Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6141 Ice Origin Tree Father

The blue vortex that releases the power of ice has existed for nearly ten thousand years, tirelessly nurturing the Frost Giants and providing energy to the newly born Frost Giants to help them grow.

But over the years, it has only given birth to frost giants, but never a human.

Suddenly, someone jumped out of the blue vortex. Li Zhong, the patriarch who had lived for thousands of years, had confusion in his eyes. He didn't know what was happening.

"Someone teleported here." Chen Yang muttered.

Hearing this, the frost giants who had already formed their habitual thinking suddenly understood what was going on.

But this matter is still strange. Why was someone teleporting out of the vortex that no one had ever teleported to at this time? Could it have something to do with Chen Yang's arrival?

Chen Yang raised his head and looked at the figure paused in the air. Because ice crystals were flying around the man, it was difficult to see his face clearly for a while.

But when the ice crystals converged, Chen Yang was suddenly shocked and said: "Li Xu, why is it you?!"

Hearing the sound, Li Xu, who had just arrived, turned around and looked over. She was even more surprised than Chen Yang when she saw Chen Yang being "trapped" in the palm of the frost giant.

Then, her eyes darkened, and she looked at Li Zhong warily, thinking that Li Zhong had captured Chen Yang, and said in a deep voice: "Let him go."

Seeing that Chen Yang and Li Xu knew each other, Li Zhong and the other Frost Giants became more certain that Li Xu's Chen Yang was related, but what was their purpose?

"Don't get me wrong, he is protecting me. On the surface, I am frozen by the power of ice." Chen Yang explained to Li Xu.

Li Xu understood, the vigilance in his eyes disappeared, he looked around and exclaimed: "I didn't expect that the stolen ice power actually gave birth to so many frost giants."

Chen Yang said in surprise: "Don't tell me that on the other side of this portal is the dark ice habitat where the Nado Ice Elf clan is located, and the strong ice power that has overflowed for nearly ten thousand years belongs to you Ice Elves. From the clan?”

"That's right." Li Xu nodded readily.

In fact, because the ice elves and frost giants were both born in extremely cold places, most of the time, these two races coexist.

Because the ice elves are gentle and kind, they easily accept the frost giants and teach them knowledge.

Frost giants are simple-minded and are very happy to coexist with the ice elves and live a peaceful and simple life.

Therefore, although Li Xu's answer was unexpected to Chen Yang, it was not too surprising.

The frost giants next to them were already confused.

Chen Yang continued to ask Li Xu: "What is going on with this portal and the overflow of ice cold power?"

Li Xu saw that the Frost Giant on the ground had no ill intentions, so she stopped preparing for battle, flew down in front of Li Zhong, and explained to Chen Yang:

"Many years ago, the humans in the Death Desert launched an attack on the ice elves and wanted to destroy us. I mentioned to you before that in order to survive, I had to seal my memory and power and let my spiritual mind reincarnate.

At that time, in order to protect the entire Nado Ice Elf clan, we inspired the power of the Ice Origin Tree and were able to resist the humans. Although the Nado tribe has continued, the Ice Origin Tree has been damaged.

We continue to repair the Ice Tree. Now that the Ice Tree has finally grown, we discovered that a black hole has appeared in the trunk of the Ice Tree. The distortion of space has brought the ice-cold power of the Ice Tree to other places. place.

Only then did we understand why it took many years for the Ice Origin Tree to recover.

We tried to repair the black hole, but were unable to do anything, so after discussion, we decided to investigate the other end of the black hole and seal the space exit at the other end.

In this way, the black hole in the trunk of the Ice Source Tree will also disappear, and the power of ice will no longer flow away. "

Chen Yang thought for a moment, looked down at Li Xu standing on the ground, and said, "Aren't you afraid that after you pass through the black hole, you fall into the void and cannot return to the real world? Moreover, the space distortion caused by the black hole is very likely to Tearing your body apart? Besides, even if you get to the other side, aren't you afraid of being in danger?"

Li Xu's expression remained calm, and he said calmly: "There are many possible crises, but for the sake of the Nado Ice Elf Tribe, someone must stand up. I am the princess, and this responsibility should be borne by me."

"I suddenly admire you." Chen Yang smiled.

Li Xu asked: "I would like to know why you are here?"

Chen Yang briefly explained the situation, and Li Xu couldn't help but frown and said: "The human race here is too selfish, why don't they let the frost giants leave the Bingyun Mountains? Moreover, they have no right to decide the freedom of the frost giants."

As soon as these words came out of his mouth, the Frost Giant had a good impression of Li Xu.

Moreover, Li Zhong and others could see that their birth still relied on someone else's Ice Origin Tree.

Otherwise, of the thousands of Frost Giants present, there was not a single one.

But it seems that Li Xu's intention is to block the vortex-shaped portal. In that case, this frost giant tribe will no longer breed new frost giants.

If they were frost giants who did not form an intelligent or ethnic group at the beginning, they would not care about the population of the ethnic group.

But now, Li Zhong and all the frost giants had to worry.

Li Zhong hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward and said to Li Xu: "Your Highness the Princess, may I request to keep this Whirlpool Gate?"

Li Xu looked up at Li Zhong, frowned slightly, shook his head and said, "Sorry, the space distortion caused the energy loss of the Ice Origin Tree, and I have to solve this problem."

"But..." Li Zhong was silent for a moment and said, "The master of the Ice Elf Tribe promised us that we could rely on this portal for ten thousand years."

"Sir?" Li Xu raised his eyebrows and asked in confusion: "Who is it?"

Li Zhong said: "I don't know his name. He also came out of this Whirlpool Gate. He taught us language, writing and other knowledge, and gave us names to help us unite the clan. After that, he Just left.”

Chen Yang said to Li Xu, "Could he be the ancestor of your Nado Ice Elf clan?"

"No one can decide how to use the energy of the Ice Origin Tree, unless... it's my father."

There was hope in Li Xu's eyes, and the cold air around his body condensed, transforming into an ice sculpture that looked like a human face, lifelike.

"That's my lord."

Before Li Xu asked, Li Zhong's eyes lit up and he bowed respectfully to the statue, obviously respecting it very much.

Seeing this, Li Xu said excitedly: "Chief, I think the person you saw is my father. Do you know where he went?"

"He went to the north, as if to explore something." Li Zhong looked north and said, "He said that he should come back within a hundred years, but now more than 8,700 years have passed."

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