Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6260 Stay

Hearing what Tao Zhaoran said, everyone suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Tao Yu was thoughtful and said, "Is it because Chen Yang is the young lady's senior brother that Hu Peng fawns over him?"

"It's possible." Tao Zhaoran's eyes lit up and he said: "Now that the young master has lost power, the young lady has a demon blood body and a Shura demon body. She is very talented and will most likely lead the city above the clouds in the future. And Miss He The closest person is undoubtedly his senior brother. It is indeed beneficial to please Chen Yang at this time."

Everyone in the five teams in the camp deeply believed this statement.

Tao Zhaoran had a look of contempt on his face and said coldly: "It seems that Dong Can had his own little idea in recruiting Chen Yang to join the seventh team. This guy is smarter than I thought."

A person next to him said: "Captain, we have offended Chen Yang now. If the young lady becomes the head of the family in the future, won't we be in trouble?"

Tao You said hurriedly: "This incident happened because of me, and I am willing to take all responsibilities."

"You do have a responsibility, but how can I let you bear it?"

Tao Zhaoran was upright and said thoughtfully: "Although I don't know the lady very well, I heard that she is a soft-hearted person.

When the time comes, we beg for mercy, and nothing will happen to her.

Moreover, we have done our best for the City Above the Clouds, but if she really wants to punish us, people's hearts will be scattered, and she does not dare to do so. "

Tao Yu rolled his eyes and said tentatively: "Captain, Chen Yang is a hidden danger after all. We..."

"What are you thinking!" Tao Zhaoran's expression changed drastically, he stood up and said: "You can say that you are cowardly in leading people to retreat, but it can also be said that it is for the safety of more people, so I protect you. But you Now I want to deal with Chen Yang, but it is a complete villain's behavior, which makes me despise and despise him."

Tao Tuo was sweating profusely and hurriedly explained: "Captain, that's not what I meant. I meant that I can go clarify and apologize to Chen Yang, and turn the hostility into friendship."

"I see." Tao Zhaoran breathed a sigh of relief, sat down and said, "If you want to deal with Chen Yang secretly, you have made me look down on you. There is no need to mention this matter except to apologize. We are the fifth team in the cloud group, and we have our own His dignity. How can you be humble to him just because he relies on his relationship with the lady?"

After a moment of silence, Tao Zhaoran regretted: "In my haste just now, I forgot to ask Chen Yang what was going on in the Xiyuan Valley camp. At this moment, I'm afraid he has already left."

Tao Yu said: "Even Tao Xu failed to break into the camp. Chen Yang and his ten men were no match for the defenders. Moreover, Tao Xu sent a message to the general saying that the mission failed and everyone evacuated. I’m afraid no one will see the faces of the young lady and the young master.”

Tao Zhaoran said in annoyance: "The safety of the young lady and the young master is really worrying. If we don't rescue them, we will ultimately be controlled by others in the entire battle."

Tao You took a step forward and changed the subject: "Captain, there is one more thing."

"What's the matter?" Tao Zhaoran was puzzled.

Tao Tuo said: "Tao Xu will definitely be dissatisfied if I fail to reach the Xiyuan Valley camp. He has a fierce temper, and I'm afraid he will report this to the general. When the time comes..."

"Don't worry." Tao Zhaoran interrupted: "I will take care of the general's side."

As he was talking, someone came in from outside and said, "Captain, the general asked you to come over and take Tao Tuo with you."

"As expected, Tao Zhaoran tried his best to protect Tao You. Even if the general held him accountable, Tao You only got scolded and not even a small punishment."

Chen Yang looked at Tao Xu in front of him and smiled bitterly.

Just now Tao Xu told Chen Yang the punishment the general had given Tao Yu. Apart from scolding, there was no substantive punishment.

One of the main reasons is that Tao Zhaoran tried to protect Tao Tuan and put pressure on the general.

Now is the time to recruit people. If the general and Tao Zhaoran fall out, then the entire Zhengyuan army will inevitably become a mess.

For the sake of the overall situation, the general did not hold him accountable.

Of course, the more important reason is that Chen Yang brought back the news that Tao Xiaotong and Tao Sui were not in the Xiyuan Valley camp.

Therefore, the rescue mission seemed unimportant. Whether Tao Tuo escaped or made a tactical retreat, the general didn't care much.

Otherwise, if the rescue was really delayed, how could the general be so easy to talk to?

Tao Xu said angrily: "That bastard Tao Yu has done so many disgusting things, but he didn't even confiscate the star stone. I'm really angry."

"Calm down, he will be punished." Chen Yang smiled.

Tao Xu was stunned for a moment and said to Chen Yang: "He almost killed you, but you can still laugh?"

Hu Peng glanced at Chen Yang and said, "Brother Xu, don't be deceived by Chen Yang. He may be thinking of ways to deal with Tao Yu now."

Tao Xu's eyes lit up and he said happily: "If you have any ideas, let's talk about it first. I can't stand Tao Tao's arrogance and getting away with it."

"What can I do?" Chen Yang smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying: "I slandered Tao Tuo, and now Tao Zhaoran is very dissatisfied with me. I'm afraid there is no place for me in this army of conquests."

"Tao Zhaoran is also a bastard who doesn't know right from wrong!"

Tao Xu cursed angrily, and then said to Chen Yang: "Don't worry, although my strength and status are not as good as Tao Zhaoran's, I still have some say in the Zhengyuan army. If you want to stay, just serve as my deputy. No one else How dare I do anything to you."

Chen Yang cupped his hands and said, "In that case, it won't bother Brother Xu."

Tao Xu said sternly: "I admire your move deep into the edge of the stream valley. With someone like you as my deputy, I am happy before it's too late. I won't think you are disturbing me."

"Chen Yang, do you want to stay?"

Hu Peng looked at Chen Yang with a puzzled look. In his opinion, Chen Yang's main purpose was to rescue Tao Xiaotong. Now that it was confirmed that Tao Xiaotong was not here, why should Chen Yang stay here?

Without waiting for Chen Yang to answer, he immediately realized that Chen Yang would not leave until Tao Tuo was dealt with.

He frowned and said, "You must deal with Tao Tuo?"

"Look at these two."

Chen Yang pointed to Tao Yu and Tao Shu who were lying on the bed in the tent. They were seriously injured and fell into a coma. They have not yet woken up.

Hu Peng sighed secretly and sympathized with Tao Yu and the others.

Tao Xu was puzzled and said: "Chen Yang, why don't you hand these two people over to the general? As long as they wake up, they can tell the truth. Tao Yu can't escape the blame."

Chen Yang shook his head and said: "It's useless. This time he escaped from the battle, and his crime was actually greater than framing a few of us. But with Tao Zhaoran's protection, the general didn't pursue the case. Maybe Tao Yu and the two went to file a complaint, but they were blackmailed. Turn white, turn white into black, say that they and I have joined forces to slander Tao You."

"It is indeed possible." Tao Xu nodded, his face full of displeasure, and he was also somewhat dissatisfied with the general of the Zhengyuan Army.

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