Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6276 Three Statues

Among the island residents, the leader of the island residents, the old Bahou, said to Chen Yang with a respectful look on his face: "Sir, among the islands nearby, only our Huju Island is inhabited. But we have never seen anyone living on other islands."

"Has anyone passed by recently?" Chen Yang asked again.

The old man shook his head: "I didn't see it."

After all, Zhao Xuhan is a holy master. If he advances at full speed, the people on Huju Island will not be able to see him clearly.

It is reasonable to think that these people did not see Zhao Xuhan.

Chen Yang thought for a moment and asked: "Old sir, besides Hongkou Volcano, are there any other special places near here?"

"Hongkou Volcano is the symbol of this sea area, and other areas are very ordinary." The old man replied.

Seeing that nothing could be found, Chen Yang decided to leave.

But just when he was about to say goodbye, a little girl in the crowd suddenly said timidly: "I...I saw someone flying towards Hongkou Volcano yesterday."

Hearing this, Chen Yang's eyes lit up, he looked at the girl dressed in ordinary clothes and asked, "Is she a middle-aged Confucian scholar?"

The little girl, who was about thirteen or fourteen years old, shook her head and shivered: "I... didn't see his appearance clearly either. He was resting on the beach, noticed me approaching, and left immediately. However, the feeling he gave me, Very vicious.”

Chen Yang guessed that the person the little girl saw was most likely Zhao Xuhan.

But Zhao Xuhan flew to Hongkou Volcano. Did he have a stronghold there, under the volcano?

Volcanoes are dangerous, and it seems unreasonable that Zhao Xuhan, who is close to the water attribute, has a hiding place under the volcano.

"Thank you."

Chen Yang thanked the little girl, then said goodbye and left, flying in the direction of Hongkou Volcano.

He did not notify Dong Can and others of this news immediately.

In his opinion, the accuracy of the news is not high.

He planned to go under the water first, talk and check the situation, and then make a decision.

As they gradually approached Hongkou Volcano, the blazing temperature made Chen Yang feel dry and had to release his star power to resist, and then he felt better.

As he got closer and closer to the crater, blazing fire energy filled the surroundings, making him feel a little pressure.

The volcano has such a powerful force even before it erupts.

One can imagine how terrifying the power would be when a volcano erupts.

The sea around the volcano was boiling and rolling, with vast amounts of steam rising, and it was as if the water was boiling.

Chen Yang lurked underwater, and the scene he saw shocked him.

When looking from a distance, you can only see the crater emerging from the water.

Now underwater, he could see the entire volcano.

Incredibly, the lower half of the volcano is actually transparent, and you can see the rolling magma in the volcano.

This transparent material can withstand extremely high temperatures, making Chen Yang curious about what it is.

As he dived, he flipped through the "Book of Immortals and Demons" and found that there was no relevant information recorded.

After asking Lao Li, I found out that the transparent mountain is made of silica crystal.

Although silica crystal can withstand high temperatures, it is of little significance to practitioners.

Because of the transparent volcano, the seabed is reflected red.

There were no living creatures or plants in the boiling sea water, and it looked eerie under the red light.

Chen Yang kept diving but found nothing.

Finally, when he dived to about 15,000 meters, he reached the bottom of the sea.

But here, there is a different world.

Looking around, there is a continuous city near the foot of the volcano.

Although these cities have become ruins, it can be vaguely seen that this was once a glorious city with a high degree of civilization and powerful power.

After all, the array patterns that can be seen everywhere are enough to prove the heritage of this city.

"There is actually a city here. Perhaps hundreds of millions of years ago, this was an island."

Chen Yang walked among the ruins and found that the formation patterns on the walls were more advanced than he expected.

Such formation patterns are everywhere.

Then there must have been many high-level formation mages in this city.

"It's strange that such a city should be destroyed."

Chen Yang was confused.

With the power of those formation mages, it would be easy to move the entire city.

But for some reason, this city was buried under the sea.

However, Chen Yang found no corpses in the city. Perhaps the people in the city had moved away, leaving only an empty city.

"Are you really here?"

Faint energy fluctuations came from a tall palace in front.

Although the palace has tilted and collapsed, it still gives people a majestic momentum.

Chen Yang concealed his energy and aura, quietly approached the palace, and walked in through a hole in the wall.

The furnishings in the palace can still be seen clearly, and some exquisitely carved spiritual stone candlesticks are enough to prove the luxury this place once had.

Although the exterior outline of the palace was damaged, the interior remained intact.

Chen Yang had to move slowly along the corridor in the direction of the energy wave.

Finally, a voice came from the open doorway.

Judging from the regulations of the door, it should be a palace used for sacrifices and ceremonies.

Chen Yang hid in the dark and looked inside the door. He saw that the space inside was very large, about a hundred meters long and wide.

At the front of the palace, there are three statues with a height of sixty or seventy meters.

On the left and right sides, there were two shirtless young men, showing their strong muscles. They were holding knives and swords in their hands. They both stared at the ground below with a pair of huge eyes.

The statue in the middle is of a middle-aged man with a full beard. He is slightly taller than the young man next to him and has a stronger build. He wears a crown on his head and holds a black iron three-pointed sword in his hand. Harpoon, leaning forward slightly, giving people an oppressive aura.

After being corroded by time and sea water, the three statues are in dilapidated condition, and only half of the sword in the hand of the young man on the left is left.

But the broken sword seemed to make him even more imposing.

The statue of the young man holding the knife on the other side has half of his face missing and looks very fierce, like an evil ghost.

These three statues, although lifeless, are lifelike.

Chen Yang looked at them from a distance, as if they were alive and sensing everything on the seabed.

"They must have been very powerful cultivators when they were alive." Chen Yang thought to himself, "Maybe they are still alive now."

After withdrawing his thoughts, Chen Yang's eyes fell on the feet of the statue.

There, a man knelt on the ground. This man was Zhao Xuhan.

He shouted to the statue holding a harpoon in the middle: "Master, please help my disciple no matter what. Those people in the city above the clouds are so abominable that they actually destroyed my entire fleet."

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