Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6120 Ice wall blockade

Li Xu's offensive posture and revengeful momentum, Chen Yang had to admit that he was heroic and admirable.

But there was nothing he could do to connect Li Xu with the jealous and arrogant woman he once was.

Perhaps, Li Xu really changed as a person.


With a loud noise, Li Xu swung out his swords, and two huge icicles landed, covering all the people of the Yutian Sect under the attack.

Wei Yan Linghe was too busy taking care of himself that he had no time to protect Yan Junke and others.

When the icicles fell, Wei Yanlinghe held a spear and broke through the ice, while everyone else was killed by the icicles.

Because of the strong force of ice, Yan Junke and others were frozen at the moment of death, so their bodies did not show any injuries and no blood flowed out.

However, when the icicles pressed them to the ground, the violent impact caused the ice crystals that froze them to shatter.

At the same time, they all turned into pieces of broken ice.

Just before Li Xu appeared, none of them expected that they would end up like this.

"I, Yu Tianzong, are we really being bullied?"

Seeing that Yan Junke and others were dead, Wei Yanlinghe thought about the last time he was at the Yingmian ruins, where the entire army was wiped out and he was the only one left alive. He felt very aggrieved.

He stared at Li Xu fiercely, waved the spear in his hand and took the initiative to attack, shouting: "I want to see how capable you are."

Suddenly, Li Xu and Wei Yan Linghe were in a head-on confrontation.

"Who is this powerful woman?"

Tao Rong looked at the fierce battle in the air and asked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang explained: "She was originally a disciple of the Bayin Pavilion, but now she has become the princess of the Nado Ice Elf Tribe. And her strength has also improved tremendously. I don't know what happened."

Tao Rong said: "She is very strong. She can confront Wei Yan Linghe head-on, and she can still take care of our safety."

Several members of Team 42 looked at Li Xu with awe.

The powerful strength convinced them.

At this moment, Chen Yang was still filled with questions.

He glanced at the elves next to him and asked, "Friend, I want to ask, how did Li Xu become your princess?"

The elves were stunned for a moment and said, "She is our princess. Isn't this strange?"


Chen Yang was startled and was about to continue asking when suddenly a loud noise came and the entire underground space shook violently.

He looked at the battle situation, but it was Wei Yanlinghe who shot out a terrifying force and drove Li Xu back.

In the past, Chen Yang hated Li Xu, but now he was very worried about Li Xu.

The disgust subsided not only because Li Xu protected them, but also because... this person was not Li Xu at all.

Chen Yang observed the battle situation. Wei Yanlinghe apparently used some secret method to activate stronger power and fight Li Xu head-on without falling into a disadvantage.

However, although Li Xu was repulsed, he immediately attacked and his performance was even more amazing. He was very calm and still very at ease.

Not long after, she had the absolute upper hand and suppressed Wei Yan Linghe.

But judging from the current battle situation, it is not that easy for her to kill Wei Yan Linghe.

At first, Wei Yanlinghe had the idea of ​​killing Li Xu, but as the battle progressed, he found that this was impossible, so he changed his plan and planned to kidnap Chen Yang.

However, he could not break through Li Xu's sword net at all. As soon as he got close to Chen Yang, he was forced to retreat.

And because his main target was Chen Yang, he couldn't focus on resisting Li Xu's attack, and the disadvantage became even more obvious.

If this continues, sooner or later he will be restrained, and even if he does not die, he will be seriously injured.


Wei Yan Linghe cursed angrily, and although he was unwilling to do so, he decided to give up the operation and leave this place.

He tried his best to push back Li Xu, and then suddenly galloped towards the rear.

Li Xu chased after him without hesitation. She would never let go of the murderer who killed her clan members.

Although Li Xu controlled ice-attributed power, she was incredibly fast and almost instantly caught up with Wei Yan Linghe and intercepted him.

"Crazy bitch, do you want to die together?"

Wei Yan Linghe roared angrily. He had traveled across the West Pole Continent for many years, and he had never felt so aggrieved as he had recently.

When he was at the Yingmian Ruins before, even if he faced two night demons, he asked himself whether he could handle it and escape.

But Li Xu chased him to death, almost forcing him to a dead end.

"Kill and pay with life."

Li Xu said lightly, there was no strong attack, but the two swords swept in a circle. The ice crystals scattered and condensed into a huge ice wall space, covering both her and Wei Yan Linghe.

"Want to block me?"

Wei Yan Linghe gritted his teeth and tried his best to attack the ice wall. He did not believe that the ice wall Li Xu released casually could actually block his attack.

But this is indeed the case. Although his attack caused damage to the ice wall, it was unable to penetrate it.

Moreover, the damaged parts will condense new ice crystals in an instant, leaving the ice wall intact.

"what happened?"

Wei Yan Linghe was shocked. He believed that unless he was Xing Zun, no matter how powerful the ninth level holy master was, he would not be able to create an ice wall that could block him with just a swing of his sword.

Li Xu didn't give him time to think, and attacked with his sword.

The two of them fought fiercely head-on again. Although Wei Yanlinghe said "we will both die together", he would never blow himself up until the last moment.

Even if there is a slight possibility of escape, he will not give up.

What's more, they are obviously cultivators of the same level, so why is the other party stronger?

"This ice wall condenses instantly, and its defensive power is amazing. It's incredible!"

Tao Rong looked at the ice wall and exclaimed.

Chen Yang pointed to the ground and said in admiration: "Li Xu had long expected that the opponent might escape. During the battle just now, she secretly left runes on the ground and then activated them with ice attribute energy. Otherwise, a simple ice wall , still can’t stop Wei Yan Linghe.”

After hearing this, everyone knew what was going on. This was not only strength, but also wisdom. They admired Li Xu even more.

Wei Yan Linghe fell into a disadvantage, retreated steadily, and was seriously injured.

Seeing that if he continued to fight like this, he would only be killed. Although he was unwilling to die like this, he gritted his teeth and made the decision to self-destruct.

Even if he died, he would still have someone to support him.

Wei Yan Linghe rushed towards Li Xu, the star energy in his body fluctuated unsteadily, and roared: "You forced me! If you want to die, let's die together!"

Before Wei Yan Linghe could self-destruct, suddenly, cracks appeared in the ice wall that blocked the battle area, and then huge ice blocks fell to the ground, and the ice wall collapsed with a loud rumbling sound.

"what happened?"

Wei Yanlinghe didn't expect such a turn of events, with a look of surprise on his face, he quickly stabilized the energy in his body, and escaped far away while the ice cubes were flying around.

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