Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6168 Powerless

Tao Xiaotong's sight was obscured by the flying snow and ice, but her soul could sense that the avalanche was speeding up.

Within thirty seconds, those innocent people would be submerged in the white snow and killed by the direct collision.

A flash of clarity appeared in Tao Xiaotong's scarlet eyes, but they were quickly covered by bloodshot eyes, and his whole person exuded a fierce aura.


Before Tao Xiaotong could take action, Chijuan had already launched an attack and punched her.

Star energy flashes on Chijuan's fist. Chijuan, who obviously has not practiced the Star Technique, is born with powerful star energy. This is the advantage of this strange race.

Tao Xiaotong did not give in. She held the Zimu Sword and resisted with all her strength.

However, she was unable to resist the third level holy master's attack.


The Zimu Sword was knocked away by the fist, and the huge force of the fist hit Tao Xiaotong's arms. The sound of fractures was heard, and she flew backwards, blood spurting out from her mouth.

Boom, boom, boom...

Tao Xiaotong crashed through the igloos one after another and flew to the area outside the village, rolling on the ground but not stopping yet.

She was motionless, as if she had passed out.

Finally, a thousand meters away, she stopped. Her whole body fell into the snow and was quickly submerged by the heavy snow.

Facing the third level Saint Master, even though she was extremely talented, it was difficult for her to cross the many gaps and defeat the opponent.

The Chiji glanced at the panicked villagers in the distance, then withdrew their gaze and ran on the snow, chasing Tao Xiaotong.

In their eyes, the quality of this food is a thousand or ten thousand times higher than that of the human race covered by the avalanche combined.


Suddenly, Tao Xiaotong, who had been buried in the heavy snow, suddenly flew up from the snow.

She ignored the chasing chili and chose to go around and fly towards the crowd in the distance.

The dozens of surviving villagers must be saved no matter what.

This is what she was thinking.

Unfortunately, Chi Gu would not let him have his wish.

Seeing that her vitality was so strong, this time two Chijuans with the strength of a third-level Saint Master attacked her at the same time.

The other Chi Gu surrounded the battle circle and did not give Tao Xiaotong a chance to escape.


Chi Guan punched Tao Xiaotong again, causing Tao Xiaotong to fall downwards. He fell into the snow, then shattered the ice at the bottom and continued to sink.

The chilies looked at the human-shaped holes on the ground, their eyes filled with desire for food.

But soon, their eyes became surprised, and then they simultaneously moved from the hole in the ground to the west.

There is nothing on the ground, but that doesn't mean that nothing is happening under the snow.

At this moment, Tao Xiaotong was advancing rapidly in the snow.

This human vitality is terrifyingly powerful!


The chili roared angrily, and they all burrowed into the snow, chasing Tao Xiaotong.

The snow exploded, and ice cubes and flying snow flew up.

Tao Xiaotong was hit in the ice and snow. The figure soared from under the snow, drew an arc, and fell on a roof in the village. It was Tao Xiaotong.

Tao Xiaotong was covered in blood and scarred. The raging demonic energy had dissipated. He was very weak and unable to move. He could only open his eyes slightly.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Black shadows shot out from under the snow and landed on the roofs around Tao Xiaotong.

These ferocious tigers all looked at Tao Xiaotong eagerly.

When they discovered that Tao Xiaotong was still alive, their eyes became excited and greedy, because living food is more delicious than dead food.

But Tao Xiaotong didn't pay attention to the chili around her, her eyes were fixed on the west.

There, an avalanche was attacking the villagers.

However, as long as she could fly and cross Chili's defense line, she would have enough time to save the villagers.

But now, she couldn't even move.

What else can be done?


A chili screamed at Tao Xiaotong, and the magma saliva spurted out from its bloody mouth. It splashed on the back of Tao Xiaotong's hand and pierced her palm. She was in terrible pain, but her fingers only trembled and could not move an inch.

At this moment, Tao Xiaotong's eyes were still staring at the villagers in the distance.

She wanted to save people and save more people.

However, even though she had killed more than twenty Chiji, she had not saved a single living person.

This made her blame herself, unwilling and angry.

The Chiji seemed to see Tao Xiaotong's determination to save people. One of the Chiji roared, suddenly turned around and ran towards the people in the distance.

Tao Xiaotong understood what Chi Kuan meant. These ogres wanted to anger and tease her by killing people.


Tao Xiaotong wanted to shout, but she only made a dying sound, as if she would die in the next moment.

The chili grinned, as if they were laughing, laughing at Tao Xiaotong's incompetence and humbleness.

They did not pounce on Tao Xiaotong and eat them. These vicious creatures with low IQs were enjoying some kind of fun at the moment.

Human pain and struggle are, in their eyes, a "performance".

Watching this kind of performance gives them spiritual satisfaction that is no worse than food.

These tigers are monsters and demons.


Tao Xiaotong shouted again. She was obviously extremely weak, but this time her voice was a bit louder than before.

The star energy and demonic energy in her body were also eager to take action, appearing faintly on the surface of her body, but soon disappeared and seemed to be unsustainable.

"Hiss, hiss..."

A low sound came from the throat of the chili. This is the way they laugh. The weird laughter is like the friction of a wooden door, which makes people's scalp numb.

Chi Gu, who was chasing the villagers, arrived in an instant and punched a young man to pieces.

Now, Chili has lost interest in these ordinary foods, and it doesn't matter if he dies.

Its purpose is to anger Tao Xiaotong, which is fun.


Tao Xiaotong shouted, her aura was fuller and stronger than before, and the fluctuations of star energy and demonic energy also became very violent.

Wisps of bright red blood spread in her eye sockets, and then filled them like spider webs.

The terrifying demonic energy spread out, covering her whole body. Only the outline of her face could be seen through the thin black demonic aura.

However, she still didn't move.

The six Chi Chi who stared at her had a look of horror in their eyes. They had experienced the war in the Frozen Spine and had met many human beings, but they had never seen such a tenacious warrior.

However, her energy was too weak and she couldn't even move.

In the distance, Chi Chi kills people, it’s too simple.

But it deliberately used full speed and watched the villagers flee in panic.

However, even if Chijuan doesn't kill them, can they escape the impact of the avalanche?

"Hiss, hiss..."

Chi Gu laughed, his laughter was strange.

Its two hands opened and caught two fleeing villagers.

A child and a girl in her mid-twenties.

Chili seems to be particularly interested in women and children.

It didn't want to kill them just like that, so it opened its big mouth with jagged fangs and bit down on the child it was holding in its left hand.


A shocking roar sounded, it was Tao Xiaotong who made it.

However, she did not appear in front of Chi Gu and save the child and girl.

She was helpless.

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