Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6184 Contempt

The Beiyuan Territory is vast and sparsely populated. There are few people in the snowfields, and there are not many people living in the cities.

With the exception of Bingyun Qiu, it is difficult to find places where humans live on a large scale in the entire Northern Source Territory.

But Bitter Winter Ridge is a special place.

Bitter Winter Ridge is not high or big, about thirty miles long, and the highest point is only two thousand meters.

The entire mountain range is green and green, and there is absolutely no ice and snow cover in other areas. It can be said to be full of vitality.

Not only the mountains, but also the area within a radius of fifty miles are filled with such spring scenery.

There are all kinds of creatures in the mountains and plains.

In the plain, a ring-shaped city was built around the Bitter Winter Ridge.

The inner side of the city is close to the Bitter Winter Ridge. There is no city wall, but a circular river that separates the Bitter Winter Ridge from the city.

On the outside, there is a majestic ice wall that surrounds the entire Winter Ridge and the city.

After years of development, the city has many buildings and a dense population. The tall buildings have reached more than ten floors, and every inch of land is precious.

Although the area outside the city wall is vast, no one is willing to give up a warm and comfortable life to withstand the wind, frost, bitter cold, and dangerous wild animals.

What's more, a complete ecology and society have been formed in the city, so there is no need to be surprised.

But in the sky above the Winter Ridge, it was not sunny.

The flying snow fell, but at a height of three thousand meters, it seemed to hit an invisible barrier, flying around and unable to fall into the Winter Ridge and the ring city.

Obviously, the environment here is different from Bingyun Qiu.

The climate of Bingyun Qiu is a natural formation, and here, the masters of Bingdong Ridge built a comfortable place using the best methods of heaven and earth.

With Yun Jian leading the way, Chen Yang walked from the ring city to the tree-lined Winter Ridge. He felt the warm air and looked at the flying snow floating outside the invisible barrier. It felt like a dream. .

Withdrawing his gaze, he smiled at Yun Jian and asked: "I think the cultivators in Bitter Winter Ridge are not afraid of the cold here, but for some unknown reason, it is impossible to set up such a large formation to create a spring scene. Is it just to enjoy the flowers?"

Yun Jian stood on the hillside, looked back at the ring city, and explained with a smile: "When the sect was established in Bitter Winter Ridge, a large number of mortals gathered here. Because of the cold and the attacks of wild creatures, the lives of mortals were very difficult. . The sect leader couldn't bear it, so he set up a large formation, built a city, and found a resting place for mortals. After that, it continued to develop and reached today's scale."

"The kind thoughts of the Kaisect leader are admirable." Chen Yang said sincerely.

Yun Jian said with admiration: "Now the sect master travels around the world. Although he has not appeared in Bitter Winter Ridge for ten thousand years, he is still the most respected person in the hearts of his disciples."

While talking, the two of them had reached halfway up the mountain.

The buildings in Bingdong Ridge are all concentrated on the mountainside. The architectural style is very simple and does not give people a majestic or spectacular momentum.

Yun Jian was responsible for guarding the northbound teleportation formation heading to the far north, and had been guarding it for several years. He seemed to be assigned to the frontier.

Therefore, Chen Yang thought that Yun Jian's status in Bingdong Ridge would not be too high.

Unexpectedly, after entering the core area of ​​Bitter Winter Ridge, many disciples took the initiative to greet Yun Jian, with some respect in their attitude.

It seems that Yun Jian has a special status.

I just don’t know why, but I keep guarding the teleportation array.

After sitting down in a living room, Yun Jian said to Chen Yang, "Brother Chen, please wait a moment. I'll go ask the elders in the ridge for instructions."

"Thank you, Brother Yun." Chen Yang thanked him.

Yun Jian was very efficient in doing things. Not long after, he led an elder from Bitter Ridge, a ninth-level saint master, to the living room.

Before entering the door, Chen Yang only heard the elder say: "Nephew Yun Jian, I came here because of your father's honor. I hope you won't disappoint me."

Yun Jian said: "Senior Xu, don't worry. Brother Chen is definitely a first-class genius. Trading with him will be of great benefit to me in Bingdong Ridge without any harm."

While talking, the two walked into the living room.

Chen Yang stood up and greeted him: "Senior Yuzun will have a talk with this junior. I am very grateful."

"Yes." Xu Shu nodded slightly to Chen Yang. Although Chen Yang was already in the realm of Saint Master at a young age, he was not too touched.

After all, as a ninth-level holy master, he is already the first-level master in the entire Zhonghao world.

Except for Xing Zun, no one is in a higher realm than him.

Therefore, Xu Shu still felt quite arrogant in his heart.

If it weren't for Yun Jian's special status, he would definitely not waste his time to meet a first-level holy master.

As for Yun Jian's previous words and his deeds of defeating the Sixth Level Saint Master, Xu Shu absolutely did not believe it.

The difference between the Saint Master realm and the first level minor realm is no longer indescribable. They are two completely different worlds.

Chen Yang was five levels below the level. To defeat his opponent would be equivalent to crossing a gap of five worlds. How could that be possible?

Therefore, Xu Shu thought that Yun Jian was boasting to Chen Yang in order to help him.

After Xu Shu took his seat, Yun Jian introduced the identities of both parties, and then said: "Senior Xu, what Brother Chen means is that Bitter Winter Ridge can put forward any conditions. In exchange, Brother Chen hopes that we, Bitter Winter Ridge, Can help him investigate a person in Beiyuan Territory."

"Actually, Nephew Yun Jian told me these words when I came here." Xu Shu looked at Chen Yang opposite, with an embarrassed smile on his face, and said, "However, Bingdong Ridge does not accept any tasks. It is well known in the Beiyuan Territory. But if it is a transaction, it is not impossible. But... can Mr. Chen really fulfill any of the conditions we put forward? "

Of course, Chen Yang couldn't accomplish everything, so he handed over his hand and said, "This junior has a wide range of interests, and is especially good at runes. In addition, he also has some attainments in various miscellaneous studies. Although this junior cannot guarantee that he can solve all the problems faced by Bitter Winter Ridge, But at least I can provide some effective advice in some areas where I am good at it.”

"Hahaha..." Xu Shu laughed loudly, shook his head and said: "Mr. Chen, you are indeed very talented. It is indeed rare to reach the realm of Saint Master at such a young age. But after all, your realm and age are not very high. How dare you I guarantee that your level of runes and miscellaneous knowledge is higher than that of my high-level Saint Master in Bitter Winter Ridge, or even the Star Master?"

Facing Xu Shu's ridicule, Chen Yang was not angry, and said seriously: "If it is refining weapons, elixirs, formations, and formations, I may not be as good as the rune masters who are higher than me. After all, their divine soul and star power are all He is stronger than me, but in terms of theoretical knowledge, I think he has reached an advanced level.”

Xu Shu raised his eyebrows, then showed a displeased look on his face, and said: "High and profound? Haha, I have never seen someone as arrogant and arrogant as you. Today I can think of it as an eye-opener."

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