumped down from the page of "The Book of Immortals and Demons", patted Chen Yang on the shoulder, and said: "Actually, you don't have to worry, the eternal black hole expands very slowly, and it will take at least a thousand years to swallow the entire Wang Hai. Are you not sure that you can surpass Xingzun in a thousand years? By then, it will be much easier to find my distraction."

"That's true."

Chen Yang relaxed a little.

Originally, he did not feel that he should take responsibility for the crisis of the eternal black hole.

But when he heard Lao Li say that this was left by Master Hao Lan, he felt that he should find a way to solve it.

Fortunately, there is enough time.

Otherwise, the eternal black hole will swallow up the entire Zhonghao Realm in just a few years, and he will have no time to solve this big trouble.

As for Wang Hai, all the people here can be evacuated.

After talking with Lao Li, Chen Yang observed the situation outside and determined that the number of nearby wandering void black holes had decreased, and then he walked out of the small world.

Of course, even if many wandering void black holes are merged with eternal black holes, there are still a lot of them.

Therefore, as soon as Chen Yang came out of the small world, he immediately used his speed to the extreme and stayed away from this area.

After a thrilling flight, Chen Yang finally reached the safe area and stopped.

He looked back at the eternal black hole, pondered for a moment, and continued to fly to Klin Island.

When Chen Yang arrived at Kelin Island, Dong Can, Yu Lu and others were pleasantly surprised and quickly asked him how he escaped the "black ball".

After Chen Yang told his experience, he threw Zhao Xuhan out of the small world and said to Dong Can: "Captain, I will leave Zhao Xuhan to you."

"This is the best trophy."

Dong Can asked people to take Zhao Xuhan first, and then said to everyone: "The matter here has been resolved. The members of the Black Blood Pirate Group that Wang Haizhong participated in were almost wiped out by us. The three or two kittens left are not enough." Think about it. Tomorrow Yunzuan will send someone to take over the guarding of the Kelin Island teleportation array, and we are leaving here."

Chen Yang frowned and said, "Captain, you must have noticed that black sphere. That thing is more dangerous than imagined."

"Do you know what that is?" Dong Can's eyes lit up and he said: "I reported the situation to the leader before, but he was too busy and did not send anyone to investigate. This matter can only be shelved for the time being."

"There is nothing we can do if we don't shelve it, because no one in the Tao family or the City above the Clouds can solve this problem."

Chen Yang smiled bitterly, and then told everyone in the seventh team of Yun Group about the source, hazards, and solutions of the eternal black hole.

Among them, the information about Zhenren Haolan was hidden, but Chen Yang did not hide the rest.

As for what Zhao Xuhan would say, Chen Yang didn't care.

When the time comes, just let it go and no one will pursue it.

After listening to Chen Yang's words, Dong Can and others' expressions became very ugly.

They saw that the "black ball" was dangerous, but they did not expect that that thing could actually swallow up the entire Zhonghao world many years later.

This is no small matter.

It is a major event that affects the survival of the entire Zhonghao world.

Dong Can thought for a moment and then ordered: "The others stay and guard the teleportation array. Chen Yang, you and I will return to the city above the clouds now and report the news to the leader in person."

The city above the clouds.

After Chen Yang and Dong Can reported the information about the eternal black hole to Tao Luan, he couldn't wait to find his junior sister.

As for what will happen to the eternal black hole, he doesn't care.

Anyway, no one in the entire Zhonghao world can solve this problem, as long as the Great Wall on the Clouds can relocate Wang Hai's people first.

The rest will eventually fall on his and Lao Li's shoulders.

Chen Yang walked towards the Tao family's main house, but when he was ten meters away, he was blocked by an invisible formation boundary and could not move forward.

He observed and found that the entire Tao family's main residence had been protected by formations.

Apparently, Tao Yongheng was worried that someone had kidnapped his beloved daughter again.


Chen Yang waved to the guard at the door, but the guard just glanced at him and ignored him.

This time, Chen Yang was in trouble.

He didn't know many people from the Tao family.

He didn't know anyone in the Tao family's main house.

It is indeed difficult to ask to see my junior sister.

You can't. Go to the leader of the Yun Group, Tao Luan, for help?

Besides, after meeting him and Dong Can, Tao Luan had already left the City on the Clouds and headed to the frontline battlefield.

"Brother, please inform Tao Xiaotong that it is his senior brother who is looking for her."

Chen Yang didn't care whether the other party would help or not, so he could only shout to the guard at the door.

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