Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6218 Yunting Village

Dong Canfei came in front of everyone in the seventh division and ordered without saying a word: "Zeng Wu, Shen Luan, you go and collect the bodies of Yang Ke and Wang Zhong. The remaining people will go to Yunting Village with me immediately."


Zeng Wu and Shen Luan took the order, and they immediately flew downwards to look for the bodies of their two fallen companions.

The remaining people all followed Dong Can and flew towards the east.

"Boy, you won't blame me for protecting the teleportation array but not helping you, right?"

Dong Can suddenly turned to look at Chen Yang and said.

Hearing this, everyone in the seventh division of the Yun Group couldn't help but be stunned.

They all thought that it was Dong Can who rescued Chen Yang, but now it seems that this is not the case.

However, everyone thought about it again. Perhaps Sun Zheng ignored Chen Yang and attacked Dong Can directly. Therefore, Chen Yang, who was sitting next to Sun Zheng, escaped. However, it was not that Chen Yang was too powerful to resist. Sun Zheng.

Chen Yang smiled at Dong Can and said: "Captain Dong, what are you talking about? I was not in danger at that time, and there was no need for you to help me."

Dong Can said: "The teleportation array is very important to our plan. I have to give priority to protecting the teleportation array. Fortunately, Sun Zheng did not attack you first."

Sure enough, it was as everyone suspected, and everyone no longer doubted Chen Yang's strength.

Chen Yang asked: "Captain Dong, are the City on the Clouds and Lingjiu Mountain now at full-scale war? What is going on?"

"I don't know about this either." Dong Can muttered: "We just received an order to investigate this place and bring the owner of Yunting Village to Sanliang County, Zhizhou, the Dragon Emperor's Kingdom."

Whether he got the answer or not, Chen Yang couldn't help but frown.

Seeing this, Yu Lu, who had been silent, said: "We have been performing tasks outside, so we don't know the recent situation in the City on the Cloud. It's not that we don't want to tell you."

"That's not what I meant." Chen Yang explained, and then said: "I just don't know. After the mission is completed, I will go to Sanliang County, Zhizhou, Dragon Emperor Kingdom. Is it possible to meet people from the City on the Clouds?"

"Of course, you can get the answer you want when the time comes." Yu Lu changed the topic and said in a deep voice: "But, who are you and why do you suddenly appear here?"

Chen Yang took out his Yun Group Token and gave it to the other party for a look. Yu Lu's expression changed slightly and he said, "Are you Xiaotong's senior brother?"

Chen Yang didn't expect that someone would actually know about him.

And hearing how Yu Lu addressed his junior sister, it seemed that he was very affectionate.

After hearing Yu Lu's words, the people in Team 7 of Yun Group all looked towards Chen Yang, with confusion and surprise in their eyes.

Before Chen Yang could answer, someone said: "Strange, Miss's senior brother is obviously a first-level heavenly master, why has he become a first-level holy master now?"

"It's not a disguise, is it?"

As soon as this statement came out, many people looked wary.

Yu Lu said seriously: "Chen Yang, you should give us an explanation about your realm."

Chen Yang said bluntly: "In the past few years, I have been in seclusion in Beiyuan Territory. I just came out recently and found that my junior sister returned to the city above the clouds, so I chased her back."

Yu Lu looked displeased and said in a cold voice: "In a few years, you advanced from the first-level Heavenly Master to the first-level Saint Master? Are you kidding me? Do you really think we are so easy to deceive?"

Chen Yang said: "I just told the truth, and I didn't mean to deceive at all."

Yu Lu wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Dong Can, saying: "The token is real and it fits him. Even if there is a problem with his realm, his identity must be correct, so why do you have to worry about it."

Yu Lu was unconvinced and said: "Everyone is like you. We died countless times when we were performing missions before."

Dong Can curled his lips and did not argue.

Yu Lu glanced at Chen Yang, and then said to Dong Can: "I will be this villain today. I have been following him to guard against him."

"Why are you doing this?" Dong Can said displeased.

Yu Lu didn't bother to pay attention and simply flew behind Chen Yang.

Seeing Dong Can's embarrassed look, all the members of Team 7 of Yun Group were holding back their laughter.

Seeing this, Chen Yang was a little confused. What kind of identity was Yu Lu? He had such an attitude towards the captain. Don't be too arrogant.

Moreover, what does it mean for a woman to dress up as a man?

At this time, Chen Yang heard Dong Can's message to him: "Don't get me wrong, she is my wife. I just let her go, not because I am afraid of her."

Hearing this, Chen Yang suddenly realized.

Dong Can then sent a message: "She is more cautious, don't worry about it, just follow us, I will definitely take you back to the city above the clouds."

"Thank you."

Chen Yang thanked him, but he didn't mind Yu Lu's attitude. After all, others' doubts about him were not unreasonable.

He stopped transmitting messages and talked with Dong Can: "Captain Dong, I wonder what mission you are here to perform? Who are those people wearing animal skins?"

Dong Can said: "It's not a secret, I'll tell you.

This place is called Due evil forest. It was originally a barren mountain forest and was home to many barbaric human races.

Later, our ancestors from the City on the Clouds discovered this place, educated them, and built the tribe Yunting Village.

After everything was stable in Yunting Village, the ancestors evacuated, leaving only a teleportation array here.

The purpose of that teleportation array is not to come here, but to enter the Split Mountain Range from here. There is a safe road called the Silver Mirror Gap.

For thousands of years after that, the ancestors did not have in-depth contact with Yunting Village.

When they came to Yunting Village later, they found that this place was already controlled by Lingjiu Mountain, and with the help of Yunting Village, they controlled the Silver Mirror Gap.

At that time, we had a good relationship with Lingjiu Mountain, and the clan leader was married to Lin Ning from Lingjiu Mountain, so we did not pursue the matter.

Until recently, the demon tribe came out of the split mountain range. Although it was not wreaking havoc, it seemed abnormal.

Therefore, we plan to enter the Split Mountain Range from the Silver Mirror Gap to investigate the information.

The investigation mission was not carried out by us, but by Team 13 and Team 15.

However, when the 13th and 15th teams passed by Yunting Village, they were assassinated, and all the team members died in Yunting Village.

The barbarians sent the body back, but refused to admit that they were the assassins.

So, our superiors sent our seventh team to investigate the matter.

We didn't know at first that there was a war between the City on the Cloud and Lingjiu Mountain, but now we finally understand why our people died here. It must have been done by the barbarians from Lingjiu Mountain.

Sun Zheng and I were making excuses because they probably didn't know about the war and wanted to hide it so we could get through it.

But unexpectedly, your appearance broke the window paper and caused us to fight.

That's fine, I don't like playing tricks like that.

It's still a head-on battle, which is more exciting. "

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