Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6177 Servant

Chen Yang stared at Tao Xiaotong, was silent for a while, and asked, "Are you serious?"

"Yes." Tao Xiaotong nodded solemnly.

"Okay, if that's the case, then you can stay. I will come to visit you in the future."

Chen Yang did not ask Tao Xiaotong's reasons and thoughts, nor did he analyze the quality of the decision. Instead, he directly recognized Tao Xiaotong's decision.

Tao Xiaotong said seriously: "Senior brother, tell the master that I will not let him down."

"He said you have grown up." Chen Yang smiled.

Tao Xiaotong said: "Then... I will leave the master's affairs to you. I hope you can help him recover as soon as possible."

"Old Li asked you not to worry so much." Chen Yang rubbed Tao Xiaotong's head and said with a smile, "Besides, you must pay attention to safety."

"Yes." Tao Xiaotong nodded heavily.

Seeing this, Yuexian said: "In that case, Xiaotong go to my defense area. I can help you integrate into the Northern Army as soon as possible and teach you how to deal with Chijuan."

"Thank you, Senior Yuexian." Tao Xiaotong felt happy, having someone lead the way, which she said was undoubtedly a good thing for a newcomer.

Tianhan muttered: "So, I will stay here and serve as the Northern Army."

Yue Xian said: "In short, I won't let you leave the Frozen Spine until Chi Chi is completely eliminated. If you don't want to join the army, you can live in the south and come to visit me occasionally."

"How can that work?" Tianhan shook his head and curled his lips and said, "I can only admit defeat."

Chen Yang handed the formation book to Yue Xian, who presented it to the general at the Yubei Army headquarters. It is not known how to use the formation book.

Then, Chen Yang, Tao Xiaotong, and Tianhan accompanied Yuexian to the twenty-seventh defense area under her command.

After Tianhan and Yuexian completed the formalities for joining the army, Chen Yang said goodbye to them and went with Yuexian to the star source ground called Ice Swimming Spring.

When parting, Tao Xiaotong was naturally very reluctant to leave Chen Yang.

However, she was not too sad at the thought of seeing Chen Yang again after he left isolation.

Although the ice swimming spring is called a spring, when Chen Yang saw it, he realized that it was a huge icicle.

The shape of the icicles is like spring water rising from the ground. When the water splashes, it is instantly frozen.

Entering under the ice from the Ice Swimming Spring, Chen Yang saw the Star Source Earth Veins.

This star source vein is indeed not big, but the star energy concentration has reached a certain level, which fully meets Chen Yang's requirements.

What's more, it is indeed more than enough for him to use alone.

What surprised Chen Yang was that there was no one guarding this star source.

But he soon figured out that except for the Northern Army, there were no other humans here. Who would come to seize the Star Source Earth Line?

After sending Chen Yang to Xingyuan Dimai, Yue Xian said goodbye and left.

After observing the environment of the Star Source Earth Vein, Chen Yang entered the small world, took out eternal rice grains and many star stones, and then began to practice.

The small world can communicate with the star energy of the outside world, so Chen Yang can get the assistance of the star source earth veins.

And in his small world, he's perfectly safe.

After entering the state of cultivation, time passes quickly.

Three years have passed by in a blink of an eye.

During this period, Yuexian, Tianhan, and Tao Xiaotong all came to visit the Ice Swimming Spring, but found no trace of Chen Yang and thought he had left.

She mistakenly thought that Chen Yang left Tao Xiaotong without saying goodbye, which made her feel sad.

On this day, Chen Yang finally stopped practicing for three consecutive years. It was not that he achieved his goal, but that the star stone was exhausted.

Because of his cultivation method that does not consider the loss of resources, the consumption of star stones is extremely large.

Thanks to the eternal rice grains and star source earth veins, otherwise the star stone in his hand would not be enough to support his cultivation for a year.

Not to mention that this three-year retreat is the longest he has ever spent in retreat.

Without the Star Stone, the progress of cultivation has slowed down.

Chen Yang was thinking about whether he should get some star stones and come back to continue the retreat.

In the end, he did not leave the small world, but continued to practice.

He has advanced to the ninth level of Heavenly Master. He only needs to take one step further to break through the level and advance to the level of Saint Master.

So, he decided to give it a try.

As soon as he advanced to the level of Saint Master, he would leave seclusion and continue to collect materials, upgrade his spiritual perception compass, and search for Lao Li's spiritual consciousness.

Half a year passed by in a flash.

On this day, Chen Yangxing reached the limit of his ability and began to impact the realm and realize the stars.

Everything will fall into place.

Like the previous times, Chen Yang successfully reached the dark star and stood in front of the castle.

"Here again, are the castle owner known as the 'Demon Emperor' and the 'Book Emperor' who was defeated and then saved by him still in the castle?"

Chen Yang thought to himself, walked over and opened the castle door.

Inside the castle, there are still rows of bookshelves.

An old man in simple clothes was sorting books among the bookshelves walking.

When Chen Yang saw the old man's appearance clearly, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Because this old man is actually the Book Emperor!

"Conquered by the Demon Emperor?"

Chen Yang couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and felt incredible.

According to Lao Li, those who call themselves emperors are all the top strong men in the star sea. Everyone has great abilities and is very arrogant.

But Emperor Shu obviously came to trouble the Demon Emperor, but he became the Demon Emperor's servant. What... is this?

"Lao Gou, where are my books? Why are you arranging them for me again?"

An angry voice came from the stairs. The Demon Emperor, who was not worthy of the title of "Devil Emperor", walked down, slapped the book in his hand on the bookshelf in front of the Book Emperor, and complained: "How many times have I told you, my books are all gone" It's been sorted out well, you don't need to do it."

The Book Emperor bowed slightly, with a very respectful attitude, and said in an orderly manner: "Master, the covers of your books are seriously inconsistent with the contents. I really can't stand it, so I will help you reorganize it. And... the contents of the books are really a bit confusing. Unsightly."

The Demon Emperor said disapprovingly: "Why don't you do that when you give birth to a son?"

The Emperor Shu said calmly: "At least I won't read or draw."

"You don't understand the mystery." The Demon Emperor rolled his eyes and said, "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. Tell me quickly, where did you hide the painting I got from the Painting Emperor?"

The Emperor Shu lowered his head and said: "The Painting Emperor was famous all his life, but he was deceived by you and painted those... shameful paintings. It is simply the shame of his life. Master, don't blame me for talking. You can be willful, but sometimes , and also pay attention to saving some face for others."

"Is face useful?" the Demon Emperor said impatiently: "Tell me quickly, where is my painting? Stop beating around the bush."

The Book Emperor shook his head and advised: "Master Hao Lan will visit tomorrow. He may look through your master's collection of books. Those paintings must not be seen by him. Otherwise, he doesn't know how he will accuse you. So these days, all your I won’t let you find the books.”

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