Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6268 Curse Rift

After walking several kilometers along the corridor, Chen Yang finally saw a door.

The door was originally blocked by a formation, but the three cultivators from Lingjiu Mountain who were in the Saint Master realm in front had already entered the door, saving Chen Yang the trouble of breaking the formation.

He walked to the door, looked inside through the half-opened stone door, and saw three Lingjiu Mountain cultivators, facing the wall, talking in low voices.

"Fortunately, the dust of the void is not serious."

"I told you that it is impossible for them to discover the dust of the void."

"This thing is of great use to the mountain owner. It cannot be lost no matter what. It is appropriate for us to check it out."

"Since we haven't been found, let's leave."

After the three cultivators from Lingjiu Mountain talked, they walked out.

Chen Yang hid in the dark and watched the three people walk to the stone door. The moment they were about to close the door completely, he used the goggles method to reflect and entered the door.

"Huh? I vaguely sense energy fluctuations?"

"Stop being suspicious and go help."

"Check around, it's better to be careful after all."

The three Lingjiu Mountain cultivators looked around and made sure that no one was here. Then they felt relieved and left along the corridor.

Chen Yang, who entered the secret room, looked at the black shadow floating in front of him, his face became extremely ugly.

After just listening to the words of the three Lingjiu Mountain cultivators, he really thought that there was dust of void here.

But he felt that the stars were gathering here, and he felt something strange.

At this moment, when I looked at it, something was definitely wrong.

In front of him, a black shadow the size of a fist floated, with glowing yellow gravel floating in it, and faint space energy fluctuations.

At the same time, Chen Yang could clearly sense that wisps of star energy were converging towards the yellow gravel on the black shadow.

The dust of the void will not absorb star energy.

There is only one thing that is similar in form to Void Dust, but absorbs star energy, and that is the cursed rift.

The yellow gravel floating in the black shadow will gradually open a crack after absorbing enough energy.

The crack connects to the void.

It is impossible to determine what will come out of the void.

But according to the records seen in Chen Yang's "Book of Immortals and Demons", good things will not appear in the cursed rift. What usually comes out are vicious monsters.

Those monsters only know how to kill and devour, and their combat power is unparalleled, at least at the Star Lord level.

What's even more frightening is that it's impossible to determine how many monsters will appear.

In other words, the cursed crack in front of Chen Yang is a time bomb, and evil things may emerge at any time and kill everyone.

"The cursed crack actually appears under the mineral vein, and it will soon absorb enough energy, and it will be dangerous then."

Chen Yang looked solemn and complained: "That stupid guy Wang Shanchang actually thought it was the dust of the void."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Chen Yang's expression suddenly changed and he muttered:

“Although Void Dust and Cursed Fissure are very rare, they have not never existed in the Zhonghao Realm.

Wang Shanchang is an eighth-level star master after all. With his vision, he should be able to see the difference.

Could it be that he deceived others and deliberately created a cursed rift here?

What is his purpose? "

Just after making a guess, Chen Yang looked around and discovered the spirit gathering array.

His suspicion was confirmed.

The people in Lingjiu Mountain were kept in the dark, but Wang Shanchang knew the truth.

Otherwise, he would not have set up the spirit gathering array here to help the cursed rift gather enough energy.

But Chen Yang couldn't figure out what Wang Shanchang's purpose was.

The monsters coming out of the cursed rift will not be controlled by anyone.

In other words, Wang Shanchang is not only unable to take advantage of these monsters, but is also threatened by these monsters.

After all, if a monster appears, the mineral veins of Guiyuan Mountain will be the first place to suffer.

In this case, why did Wang Shanchang do this?

Could it be that he is a crazy person who wants to destroy Zhonghaojie?

Or does he have other purposes?

For a moment, Chen Yang was confused.

However, he knew that no matter what, he could not let the cursed rift absorb enough energy.

Therefore, the cursed rift must be destroyed.

But now, he can't do it.

Because to destroy the cursed rift, you must have soul-burning ashes.

"Soul-burning ashes are hard to find."

Chen Yang frowned and stared at the cursed crack floating in front of him. After thinking for a moment, he turned and left.

He gave up destroying the cursed rift, because judging from the current opening speed of the cursed rift, it would take less than three days for the cursed rift to open a void rift.

As for whether monsters will be released by then, it is unknown.

As for Chen Yang, he had no confidence that he could find the soul-burning ashes and destroy the cursed rift within three days.

Therefore, he simply ignored this matter.

If a monster really appears, then those Star Lords should be the ones to deal with it.

Chen Yang never believed that a small person like himself should shoulder the mission of saving the world.

He saves the people he cares about.

From the inside of the secret room, Chen Yang easily opened the stone door without breaking the formation.

He walked along the corridor and when he reached the ground, he found that the battle was coming to an end.

Perhaps it was because Tao Zhu killed Tao Tuo, which put pressure on Zhengyuan's army. It can be said that everyone stepped forward bravely in this battle, and their combat power was many times stronger than last time. The defenders of Guiyuan Mountain were caught off guard.

At this moment, Zhengyuan's army has suppressed them to the top of the mountain. If they continue to attack, the defenders will fall.

In fact, the defeat of the defenders was a foregone conclusion.

It is only a matter of time for the City Above the Clouds to gain control of the Guiyuan Mountain Star Stone Mine.

Chen Yang joined the battle, and soon the battle ended.

Some high-level Lingjiu Mountain cultivators took advantage of the chaos and fled Guiyuan Mountain.

Most of the remaining Lingjiu Mountain cultivators were killed on the spot.

As for the cultivators who came from other forces to aid Lingjiu Mountain, Tao Zhu did not kill them all, but instead captured them all as prisoners.

After all, although the forces standing around Lingjiu Mountain are not strong enough, they are quite numerous.

Keep these prisoners, they may come in handy later.

After counting the loot and inspecting the mineral veins, Tao Zhu was very excited.

They had been attacking Kameyuandan Mountain for a long time, and now they finally captured this important strategic location. For him, it was a big achievement.

Moreover, the star stones stored in the veins exceeded his expectations.

After reorganizing his troops, Tao Zhu sent people to pick up the wounded in Zhengyuan's army camp and came to Guiyuan Mountain for a meeting.

He then summoned the senior generals of the entire army for a meeting in the garrison building.

Although this battle was won, the City Above the Clouds also suffered many casualties.

When the senior generals gathered, they discovered that Tao Zhaoran was missing.

Although Tao Zhu was a little dissatisfied with Tao Zhaoran, he did not want to see his subordinates sacrificed. He frowned and asked Tao Zhaoran's team members, "Where is Captain Zhaoran?"

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