Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6171 Void Black Hole

"Really?" Tao Xiaotong said thoughtfully, "But I have no idea what to do."

"let it go."

Chen Yang smiled, changed the subject, and asked Tianhan: "How is it, have you seen Yuexian?"

"Not yet." Tianhan shook his head and said: "I have already asked the Northern Army. Ordinary soldiers and generals do not know where Yuexian is currently stationed. They need to ask the regional generals of the Northern Army. .”

Chen Yang said: "Then let's continue to the north. The escaped Chijuan will be handed over to the Yubei Army."

After Tianhan explained to the soldiers of the Northern Army, Chen Yang released the people in the small world and said to the soldiers of the Northern Army: "I ask you to settle these people."

"It should."

The soldiers of the Northern Army had a very high level of ideological consciousness, otherwise they would not have stood firm on the bitter cold ice-covered spine to resist the Chi Chi.

Chen Yang and the others said goodbye and left. The surviving people who stayed behind were all in a state of confusion.

When the avalanche fell, they all thought they would die, but the scene in front of them changed and they suddenly arrived in a vast grassland.

They didn't dare to move and could only wait there quietly.

But soon after, someone brought food, and then built a house for them to settle down, saying what a small world it was.

Five days later, we are now back in the snowfields.

The surviving people had no idea what was going on.

And they had never seen the Imperial Northern Army in front of them.

What happened in the past few days was like a dream.

After Tianhan asked about the route of the Northern Army, they flew slightly north-east to the nearest military camp on the Frozen Spine.

The disciples of Bitter Winter Ridge who guarded the teleportation array previously said that the Imperial Northern Army had dozens of commanders who guarded the Frozen Spine in different areas.

After Tianhan inquired, he learned that the Imperial Northern Army had a total of 326 generals, each of whom was at the level of a ninth-level saint master, and whose combat power was unfathomable.

The leader of the Northern Army was called the Marshal.

The commander-in-chief's realm is the eighth-level star master.

In addition, there are several deputy commanders and several generals, all of whom are in the Star Venerable realm.

It can be said that the overall strength of the Northern Army is very strong.

Even the City on the Clouds and Lingjiu Mountain cannot be compared with it.

Chen Yang could think of only Ku Xuan from Jiyin Palace who could resist the Northern Army.

"I don't know if there are ninth-level star masters in Tiannan Territory and Beiyuan Territory. If not, Ku Xuan is not the most powerful cultivator in the entire Zhonghao Realm, and no one can compete with him."

Chen Yang has traveled almost throughout the Zhonghao Realm and has not heard of the Ninth Level Star Lord other than Ku Xuan, which surprised him.

He always thought that there was someone who could compete with Ku Xuan.

But now it seems that is not the case.

Chen Yang secretly said: "It seems that I underestimated Ku Xuan."

Tianhan continued: "In the north of the Frozen Spine, there are more than one black hole in the void, and Chili will continue to pour out of each hole.

Chijuan has different realms and different strengths.

After they come out of the black hole in the void, they will not go to the north, but will continue to run towards the south, attacking the Frozen Spine.

In the past, chili were all low in IQ, but in the past few hundred years, chili have begun to develop wisdom, and some wise men have emerged among them.

Of course, compared with the IQ of the human race, these wise men are still not high enough, but they are enough to make Chili, who used to be a straggler, develop a certain degree of discipline and strategy.

And with the appearance of some powerful Chili, coupled with the wise man's simple strategy, the Chili's attack on the Frozen Spine finally had an effect, breaking through a gap in the Frozen Spine.

Now the gap has been blocked by the Northern Army, and a large number of the Northern Army are using special artifacts to locate and hunt down the chili scattered throughout the south.

This time the situation is under control, but the power of the Chi Chi is getting stronger and stronger. Although the Frozen Spine has a formation, a Northern Army, and a Star Guard, as time goes on, the threat of the Chi Chi will become more and more serious in the future. The bigger.

Then, maybe the frozen spine will be opened to the second, third... and many more gaps.

They will even break through the frozen ridge and head south in a flat area.

At that time, the entire Beiyuan Territory will fall into the apocalypse of death.

If we want to completely solve the problem, the only way is to destroy all the black holes in the void.

However, even the Ninth Level Star Lord cannot do this.

In the eyes of the Yubei Army, their current resistance may last for thousands or ten thousand years, but one day, Chiji will run rampant in Zhonghao Realm. "

After listening to Tianhan's story, Tao Xiaotong thought of the image of chili eating people, and couldn't help but frown and said: "These creatures should be driven away and killed."

Chen Yang thought: "If you can look at the black hole in the void, maybe... you can think of a solution."

"Do you want to crack the black hole?" Tianhan's face changed slightly and said, "I once heard Mr. Huan mention that the black hole in the void is a natural product of space distortion. Unless you control the powerful space power, it is impossible to change or erase it. Except for black holes.”

"Space power..."

Chen Yang was thoughtful, and suddenly had an idea, and said to Old Li in the sea of ​​consciousness: "Old Li, if I open the door to the small world, then cover the black hole in the void, and pass through it, will the black hole in the void enter the small world? "

"Of course not." Old Li rolled his eyes at Chen Yang and said, "It's not like you don't know such a simple theory. You can put any object or energy into the small world, but a black hole in the void is space and cannot move at all. How can it be Can fit into other spaces.”

"Can't space move?" Chen Yang asked, opening the "Book of Immortals and Demons" and looking for a chapter about space.

Before he could take a few more glances, Old Li said: "It's not that space cannot move. If space is attached to certain objects, then as the objects move, the space will also move. For example, the Najie is also a space inside, but the Najie is also a space. The ring can move, and the space moves with it. But the black hole in the void is born from the main world and cannot move without attachments."

Chen Yang thought about it: "If we make some changes in the way of refining the Najie, and exchange the space where the black hole in the void is with the Najie space, then..."

"Stop it." Lao Li interrupted Chen Yang and said: "The theory of local space exchange is correct, but it involves more complex and higher-level space capabilities. Not to mention you, there is no one in the entire Zhonghao world can do it."

Chen Yang frowned and said, "Then how can we deal with the endless stream of chili?"

Lao Li smiled and said: "It's actually very simple. Just plug up the black hole in the void."

"Block it up?"

Chen Yang looked at Old Li sitting on the page of the Dao Code in surprise, and said: "If they could block the black hole in space, they would have done so long ago."

Lao Li disagreed: "There are many things in this world that you can do but others cannot."

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