Urban magic doctor

Chapter 618 Broken Sword

Alas, in a villa belonging to the Eddie family.

After Qing Yue hung up the phone, a ferocious sneer appeared on his lips: "Chen Yang, if you kill Xin'er, I will pay with your life."

Before, Qing Yue thought that there would be no trouble if Tu Xin took the two Lianzhen to find Guan Xiyue.

But he didn't expect that Tu Xin and No. 1 and No. 2 would both end up in Hua Jin Country.

Tu Xin's death made him so angry that he wanted to eat Chen Yang's flesh and drink Chen Yang's blood.

However, recently, Hua Jinguo has suddenly tightened its surveillance on entry and exit personnel. Qing Yue is not worried about discovering his identity, but is afraid that after killing Chen Yang, he will be unable to leave Hua Jinguo.

After all, there are many masters in Hua Jin Kingdom, and Qing Yue is not absolutely sure that he can escape.

More importantly, he doesn't want to expose the strength of the Holy Palace yet.

He had been waiting, and when Chen Yang left Hua Jin Country, he took revenge and killed Chen Yang.

So he was very excited when he received the news from his subordinates that Chen Yang had gone to Pocun.

The opportunity is here!

"Chi Feng!"

Qing Yue shouted, and a young man with a figure like a model walked in outside the house. He was wearing a suit and looked very attractive just by looking at his body shape.

However, this person's face was pale and his eyes were cold, giving people an eerie feeling.

Qing Yue handed the phone to Chi Feng: "Go to Po Village and help me kill this person."

"Well, thanks."

Chi Feng glanced at the photos and messages on his phone. He nodded, with a bloodthirsty sneer on his lips, and turned and walked out of the house.

He did not ask who the man he killed was not important to him.

In his eyes, as long as he can kill people, that's all.

Watching Chi Feng leave, Qing Yue revealed a ferocious smile: "Hmph, Chen Yang, you are dead this time. There is no way you can beat the Baoyuan master."

Chi Feng led two of his men to Po Village.

Those two subordinates were not members of the Holy Palace, but peripheral intelligence personnel. They were not strong, but their level of intelligence gathering was first-rate.

Soon, they found Chen Yang's whereabouts and headed straight to the port.

Unexpectedly, when they arrived at the port, they found that Chen Yang had hired a cruise ship and had gone to sea without a trace.

"You go first, I'll wait here."

Chi Feng ordered his two men, and then he rented a boat at the port and stayed there.

The sea breeze blew against his face. Chen Yang stood on the bow of the boat and looked towards the sea.

After he arrived at Broken Village, he immediately rented a cruise ship and went to sea to look for the magical weapon recorded in "Records of Hao Lan Zhenren".

According to the book, one hundred and fifty nautical miles east of the Liuwan Strait, there is a turtle-shaped reef on the sea surface, which is about one hundred square meters wide and protrudes about five meters from the water.

That magical weapon is located three hundred meters west of Turtle Reef and about two hundred meters deep under the sea.

The location is quite clear, but I don't know when "Hao Lan Real Person's Record" was written. Now that the sea level is rising, perhaps the reef has long been submerged under the sea.

Chen Yang was already prepared for this.

There was a tablet in front of him, which displayed images of the sea surface, all transmitted from underwater cameras.

In this way, he could see everything above and below the sea.

"How's it going, Mr. Chen? Have you found the reef you mentioned?"

A shirtless middle-aged man came over and asked Chen Yang with a smile.

This cruise ship is not big. There are three people in total. The muscular man in front of me is called Liu Wei. He is both the captain and the sailor.

The other two were Liu Wei's subordinates.

Chen Yang turned back and looked at Liu Wei: "It should be in this sea area. Let's wander around for a while."

Liu Weidao: "Mr. Chen, with all due respect, what are you looking for when you come to this sea area?"

Chen Yang said: "When I was playing here before, I dropped something in the sea."

Hearing this, Liu Wei was speechless for a while, thinking to himself that you wanted to get back the things you dropped back then. How is this possible?

"I wish you success, Mr. Chen."

Liu Wei shook his head, said no more, returned to the cabin and started sailing.

Chen Yang was too lazy to explain. In fact, he also knew that it was very difficult to find the magical weapons described in the book, but he chose to believe in Master Hao Lan.

He looked back at the sea, still seeing endless horizons.

He looked down at the tablet in his hand again, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

On the monitor screen, a 100-square-meter wide reef appeared. The shape of this reef was not exactly that of a turtle.

"found it!"

Chen Yang looked happy, immediately identified the direction, and shouted to Liu Wei in the cockpit: "Old Liu, go west."

Liu Wei didn't ask any questions, immediately changed direction and drove according to Chen Yang's instructions.

After a while, the cruise ship stopped on the sea.

According to the "Record of Hao Lan Zhenren", the magic weapon is under the sea here.

Chen Yang had already prepared the diving equipment. After he put it on, he was about to jump off when Liu Wei said, "Mr. Chen, would you like to tie a rope? If you encounter danger, we can pull you up."

"No, just turn on the lights on the bottom of the boat and give me instructions."

After Chen Yang finished speaking, he jumped out of the boat and fell into the water.

He has good water properties, and since he has reached Baoyuan, he swims very fast underwater, and he quickly dived to a depth of two hundred meters.

It was two hundred meters deep and the water pressure was great, but it had no effect on Chen Yang.

He turned on the searchlight above his head, and a beam of light appeared in the originally dark deep sea, illuminating the front.

I have to say that the corals and fish in the deep sea are very beautiful and magnificent.

But at this moment, Chen Yang didn't have time to appreciate it. He quickly searched the sea area. Although he didn't find the magic weapon for a while, he saw some other gadgets.

It seems that humans have dropped a lot of things into the sea.

The search lasted for two hours. Chen Yang expanded the scope a lot, but still found nothing.

"Could it be that someone took the thing away, or that the magic weapon was washed away by the ocean currents?"

Chen Yang thought to himself, planning to give up.

But at this moment, his eyes fell on a coral group.

This piece of coral has a strange shape, and a sword is stuck in the gap. The sword is covered with moss, and the original appearance of the sword cannot be seen clearly.

Part of the coral also grew on the sword body. If Chen Yang hadn't had good eyesight, it would have been difficult to spot that it was a sword.

He swam over, grabbed the hilt, and jerked the sword out.

I thought the sword was very long, but I didn't expect that it only submerged less than an inch into the coral.

He looked carefully and found that the sword was still a broken sword.

"Isn't this the magic weapon that Master Hao Lan said?"

Chen Yang was speechless for a while, feeling that he was holding a piece of junk that no one wanted.


At this moment, there was a sudden loud noise, and the piece of coral where the broken sword had been inserted collapsed downwards, quickly forming a vortex, pulling everything around it downwards.

"not good!"

Chen Yang felt a force pulling him, and he hurriedly swam upstream.

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