Urban magic doctor

Chapter 608 Sect Alliance

Downstairs in the hotel, when Chen Yang and others went upstairs, the security captain Watanabe stood up quickly, touched the cheek where Chen Yang had slapped him, and his fingers directly touched his teeth.

He looked at the faces of several other people and knew that his face must have been beaten to pieces just like them.

Watanabe was about to cry and shouted to the waiter in the hotel: "Quick, call an ambulance."

The waiter quickly called an ambulance, and all the injured security guards were sent to the hospital.

After receiving the treatment, Watanabe felt depressed.

Originally, the hotel was operating normally, but this time the big boss came down for inspection and suddenly issued an order that "Huajin people are not allowed to enter", and even the Huajin people who had already checked in were kicked out of the hotel.

Since the big boss has spoken, of course he will strictly implement it. Who would have thought that he would encounter a tough opponent like Chen Yang.

But he is not worried. The big boss is one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Nikaidang Gym. How could he be afraid of a young man from Huajin Kingdom?

You must know that Nikaido Gym originated from Nikaido Pingfa Kendo. Since its development, it has become one of the strongest martial arts gyms in Nicai Kingdom. It has many apprentices and strong strength. Many famous martial arts masters in Nicai Kingdom all came from Nikaido Gymnasium. Coming out of Jie Tang Gym.

Therefore, Watanabe is full of confidence in the big boss.

It just so happens that the big boss Jie Koulong is in Qiucun. He is a racing enthusiast and he is here to participate in the "Qiucun Drift" event.

It was probably the hotel manager who informed the boss. Half an hour later, Jie Koulong arrived at the hospital with his troops.

Jie Koulong is a forty-two-year-old middle-aged man. He is a bit short but has a strong build and fierce eyes.

After listening to Watanabe's story, Jie Koulong was so angry that he threw the vase on the bedside and cursed: "The ants from the Huajin Kingdom dare to run wild in our territory of the Great Nicai Kingdom. I must make them pay." A heavy price to pay.”

"Mr. Long, that man knows kung fu." Watanabe reminded.

Jie Koulong said coldly: "So what if he knows kung fu? I still don't believe that he can fight a hundred people by himself? What's more, is my Nikaidang Gym a vegetarian?"

After saying that, he turned around and walked out.

After leaving the hospital, Jie Koulong got in the car, lowered the window, and said to his men standing outside: "Song Zi, call a hundred people and go to the hotel to arrest that person. By the way, the security guard just said there was a beautiful woman. Stay with her and don’t hurt that beauty.”


Songzi responded and immediately contacted the troops.

Jie Koulong left in a car. He had a villa in Qiucun, and there was a distinguished guest who needed him to receive him there today.

He had previously asked the hotel to refuse to receive people from Huajin country just to please this distinguished guest.

Moreover, this distinguished guest likes women. If the woman from Hua Jin Kingdom is really beautiful, he decided to dedicate her to the distinguished guest.

Songzi watched the vehicle go away, then took out his phone and started to contact the people.

One hundred people was not too many for the huge Nikaido Gym.

Half an hour later, more than a dozen MPVs parked in a row downstairs of the hotel. Before anyone got out of the car, they attracted the attention of those around them.

Men wearing black suits and sunglasses got out of the car one after another, with expressionless faces. There were hundreds of people gathered together, and the momentum was extraordinary.

Seeing this formation, everyone around them walked around and no one dared to approach.

"What is this for? Who are these people?"

"I recognize the leader. He is the right-hand man of Nikaido Gym's Four Heavenly King Jie Kou Long. His name is Song Zi Shou. This hotel belongs to Jie Kou Long. It seems that Song Zi Shou brought people here to deal with those who were beaten. A security guard from Huajin."

"These are members of the Nikaido Gym, they are real warriors. That Kung Fu native from Hanajin is dead."

The crowd watched from a distance and talked about it.

Among them, some people from the Huajin Kingdom were shocked when they heard this. They wanted to tip off Chen Yang, but they didn't have his phone number.

As for reporting the news into the hotel, looking at the Nikaido gym members blocking the door, I'm afraid they can't get in at the moment.

The leader, Songzi Shou, walked towards the hotel. The girl at the front desk recognized him and immediately stood up and said: "Hello, Mr. Songzi."

Song Zishou asked: "Which room is the Huajin people who are causing trouble?"

"1205 to 1207."

After listening to the girl at the front desk, Songzi immediately took people upstairs.

When they arrived on the 12th floor, Songzi was not in a hurry to knock on the door. He was very cautious and waited until everyone else came up by the elevator before he took the people to knock on room 1205.

At this time, Chen Yang was practicing in the house, and Nie Yichen was still sleeping.

Of course, this is a suite and the two of them sleep in different rooms.

Chen Yang heard the knock on the door and went over to open it. He saw the dark crowd outside at a glance. He raised his eyebrows and thought to himself: "There are many warriors. It seems that this time I can play with the Nicai martial arts world."

"Kick him to death!"

When Song Zishou saw Chen Yang, he shouted, pulled out the machete hidden in his clothes, and slashed at Chen Yang.

But before the knife fell, Chen Yang kicked him out and lay in the corridor, vomiting blood.

The members of the Nikaido Gym outside were all shocked. They didn't expect Chen Yang's kick to be so violent.

"Don't disturb the little follower's sleep."

Chen Yang walked out of the room, closed the door, and looked to the left, only to see a dark crowd of people crowding the corridor.

However, there was no one on the right side of the corridor. They all came from the elevator on the left.


No one knew who shouted, and members of the Nikaidang Gym rushed towards Chen Yang.

With a sneer on his lips, Chen Yang grabbed the machete that Song Zishou had dropped on the ground and rushed towards the crowd in front.

Although there are many people on the other side, to him, they are no more than ants and can crush a large area with one foot.

Wherever he passed, blood splattered, and no one could stop his knife.

One minute later, out of a hundred people on the other side, only a dozen were still standing.

And the remaining dozen or so people were all frightened to death. The man from Huajin Kingdom in front of them was not a human being, he was simply a shikigami harvesting lives.

These dozen people crowded at the door of the elevator and kept pressing the buttons. It was the first time that they felt that the elevator was so slow. They were racing against death.

Chen Yang walked towards them, ding dong, the elevator has arrived.

More than a dozen people poured into the elevator. Unexpectedly, it was overloaded.

The person on the outside was kicked out of the elevator mercilessly by the people inside and fell to the ground.

The people in the elevator quickly pressed the door closing button, and the elevator door was about to close. In an instant, there was a beep, indicating that it was overloaded, and there was an extra person in the elevator.

The elevator door, which was closed with only a palm-wide gap left, opened again because it was overloaded.

When the elevator door was fully opened, all the Nikaidang Gym members inside had been chopped to the ground by Chen Yang.

He walked out of the elevator, and the Nikaido gym member who was kicked out of the elevator looked at him and suddenly fainted from fear.

Chen Yang showed no mercy and slashed the man's hand with his knife, causing the man to wake up from the pain.

"Ah! Spare my life, spare my life!"

"Who asked you to come? Where is he now?"

PS: Book club 188631860, welcome everyone to join!

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